
Comments by big_d_2011 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Xmas question
    Family obligations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so it is a no for me on those days. But I will be visiting a few places since I have some time off between now and the New Year.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Anonymous Christmas Greetings
    This time of year I would go with option E.
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    breaking up, making up and ending the ATF
    Hang in there Juice. Nothing a trip to another club won't cure!
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    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Tangential Motivations
    When I go to the club, I want one thing. If I am watching the TV it is because I either don't have an interest in the particular dancer on stage or talking to me, or I am being ignored by the others.
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    12 years ago
    He should just stuck to clubbing
    If he is a Teacher, why in the world would be be surfing around at school? And does the school not have some kind of filter to block that? I mean it is not like he hurt anyone but most companies and I would imagine schools have rules about browsing and if you violate those rules you can be terminated.
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    12 years ago
    Dress code.
    As a rookie, I would wear slacks and a button up thinking it would get me more attention. The I realized I can make the same impression through tipping and enjoy the dances so much more. Dancers like it too! I never wear a watch either.
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    12 years ago
    Dress code.
    I have worn everything from slacks and dress shirt to jeans, to shorts etc... Right now I wear athletic pants and a t shirt. Once I tip, it does not matter if I am not dressed as nice and the dancers talk about how much more comfortable the shorts are pants are compared to jeans or khakis.
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    12 years ago
    Paying LD
    If I am getting a dance, I expect attention. I want her to focus on me and making me happy. Her job is to earn money and it is common sense that the more respect and attention you show, the more you are going to make. I am not cheap and I always tip after the dances. I understand the game and I am not looking for something other than getting away and relaxing with beautiful half naked/naked women. As a dancer, your job is to make me happy. If you make me happy then I will make you happy by paying you very well. If I feel like I have been robbed, then I will pay you what you are owed, nothing more and I will tell others who may visit the club who to avoid.
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    12 years ago
    Best club
    I tend to look at a few factors as mentioned above. As far as best atmosphere it can be hit or miss. I loved going to the Masters Club in Myrtle Beach when it was packed but I also like going to Heartbreakers or Platinum Plus when it is not crowded. The Masters had the hottest girls but the dances were not as good as what I've gotten at Platinum or Heartbreakers. Platinum Plus in Columbia has been my favorite conserving all factors but my best dance was at Heartbreakers. Without a doubt the worst I've been to is Flashers in Atlanta. It was a party and I saw a girl girl show, but in terms of talent and appearance it was not good.
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    12 years ago
    To Dress or Not to Dress
    Simple answer is No. I have worn everything from a shirt and tie to athletic shorts. Once they notice you tipping or buying dances, you are going to get attention most of the time. Of course there are those days when you could be flashing a Rolex and the girls just don't work the crowd!
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    12 years ago
    "So, what do you do?"
    If I know I am out of town I will tel them the truth. I turn it around sometimes and ask them what they think I do. Other times I will say that we can talk about anything but my job. What is weird is that I will tell them my real name but not my job.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One bad lap dance that sticks out in your mind
    Worst dance I have had was from a dancer at PP in Columbia. I made the mistake of buying a pitty dance because she seemed nice enough and gave a great stage show. We get back to the back, it is halfway through the first song and she starts. I should have stopped her right then (I learned from this and have not made the same mistake since). She gives me a mostly air dance with a little grind for a minute and a half and the song stops. Then she says it will be $10 for massage my neck and $20 for the dance plus a huge tip. I laughed gave for $30 without saying a word and I warned the other guys in the club about her tricks. Needless to say, I did not see her give another dance the next two hours I was there and she stayed on the other side of the room. By far my worst. I have never had a dancer ask for money for a neck massage. Live and learn though. This was about 6 months ago, but if you are at PP in Columbia avoid Jersey!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    I have had girls tell me those things and provide very good mileage without me making a move during a dance. I have also had some that would not give me the time of day because they did not think I had money. Really just depends on the girl. But overall, Cash will trump Looks pretty much any day!
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    12 years ago
    Mileage at Platinum in Greenville?
    Pretty much the same and of course it depends on the girl. To be honest I have had higher mileage at Greenville than Columbia.
