
He should just stuck to clubbing

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Walled Lake Western High School teacher fired after accidentally projecting web browser history with porn sites


The Walled Lake Consolidated School District's superintendent says a Walled Lake Western High School teacher has been fired after students reported he projected his web browser history, which contained pornographic websites, in class.

The school district says the projection was accidental.

"We hold staff members to high standards of accountability. When allegations surface, we follow our policies and engage in providing appropriate due process prior to taking action for any individual in question. When situations like this arise, the District has an obligation to do a thorough investigation," Superintendent Kenneth Gutman wrote in a letter to parents and staff on Wednesday. "Immediately upon learning about this, Walled Lake Schools put the employee on administrative leave. The District takes these kinds of allegations seriously."

The teacher had been placed on leave since the incident was reported to the high school's principal this past week.

"Our children are our priority in Walled Lake Schools, and we appreciate your support," Gutman wrote


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Avatar for Experimental

That seems like overkill a bit, firing him for looking at porn sites. But schools, govt offices, some private companies have very strict internet policies and a violation equals termination.

I personally don't see any problem with the situation unless it was kids porn or something.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

It appears that what his students saw wasn't even actual porn--just the titles was porn websites.

Avatar for Alucard

If you are using a Company Computer, they dictate what you can do with the Computer &/or Internet connection. Those are the rules with companies.

Avatar for lopaw

In many places that kind of thing is grounds for termination. You can't help but feel sorry for the guy....that really was a stupid & silly mistake but it probably cost him his career.

Avatar for jester214

Dick move by the students, but his own fault.

Avatar for canny

Stupidity on his part. What part of, "it's your employer's computer, not yours" is hard to understand? If I get caught browsing porn on my employer's computer I'll get fired too, and I don't work for a school district. That guy was using our tax money instead of his own. Sorry, no sympathy.

Avatar for jester214

It doesn't say it was the employers computer, I think it matters more that he the kids saw it.

Avatar for mjx01

Surfing porn at work is beyond stupid. It's just begging for trouble/termination.

However... what dumb ass technologically illiterate high school (or employer) doesn't have a 'net nanny' program installed on every computer in the school to keep the students (or employees) from trolling porn site?

Avatar for Rod84

Yes, the lesson is to always use two computers. One is your business machine and only that. The other is a personal machine to clutter up with what one chooses. I use Google Chrome which shows images of a half-dozen of my most frequently visited sites. Of course, TUSCL is there, along with TER and Heaven666. So officially half my online life involves porn in one way or another. I'm doomed to hell I guess...

Avatar for TortillaChip

Canny, just wondering...I know many people in the military use their computers to surf porn. My buddies send me naked hotgirl pics right from their navy and army accounts. You wanna fire them too, using your tax dollars so flippantly and such? hmm?

Avatar for motorhead

Porn on military computers....now that's a good idea

While Pvt. Willie Santiago is supposed to be monitoring the skies from his listening post in Mooseass, Alaskan station, he's jerking off to "Halloween 25: Michael gets a blowjob" as 4 North Korean ICBMs coming screaming towards Seattle.

Avatar for big_d_2011

If he is a Teacher, why in the world would be be surfing around at school? And does the school not have some kind of filter to block that? I mean it is not like he hurt anyone but most companies and I would imagine schools have rules about browsing and if you violate those rules you can be terminated.

Avatar for canny

@TortillaChip, yes. The rules should be the same for everyone. Using your employer's account to send porn is s big no-no.

If any of you know any high school students ask them how easy it is to get around those filters. They keep honest people honest, they don't stop people who are determined.

Avatar for rentenn

a good reason to clear your brouser and I like the suggestion of having a work computer, and one for home use.

Avatar for vincemichaels

I do feel bad for the guy, but SHEESH !! a little mistake like that in today's politically correct environment sure had dire consequences for him.

Avatar for deogol

I agree with most here he should be using company equipment, especially school equipment, to be surfing porn.

Also it is illegal for those kids to see those images - that's why it says "I certify I am 18 years and older" on those sites. So yes, it is a fairly big thing.

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