Have a conversation and developing rapport with customers is a win-win situation. The customer feel a better connection to the dancer. The dancer gets to know the customer.
Conversations, however, can take a turn for the worse if customers ask these types of questions:
Is ______ your real name?
Do you have a boyfriend? You married?
How old are you?
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP?
Where did/do you go to school?
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school?
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
How many dances/customers do you get a night?
What time do you leave here?
Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)?
Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)?
And more...
Why do men, and some women, ask such crazy questions?
I believe part ignorance & part not giving a fuck. If you are a customer think twice before you ask personal questions. Look at the dancers body language to see if your questions are inviting or making her uncomfortable.
If you are a dancer, think about the best way to respond without loosing your cool.
I dont think asking if sge can deep throat is that personal of.a question. Its more of a gee whiz kind of question. Now if you asked if she could lick your balls with your dick down her throat, then thats personal. Or if she likes a thumb up the ass when in doggy... Thats personal.
I'll ask questions related to the services that I intend to pay for. These questions may involve anatomy & sexuality. As the negotiations continue I may ask boogieknight369's question. LOL
I don't think these are crazy questions. A lot of these questions are just small talk, and strippers can lie if they don't feel comfortable answering them. Questions about extras are to be expected, and most dancers don't object to the questions as long as the customer asks politely. If you don't suck and fuck, just say so.
The only no-no is if a customer breaks club rules and persists on doing things that a dancer has said no to.
Here are sample answers I got from successful, happy dancers:
Q: Is __Lexus__ your real name? Dancer: No, my real name is Mary. Yeah - knew you would get turned off.
Q: Do you have a boyfriend? You married? Dancer: No boyfriend. Never married. But you got potential. Just need to fix those ugly-ass side burns. (sweet SS!)
Q: How old are you? Dancer: Just turned 31 last week.
Q: What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? Dancer: Treat you like a VIP
Q: Where did/do you go to school? Dancer: Right here - McCallum High.
Q: Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? This is the one question where almost all dancers light up - if they are moms. Zero SS. They love their kids and it shows as they show iPhone photos. I personally have more respect for a dancer who is proud of her kids, family.
Q: What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? Dancer: What's a guy like you doin in a place like this. Oh - Never mind.
Q: How many dances/customers do you get a night? Dancer: As many as 100 on a really good night. Some nights left home broke after paying house fees. ok Don Juan - Don't let tonight be one of those broke nights!
Q: What time do you leave here? Dancer: I'm pullin a double shift. 3 AM. Are you up for it ?
Q: Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)? Dancer: Right here baby - just lay back. Just kiddin. Really - I'm looking for some " " too - if you find it lemme know.
Q: Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)? Dancer: Try Walgreens. Be sure to check with your doctor first.
Some of those may be offending to a dancer but I have not met a single one who does not talk about their kids. 99% have volunteered that information and will talk non stop about them. Never had a dancer get upset about sexual questions either. They get asked for Sex pretty much every single day so they are used to it.
After all these "No-Nos" what is left to talk about? I personally enjoy talking with dancers about their kids. I usually compare them with my grandkids.
The OP is obviously new, and very inexperienced. She forgot, "Are Those your boobs?" (Yes, I paid for them and they're mine.)
When my ATF isn't working, I always ask how long a girl I don't know has been dancing. Anything less than a year and I pass. Nothing worse than an amateur.
Can Founder put up a banner on the home page that reads: "New dancer members: For your first article or discussion, suggest you refrain from making it an etiquette or advice for customers subject."
“… After all these "No-Nos" what is left to talk about? …â€
They (many dancers) just want a custie to sit quietly; with their hands to their side; and just give them all the money the custie has.
In short, many a dancer wants *you* (the custie) to pay her (the dancer) for her to give you the type of dance/service *she*, not you, wants – i.e. they want to make big $$$ with the smallest effort possible. Free Market economics usually does not worth that way – you make profits giving customers what they want; not what you want to give them.
Jobs in which one has to directly deal w/ people (e.g. customer service; waiter/waitress; nurse; etc.) are often very difficult no doubt and is often the worst/most-difficult part of the job (i.e. dealing w/ people). Plus on top of that add sexuality; nudity; and alcohol; and WTH do you expect?
I doubt you are going to run into a constant stream of choir boys or priests in the SC.
As they say – “don’t hate the player(s) – hate the gameâ€. If you don’t like the game; find another line of work.