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    12 years ago
    Rules of Clubbing
    1. Set a spending limit....Cash only! That is pretty much it.
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    12 years ago
    Lap Dance Marketing
    I am the type that will not approach a dancer(not counting stage tipping), she should come to me and sit down and talk. Honestly, if she is EXACTLY what I am looking for, the wanna dance line has worked. The ones that tend to spend the most mone on are great at making me feel comfortable and at least making me feel like we have some type of connection. I have found that the less attractive dancers have been very hands on about trying to get a dance. If I am interested, great sales technique.....if I am not, it is a turnoff because the dancer is not taking a hint. A girl who takes the time to get to know me has a better chance of getting my money, no matter how hands on she is. Usually I have a type though, and her sales pitch may not even matter. Just don't bug me and she will have a good chance.
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    12 years ago
    How often do you visit the strip clubs?
    Depends on my schedule. I have gone three times in a week. On the other side I have been absent for up to 3 months. I usually visit more in the Spring and Summer. Averages out to about once a month.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    You tip a dancer, tell her you're interested in a dance and she still does NOT s
    I have wondered this as well. Most of the time it seems that the girls have been with a regular. There have been a few times where she just went to the Bar or went to sit with other girls. I just waited until someone else I liked came by and they earned my money! I am a fairly attractive guy so I know it is not my appearance or hygiene. It is just the mood of the girl. It can be frustrated but I just move on to the next one...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Charlott, NC vs. Columbia, SC
    I recently met a dancer from NC who works at PP in Columbia. She said she moved to Columbia from NC because she felt she could earn more money in Columbia since customers were allowed to get away with more touching. I have never been to a Charlotte club but she brought the subject up and mentioned about guys not wanting to pay if they can't touch. Who knows how truthful she is but she brought the subject up and I have no reason not to believe her.
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    13 years ago
    South Carolina
    Myrtle Beach Clubs
    I have been to the Masters 3 times and a lot fore to Platinum. I will say that the times I have been to the Masters the Quality of Girls was great but the mileage was not nearly as much. I did not do a VIP though. But as far as a regular lap dance, the girls are very attractive overall but you will not get what you get at Platinum. AT least not from my experiences.
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    13 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
    I prefer for her to approach me. I will let them know I am interested by either tipping or giving heavy eye contact but I don't approach them. I don't care if it is a 10, if they don't approach me, I will just spend my money on someone else.
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    13 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How Long Should a Lap Dance Last ?
    From my rookie experience, 3-4 minutes seems to be the average. My favorite at the moment became my favorite when I received my first dance from her and she felt the DJ had cheated during the last song (was during a 2 for 1) and she kept grinding for another minute once the music stopped. I informed her that the second song had finished and she said "You were cheated and I am going to make it up to you". Maybe she was just working for an extra tip, but I have had dances before where even if I felt cheated on time, they just stopped. She made a good business decision and I have been a return customer for her.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Customers: Questions To Avoid
    Some of those may be offending to a dancer but I have not met a single one who does not talk about their kids. 99% have volunteered that information and will talk non stop about them. Never had a dancer get upset about sexual questions either. They get asked for Sex pretty much every single day so they are used to it.
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    12 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    This is my experience with point #2 on your list. What is frustrating to me is when you go to a Club and girls would rather sit at the bar or a table instead of trying to get a dance from you. At the time I went there were about 4 or 5 ladies working but they had not started working the stage just yet so they were all on the floor. I was there for two hours and not a single one stopped by. Now granted a few of them I did not want to stop by but I made heavy eye contact with a blonde, she walked to my area, surveyed the room and just walked right to a table and sat down. After this I just got up and left. Sometimes I will get a dance just to prove a point to other dancers. If I don't want a dance at the moment, do not call me a cheap MF because that is not the case. When a dancer gets rude, I see the first girl around or on stage and either tip or ask to go to the back just to prove a point. Yesterday I left with $300 all because they would not approach me. Sometimes we are not going after the "dumb bimbo" type, we are just trying to prove a point because nobody else would approach us. I am in the early 30's, always clean cut and not a bad looking guy at all. I guess some people just do not want to approach somewhat younger guys because they do not think we have money. I am not going to the Champagne room but I easily spend $300 on my trips.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part III
    Another Great Article!