"So, what do you do?"

I get this question from dancers all the time, so I assume everyone else does too. How many of you tell the dancer your actual job? For a while I had been able to get away with "I'm just a student." I'm a bit too old to get away with that now, but still want to stay as general and anonymous as possible. What do the rest of you tell dancers when asked this question?
"I tell them the truth."
I don't. I tell them "You can't handle the truth"
So I usually say something generic like "engineer" or "accountant". Not really what I am, but a component of what I do.
I tell dancers the truth "I'm a consultant". But from now on I will probably tell them I'm a CPI.
(if you're not a Seinfeld fan this will have no meaning to you ;-) )
On occasion I've told them I'm a 'Certified Cocksman' which confuses more than it doesn't.
some of the finest looking babes I've seen have been pharmaceutical sales reps. If I had your job, I'd be bangin' my co-workers not going to strip clubs. :)
I tell her to take a guess. Whatever she says, I reply "good guess" and go with that.
depends how far those hands get, if they then get to look after any money too ?
I work in accounting (Financial Manager with MS in Accounting) and manage my online rare coin business (plus I set up at shows).
I have a business card with my stage name (security reasons), business name (DBA), which outlines what I do above. I have my cell number and email address on it. I use it at both coin shows and strip clubs. I do not put where I work or have home phone or street address on it.
At the other end a high paying job is no guarantee that the guy is going to be imprudent in "wasting" it on whores.
Your answer might matter a bit but she is going to weigh it against your other behavior if she cares about whether or not you are a good long term income source.
Anyway, it's really, REALLY bad form for a dancer to ask customers stuff like that. I can't stand getting grilled by a stripper. Yeah, they think it's harmless, and they're just trying to make small talk. But geez, at least ask fun stuff, not serious shit we have to come up with answers for. Sometimes I feel like I'm being interviewed for a job. And there are times when the dancer actually starts psycho-analyzing me, or sizing up the kind of person I am. Are you freakin' kidding me? I once had a dancer asking me kinds of questions, and telling me what kind of person I am, and finally when she asked me my sign and I told her, she said some insane shit like "oh, you're one of THOSE" and got up and left.
If you're gonna make small talk, don't ask our occupation, marital status, where we live, what kind of girls we like (geesus, if that's not the freakin' stupidest question...), and on and on with the same inane crap.
If you're gonna ask stuff, ask good stuff. Like "You want me to make you cum, baby?" or whisper in our ear "Baby, you like fucking in public?" or "Should I put on a black fishnet bodystocking, or would you prefer a schoolgirl outfit?".
Y'know, stuff like that. Use your freakin' imagination, don't repeat the same crap over and over and put us on the spot.
If a stripper is sitting with one of you guys, she can ask stuff like "will you pay my rent this month" or "will you walk my dog while I go out with my boyfriend?"
"Your dad's friend!"
the list is never ending...........