Only a female, and particularly only a stripper female, would think that "What will you do for me in VIP?" is a stupid question.
I know that when I buy a car, I never ask the salesman about performance specs and reliability.
I know that when I buy groceries, I never check the nutritional labels or price.
I know that, when I go to the library, I just randomly select books off the shelves based on the attractiveness of the cover. I never read the dust jacket or even the title, or even check my favorite magazines, amazon, or the newspaper for book reviews.
Lemme let you in on a little secret. If you want me to spend an additional $30 to $200 for your club's version of "VIP," THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE NIGHT is, "What are you gonna do for me in VIP?"
If VIP is just a more expensive version of getting to watch you do what you do on stage (for no additional cost), then I frankly do not want you to have my $30 to $200 extra dollars. You don't deserve it.
Only a woman could believe she should be paid extra for merely existing (see: alimony, child support, etc.).
Some dancers are new and need to think about how they will answer questions they may not want to. Otherwise they turn a customer off or act like a miss America contestant answering questions.
I once had a dancer ask me where I was from, then answered her. Then I asked her where she was from, then she gets all snobbish on me and said that was none of my business. I thought what the hell, it was the same question you just asked me. That was a big turn off. Don'tbe stupid by asking the same question if you don't want to be asked it. If. a dancer asks me if I'm single or have kids, expect a possibility I will ask the same questions right back. Acting like it's none of my business after she just asked the same question seems like the most snobbish stuck up person I've met. As is so many dancers lie, I won't know if she is telling the truth or not. If I ask where you are from and you say Ohio, I'm probably not going to do a database search of Ohio and suddenly know where you live. Even a city name is pretty generic and I won't know if it's true or not. Dancers tell me all the time they are from one city or another and don't get more specific than that.
A dancer needs to think about how she will answer questions and also think about what questions she will ask because she could be asking for it if she is asking the same questions.
A lot of customer questions involve trying to find out what a dancer will allow or do during a lap dance. If certain body parts are off limits, that is a good time to bring it up if asked before a dance. If not asked, some customers are willing to get the dances and ask during the dance. They may not be happy or repeat customers if they aren't getting what they want.
If someone is asking about kids, it is just chit chat and they may have kids. I do not and I never ask about kids even though a few dancers sometimes mention their kids. I still do not like talking about kids. If she says she has five, I will be thinking holy cow, 5 kids.
OK, "where do your kids go to school" can be seen as kind of creepy if not downright dangerous; but I do enjoy when the dancer makes decent small talk.
Well experienced dancers will be wise to have rehearsed a credible yet stalker-safe backstory even to the point of an entire second-level stripper-persona, to accommodate those who want to dig into her past to feel they have "connected".
I stick with the question "can I have a dance?" Very few dancers really want to talk to customers. They just feel like playas if they think custies are paying for the privilege of talking with them. Not an ambition consistent with a high level of mental health.
I get a one-song dance, and I assume that's what I'm going to get in any follow-on dances. I don't play the just-keep-giving-me-money-and-hope-it-get's-better game.
Realistically, if a dancer doesn't want to be asked about extras, she needs to find a club where management has a zero-tolerance policy towards extras.
‘… Not even a minute after I arrived, I was greeted by a tall Puerto Rican chick. She had a nice bubble, and a very welcoming personality (talked about her kids a lot though) …â€
Yea I usually ask a lot of these questions...LOL! Particualry what is your name and how old are you. And dancers usually have no problem answering it. As a matter of fact a lot of girls these days offer there regular name. Sweetie the days of being ice-cold and keeping things "professional" are done in the SC business. Particuarly in the age of texting and facebook. And particulary on this board...LOL! If the girls are going to get consistent business from a particular customer they are going to have to get a little personal. I think most understand that.
"Well, the fact is......you must talk about something. You can't just grunt and smell each other's assholes like a pair of randy baboonsWell, the fact is......you must talk about something. You can't just grunt and smell each other's assholes like a pair of randy baboons."
Exactly. In a strippers world, you'd walk in, bow as you hand them $2000 cash...thank them for taking it so graciously, then promptly leave.
