
Comments by big_d_2011 (page 3)

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    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    90% of the time I do not wear my watch. I own a very nice (well in my mind nice Seiko) and I have a timex used for working out. I just don't like wearing them inside the club. I have worn both inside before, the Timex on accident after grabbing the wrong watch once I got out of the shower. My stage tipping has produced better results than what watch I wear. Of course sometimes it does not matter what you tip, they are going straight back to their regulars. I understand it though because I am a regular to a few girls and they come to me even if I don't tip on stage.
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    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    Sometimes I go in dressed up in nice slacks and a button up shirt after work and other times I go in wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I have found a few regulars, so they don't care what I wear because they know I will always tip them well as long as they treat me right. I went in one time wearing relaxed athletic clothes and a dancer I had my eye on and made contact with stood right by me for about a minute just checking me out and then she walked on. I got up and left with all of my money a few minutes later. I returned after work about a week later dressed up and she tried to come over and chat with me. I had on my nice watch, shoes etc... I told her politely no thanks and waited for my regulars. Maybe I am a prick, but if you don't give me the time of day because I may not be dressed to your specifications even after I tip, make eye contact etc... then I will black-list you. Plenty of other girls that will be willing to earn my money.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Interesting SW Thread About Atlanta Clubs and Follies
    I've had dancers tell me when they see Athletic shorts they see $$$ in their eyes because they know that guy is getting dances. Some prefer that over the guy wearing the suit at the bar who is only buying drinks. I've been told the material feels better too. Then again, maybe it is just my great looks that cause dancers to tell me this and not my wallet!
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    i must be a big sexy young man
    Juice, you need to come down to Greenville so I can learn from the Master. Haha
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Customers not to approach
    Disagree with their list but I disagree with many of their threads. I was reading one earlier today about what guys wear. Apparently if you wear athletic pants or shorts you are a perv. I have always been complimented by dancers when I wear my under armor clothing because it feels great for them when they are dancing. If I come in after work I will be dressed up but if not, I am going to go in comfortable. These dancers seemed shocked that a guy would get an erection during a dance and they would feel it. Well newsflash, if I don't get an erection during a lap dance then you are not doing your job.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    Shark, I never knew either. I am just wondering why she told me on this visit and why was I picked out. As I mentioned, I was not the only one who did not have a drink. That is why I overreacted. I will visit again in a few weeks and see if it happens the next time. I'll make sure I am thirsty before I go too.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    Papi, I can understand that and maybe I did take the request the wrong way. On the few trips I don't buy a drink ( today being one of those days), I will buy a drink for the ladies or tip the waitress. The dancers I buy for were occupied but I knew they would be free in a bit. Which is why I told her twice, not right now.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    How did I get gamed? I didn't buy a drink and left with all of my money in my pocket. The only ones who were really hurt were the dancers I was planning on seeing. There are several other clubs in the area and I will just go there from now on.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    Minnow, at the time I did not want anything to drink. I go to this club several times a month, sometimes I drink, sometimes I don't. This is the first time someone has done this. Whether I drink or not, I tip the waitress. I guess my mistake today was not tipping her soon enough. I just don't like someone telling me I have to do something.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    Alucard, I understand. But my point is that it's not like everyone else was drinking in the club. In fact there were about 10 customers total and I saw at least 3 that did not have a single drink and they arrived after I did. I just don't like being told to do something. I was pretty excited about the promotion where drinks would be $2, but when you pretty much say I have to purchase something, that ruins the experience for me.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    2 Drink Minimum
    Exactly my point Shadow. I have been going to the club in Greenville for a year and before that I would go to the two clubs in Columbia and never once did someone come up to me and tell me that. I had been there for about 30 minutes and I was waiting for a dancer and I even tipped a girl on stage. If you've ever been there before, you know the waitress is on you as soon as you sit down asking what you want. I told her I was good but to check back. Well 30 minutes later she came back and I told her I was still good. That is when she said "I was just told that we have a two drink minimum". I explained to her that I had never been told that and that I visit the club about once a week, sometimes I drink, sometimes I do not. She said that corporate is really pushing it now and so they are trying to enforce it more. Pissed me off so I told her I understand the club has rules but that I would take my $500 and go elsewhere.
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    11 years ago
    Bigger Rip Off
    Both are wastes. I don't drink much inside the club because it cuts into my dance budget. I recently went to a concert and paid for two Bojangles Chicken Supreme combo's (without a biscuit) and two drinks and it was $24. Had I been outside the stadium across the street I could have gotten the same thing for $10. If I would have gotten a Beer it would have been $30 total.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SW Thread
    I ventured over to that site and could not believe some of the responses and topics. I am sure they feel the exact same way about this site though. I agree with jack about extras. In the clubs I visit, if I can't touch then I am not buying a dance. I am always respectful and I will ask a dancer before I touch her, but I don't see how that is considered an extra. I have only had one dancer tell me that I could not touch. I am not going to grope a dancer but I feel that some touch/contact is needed and it makes things better for both parties.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Upscale, dive or other?