Conversations, however, can take a turn for the worse if customers ask these types of questions:
Is ______ your real name? Dancer: No Me thinking: "If you don't like that question, pick a stripper name like "Tits McGee" and then we know. If you're stripper name is "Ashley"...it's easy to get confused. Also...I ask this question most often when a gal has a weird name as sort of a "joke" as in I KNOW thats not her real name.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married? Dancer: Boyfriend, Pimp, drug dealer...he's all those things. And if I was "married", I wouldn't being blowing 19 guys a night to make money. Me thinking: She'll probably lie...but I guess "no" keeps the fantasy alive.
How old are you? Never asked this...never cared.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? Dancer: I'm the best, it'll be the greatest experience you've ever had, well worth the money. Me thinking: "If I'm spending $200 to go back there...it's an important question.
Where did/do you go to school? Dancer: Chapman...studying criminal justice. Me thinking: Nothing like spending your study time in a dark room with horrible rap music blaring wearing nothing but a g-string and tube top.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? Dancer: I have 1 child. I never asked the other 2 questions...probably the answers would be "Blade" and "I don't know where they go to school because my mother has custody. Me: But I do ask, "who is watching him/her while you're here?" Usually the answer is a mother or sister.
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? I asked this a lot early on...but then realized whatever they respond with...it was a lie so why ask. Dancer: Just trying to pay the rent. Me thinking: "Most likely due to a drug habit and a very non-existent relationship with their father.
How many dances/customers do you get a night? Never asked that...never cared.
What time do you leave here? I've never asked that, but I have asked to meet them or OTC later that night...never happened. Dancer: In an hour. Me thinking: "Probably when she makes enough money to pay her stage rental and have enough left over to pay the back rent, late bills, and money for pot and meth."
Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)? Never asked that...it's obviously in the VIP area.
Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)? Again, why would I ask that?
And more...
Why do men, and some women, ask such crazy questions? As stated above...wtf do you WANT us to ask you about? I mean, we can't ask you questions about current affairs or science or math or geography.
Is ______ your real name? I never ask this, then again most of us know that Pleasure, Allure, Fantasy and Diamond is not a dancers real name.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married? Never asked, since I don't care to hear about this. I can't even count how many times I have had dancers give me their likely made up life story about their dead beat boyfriend and 3 kids they have to support.
How old are you? Don't care as long as a dancer looks hot. Many times I have had dancers ask me this, and my answer is always 24 if she looks older than 24.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? While I normally am not as blunt as that, I will ask how a VIP dance is better than a regular lap dance, to gauge whether I want a VIP. Often she will say that regular are a better deal both the dancer and I. Occasionally she will even give me a discount if I go for multiple songs in the regular area.
Where did/do you go to school? I never ask this, and I don't ever recall this being brought up by a dancer.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? Again I don't really care, but unfortunately many dancers will tell me all about their brats.
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? Some of the best dances have came from dancers saying stuff like, "I like making guys horny," when I ask what made them decide to dance.
How many dances/customers do you get a night? Never ask, because I observe how busy a dancer is before I choose a dance from her.
What time do you leave here? Rarely works in my experience. However, If a dancer tells me when she gets off shift, that's a whole other story.
I never ask for names, sometimes I get them anyway. They also mention boyfriends often. I got no beef with that.
Almost every dancer has asked my age, why can't I? They also love to tell me about their kids, and I think that's a good thing. Never about where the kids go to school, that's fucking creepy as shit.
As for extras, why do you think we come there?
and as for DRUGS, I really haven't met more than a dozen gals in 7 years who did not ask me if I was holding.
So is it that I should wait for a dancer to bring up these topics? If so, then I'm doing it right.
I like to ask "Why did you pick _____? " It is usally an interesting conversation starter. Such as it is my middle name, the owner picked it for me, my friend liked it... If you get to know a girl a better, you probabaly have her friended on FB.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married? -
All girls in a club are single. Answer is always no. Even if you know better. Knew a girl on facebook, who lived with her bf, but she still wanted to tell me she was single.
How old are you? -
Most girls tell the truth, until they 35+ then they round down.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? -
If they are feeling on you dick, it is fair question.
Where did/do you go to school? -
Half are in college, so it is fair question. Maybe you have that in common and have something to talk about. If you went to HS with them, you probably already recognize each other.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? - Like someone already said, maybe you have something common, like your own kids or grandkids. Where they go to school? too personal!
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? -
Be more polite - Ask what they did before they danced. One girl told me she worked at a pizza place. Most have kids and needed more money than they could earn at McDonalds
How many dances/customers do you get a night? -
AVOID asking, dont really want to know how shitty their night is, or about how their car broke down and they need money.
What time do you leave here? - Who cares? Their shift ends at 8, they get off then, club closes at 3 am, they get off then. Easy to figure out.
Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)? -
If they give you what you want, nothing wasted. You started the conversation, they know you are not LE. If they don't, you know up front. Bring it up casually, if they do not, it is usually a point of pride for them that they do not. They think the girls that do are gross.
Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)? - With medical marijuana becoming legal it has less stigma. Also have heard the song "Can someone help me find Molly?" Both of these are conversation starters.
If you can't handle these questions, by a white lie or changing the subject, you are in the wrong business.
Okay, as a dancer, a lot of these questions ARE annoying. This is because 9 times out of ten, the answers are not what the customer wants to hear.
But since these questions are so common, I can easily answer them, and would never get pissed off as a customer for conversataing... geeze!
The most annoying ones are about why I'm there/what do I "really" want to do with my life, etc. I'm there to make money, its my job, and I don't feel like sharing my personal career goals with you, unless maybe you're a regular that actually cares. Tbh, I don't like talking about my personal life that much. I would rather talk about sex, funny stories, stuff in the news, or movies I've seen recently, etc. Likewise, I don't ask customers these kind of questions.
also, as for the "what are you going to do for me in VIP" is probably misunderstood as "if you aren't going to fuck me, I won't be getting a VIP dance".... This question is better asked by being more direct, like "can I touch you, can you touch me, will you be naked, and what's the difference between dances on the floor and in the private areas?" I might not fuck you back there, but I will show you a good time with lots of touching. So this is basically what I tell ppl when they ask that, but I can see where other girls might not know the best way to respond to that question....
last commentThe first question I ask a stripper is "Can you deepthroat?"
you obviously suck at your dancer job.
The only no-no is if a customer breaks club rules and persists on doing things that a dancer has said no to.
Here are sample answers I got from successful, happy dancers:
Q: Is __Lexus__ your real name?
Dancer: No, my real name is Mary. Yeah - knew you would get turned off.
Q: Do you have a boyfriend? You married?
Dancer: No boyfriend. Never married. But you got potential. Just need to fix those ugly-ass side burns. (sweet SS!)
Q: How old are you?
Dancer: Just turned 31 last week.
Q: What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP?
Dancer: Treat you like a VIP
Q: Where did/do you go to school?
Dancer: Right here - McCallum High.
Q: Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school?
This is the one question where almost all dancers light up - if they are moms. Zero SS. They love their kids and it shows as they show iPhone photos. I personally have more respect for a dancer who is proud of her kids, family.
Q: What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
Dancer: What's a guy like you doin in a place like this. Oh - Never mind.
Q: How many dances/customers do you get a night?
Dancer: As many as 100 on a really good night. Some nights left home broke after paying house fees. ok Don Juan - Don't let tonight be one of those broke nights!
Q: What time do you leave here?
Dancer: I'm pullin a double shift. 3 AM. Are you up for it ?
Q: Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)?
Dancer: Right here baby - just lay back. Just kiddin. Really - I'm looking for some " " too - if you find it lemme know.
Q: Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)?
Dancer: Try Walgreens. Be sure to check with your doctor first.
When my ATF isn't working, I always ask how long a girl I don't know has been dancing. Anything less than a year and I pass. Nothing worse than an amateur.
They (many dancers) just want a custie to sit quietly; with their hands to their side; and just give them all the money the custie has.
In short, many a dancer wants *you* (the custie) to pay her (the dancer) for her to give you the type of dance/service *she*, not you, wants – i.e. they want to make big $$$ with the smallest effort possible. Free Market economics usually does not worth that way – you make profits giving customers what they want; not what you want to give them.
Trying to tell grown men and experienced SCers such as on this board this “sit nicely and behave babble†is just idiotic.
Jobs in which one has to directly deal w/ people (e.g. customer service; waiter/waitress; nurse; etc.) are often very difficult no doubt and is often the worst/most-difficult part of the job (i.e. dealing w/ people). Plus on top of that add sexuality; nudity; and alcohol; and WTH do you expect?
I doubt you are going to run into a constant stream of choir boys or priests in the SC.
As they say – “don’t hate the player(s) – hate the gameâ€. If you don’t like the game; find another line of work.
I know that when I buy a car, I never ask the salesman about performance specs and reliability.
I know that when I buy groceries, I never check the nutritional labels or price.
I know that, when I go to the library, I just randomly select books off the shelves based on the attractiveness of the cover. I never read the dust jacket or even the title, or even check my favorite magazines, amazon, or the newspaper for book reviews.
Lemme let you in on a little secret. If you want me to spend an additional $30 to $200 for your club's version of "VIP," THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE NIGHT is, "What are you gonna do for me in VIP?"
If VIP is just a more expensive version of getting to watch you do what you do on stage (for no additional cost), then I frankly do not want you to have my $30 to $200 extra dollars. You don't deserve it.
Only a woman could believe she should be paid extra for merely existing (see: alimony, child support, etc.).
I once had a dancer ask me where I was from, then answered her. Then I asked her where she was from, then she gets all snobbish on me and said that was none of my business. I thought what the hell, it was the same question you just asked me. That was a big turn off. Don'tbe stupid by asking the same question if you don't want to be asked it. If. a dancer asks me if I'm single or have kids, expect a possibility I will ask the same questions right back. Acting like it's none of my business after she just asked the same question seems like the most snobbish stuck up person I've met. As is so many dancers lie, I won't know if she is telling the truth or not. If I ask where you are from and you say Ohio, I'm probably not going to do a database search of Ohio and suddenly know where you live. Even a city name is pretty generic and I won't know if it's true or not. Dancers tell me all the time they are from one city or another and don't get more specific than that.
A dancer needs to think about how she will answer questions and also think about what questions she will ask because she could be asking for it if she is asking the same questions.
If someone is asking about kids, it is just chit chat and they may have kids. I do not and I never ask about kids even though a few dancers sometimes mention their kids. I still do not like talking about kids. If she says she has five, I will be thinking holy cow, 5 kids.
Well experienced dancers will be wise to have rehearsed a credible yet stalker-safe backstory even to the point of an entire second-level stripper-persona, to accommodate those who want to dig into her past to feel they have "connected".
I get a one-song dance, and I assume that's what I'm going to get in any follow-on dances. I don't play the just-keep-giving-me-money-and-hope-it-get's-better game.
Realistically, if a dancer doesn't want to be asked about extras, she needs to find a club where management has a zero-tolerance policy towards extras.
‘… Not even a minute after I arrived, I was greeted by a tall Puerto Rican chick. She had a nice bubble, and a very welcoming personality (talked about her kids a lot though) …â€
Exactly. In a strippers world, you'd walk in, bow as you hand them $2000 cash...thank them for taking it so graciously, then promptly leave.
Conversations, however, can take a turn for the worse if customers ask these types of questions:
Is ______ your real name?
Dancer: No
Me thinking: "If you don't like that question, pick a stripper name like "Tits McGee" and then we know. If you're stripper name is "Ashley"...it's easy to get confused. Also...I ask this question most often when a gal has a weird name as sort of a "joke" as in I KNOW thats not her real name.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married?
Dancer: Boyfriend, Pimp, drug dealer...he's all those things. And if I was "married", I wouldn't being blowing 19 guys a night to make money.
Me thinking: She'll probably lie...but I guess "no" keeps the fantasy alive.
How old are you?
Never asked this...never cared.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP?
Dancer: I'm the best, it'll be the greatest experience you've ever had, well worth the money.
Me thinking: "If I'm spending $200 to go back there...it's an important question.
Where did/do you go to school?
Dancer: Chapman...studying criminal justice.
Me thinking: Nothing like spending your study time in a dark room with horrible rap music blaring wearing nothing but a g-string and tube top.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school?
Dancer: I have 1 child.
I never asked the other 2 questions...probably the answers would be "Blade" and "I don't know where they go to school because my mother has custody.
Me: But I do ask, "who is watching him/her while you're here?"
Usually the answer is a mother or sister.
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
I asked this a lot early on...but then realized whatever they respond with...it was a lie so why ask.
Dancer: Just trying to pay the rent.
Me thinking: "Most likely due to a drug habit and a very non-existent relationship with their father.
How many dances/customers do you get a night?
Never asked that...never cared.
What time do you leave here?
I've never asked that, but I have asked to meet them or OTC later that night...never happened.
Dancer: In an hour.
Me thinking: "Probably when she makes enough money to pay her stage rental and have enough left over to pay the back rent, late bills, and money for pot and meth."
Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)?
Never asked that...it's obviously in the VIP area.
Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)?
Again, why would I ask that?
And more...
Why do men, and some women, ask such crazy questions?
As stated above...wtf do you WANT us to ask you about? I mean, we can't ask you questions about current affairs or science or math or geography.
Is ______ your real name? I never ask this, then again most of us know that Pleasure, Allure, Fantasy and Diamond is not a dancers real name.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married? Never asked, since I don't care to hear about this. I can't even count how many times I have had dancers give me their likely made up life story about their dead beat boyfriend and 3 kids they have to support.
How old are you? Don't care as long as a dancer looks hot. Many times I have had dancers ask me this, and my answer is always 24 if she looks older than 24.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? While I normally am not as blunt as that, I will ask how a VIP dance is better than a regular lap dance, to gauge whether I want a VIP. Often she will say that regular are a better deal both the dancer and I. Occasionally she will even give me a discount if I go for multiple songs in the regular area.
Where did/do you go to school? I never ask this, and I don't ever recall this being brought up by a dancer.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? Again I don't really care, but unfortunately many dancers will tell me all about their brats.
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? Some of the best dances have came from dancers saying stuff like, "I like making guys horny," when I ask what made them decide to dance.
How many dances/customers do you get a night? Never ask, because I observe how busy a dancer is before I choose a dance from her.
What time do you leave here? Rarely works in my experience. However, If a dancer tells me when she gets off shift, that's a whole other story.
Almost every dancer has asked my age, why can't I? They also love to tell me about their kids, and I think that's a good thing. Never about where the kids go to school, that's fucking creepy as shit.
As for extras, why do you think we come there?
and as for DRUGS, I really haven't met more than a dozen gals in 7 years who did not ask me if I was holding.
So is it that I should wait for a dancer to bring up these topics? If so, then I'm doing it right.
Is ______ your real name? -
I like to ask "Why did you pick _____? " It is usally an interesting conversation starter. Such as it is my middle name, the owner picked it for me, my friend liked it... If you get to know a girl a better, you probabaly have her friended on FB.
Do you have a boyfriend? You married? -
All girls in a club are single. Answer is always no. Even if you know better. Knew a girl on facebook, who lived with her bf, but she still wanted to tell me she was single.
How old are you? -
Most girls tell the truth, until they 35+ then they round down.
What are you going to 'do' for me in VIP? -
If they are feeling on you dick, it is fair question.
Where did/do you go to school? -
Half are in college, so it is fair question. Maybe you have that in common and have something to talk about. If you went to HS with them, you probably already recognize each other.
Do you have kids? What are their names and where do they go to school? -
Like someone already said, maybe you have something common, like your own kids or grandkids. Where they go to school? too personal!
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? -
Be more polite - Ask what they did before they danced. One girl told me she worked at a pizza place. Most have kids and needed more money than they could earn at McDonalds
How many dances/customers do you get a night? -
AVOID asking, dont really want to know how shitty their night is, or about how their car broke down and they need money.
What time do you leave here? - Who cares? Their shift ends at 8, they get off then, club closes at 3 am, they get off then. Easy to figure out.
Do you know where I can get some (insert extra here)? -
If they give you what you want, nothing wasted. You started the conversation, they know you are not LE. If they don't, you know up front. Bring it up casually, if they do not, it is usually a point of pride for them that they do not. They think the girls that do are gross.
Do you know where I can get some (insert drug name here)? - With medical marijuana becoming legal it has less stigma. Also have heard the song "Can someone help me find Molly?" Both of these are conversation starters.
If you can't handle these questions, by a white lie or changing the subject, you are in the wrong business.
But since these questions are so common, I can easily answer them, and would never get pissed off as a customer for conversataing... geeze!
The most annoying ones are about why I'm there/what do I "really" want to do with my life, etc. I'm there to make money, its my job, and I don't feel like sharing my personal career goals with you, unless maybe you're a regular that actually cares. Tbh, I don't like talking about my personal life that much. I would rather talk about sex, funny stories, stuff in the news, or movies I've seen recently, etc. Likewise, I don't ask customers these kind of questions.
also, as for the "what are you going to do for me in VIP" is probably misunderstood as "if you aren't going to fuck me, I won't be getting a VIP dance".... This question is better asked by being more direct, like "can I touch you, can you touch me, will you be naked, and what's the difference between dances on the floor and in the private areas?" I might not fuck you back there, but I will show you a good time with lots of touching. So this is basically what I tell ppl when they ask that, but I can see where other girls might not know the best way to respond to that question....