    Mid range clubs. I don't want an air dance and I don't want to feel like I am going to get robbed or catch a disease either. I don't do the extras thing, I go for high mileage two way contact lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    how much should i tip dancer too stay by me most of the night?
    It really depends on how busy the club is and how in demand she is. If she is a 10, chances are that she is in demand and you may have to impress her with a nice stage tip to get her to stop by. Then if you hit it off, just be up front about what you want. I can't tell you exactly what to tip because there are so many factors that come in to play. I am now a regular and have a couple of dancers that I like to spend my money on and I don't pay anything for the time we sit together, I just factor that in when I get dances and tip them accordingly. They are very appreciative and remember when I return.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    $50 Man
    Had a similar conversation with a dancer last night. I told her that I prefer wearing athletic gear to the club but every so often I will wear my slacks and button up if I come in after work. One time a dancer saw me, made eye contact and stood around my table for a bit but then walked on. A week later I was dressed in my work clothes and she sat down by me and I politely refused a dance because I felt slighted my previous trip. The dancer I was with told me that from her experience she has had much more success with guys wearing athletic wear as opposed to wearing a suit or nice pants. I am now a semi-regular at my favorite club and I have a few dancers that I go in just to meet. Honestly not sure how they would classify me. If they give me what I am seeking, conversation (not just want a dance?) and the dance is good for both of us, then I reward them with a tip. I always tip and sometimes I go a little overboard tipping on stage just to prove a point.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
    Honesty has always been my policy with every dancer, be it an ATF or a newbie. Last night I encountered a similar situation, although I am just a regular for her and it is not an ATF situation. She was with one of her other regulars before I arrived and I had the opportunity to try out some new girls. I got a few dances with someone who I met a week or so earlier and she is growing on me. Within a couple of hours, the other girl came by to see me once her other regular left. I am always on a budget and by the time she stopped by I was close to my allotted amount. I had about $20 left and she was called to the stage. I usually pay her $25 a dance (and it is worth every penny!) but I did not want to tell her that I spent the majority of my money on other dancers so I told her I would give her a tip. I tipped her my $20 and headed for the exit before the little head would have taken over and stopped by the ATM or had to put it on a Card.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Budgeting & Restraint
    I am very careful with my money. I know that sounds crazy since I am basically throwing it away when I go to the club but I have a little to play with, so it is not going to hurt me. I always have a budget and only bring Cash. Once I reach my limit, I leave. I spent about $400 more than I wanted to last month, so I am going to have to slow down this month. I have the money but I am smart enough to know when to stop. I have walked out with as much as $400 and walked out with an empty wallet.
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    11 years ago
    Least Favorite Dancers
    Three different kinds. #1 is the Robs. They give a pitiful dance, try to cheat you and then ask for a tip. #2 are the ones who can't take no for an answer. Finally, #3 are the dancers who you make eye contact with and you tip, but they don't join you, or the ones who you get dances from a few times a month and spend a few hundred on them but one visit they decide to ignore you. That is how you go from a favorite to least favorite in a hurry with me. I understand the game and that he may be dropping $1,000 compared to my $300 but at least acknowledge me and say Hi.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what is the smallest girl you fucked ?
    5'1 105lbs. A little thin but she was wild.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Things about myself I have learned from SC's
    I am Cute, Nice, well endowed, have beautiful blue eyes, guys like me are rare to visit clubs, having a flabby stomach is better than having rock hard abs etc.... I guess that is why I am enjoying the Single life
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pussy/asshole touching/fingering ?
    In my experiences, some allow it and some don't. When I first get a dance from someone, I always ask what her rules are. Most have been up front and will tell you where you can and can not touch. The more familiar you get with each other, the more liberty you have. I am not an extras guy, but if she is going to guide my hands over certain areas, then who am I to say no.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Best Pants to Wear to a Strip Club
    The clubs I visit do not have a dresscode that says you have to wear pants. When I first started I would wear either khakis or blue jeans and look nice. I thought dressing nice would attract better looking dancers to me. I learned very quickly that in this hobby money will rule over looks any day of the week! After reading this board and from experience, I wore some Under Armor athletic pants and I enjoyed my experiences so much more! Dancers comment too because they feel better than denim or even khakis. I am ready for it to warm back up so I can pull out the athletic shorts.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    I may have to check it out this weekend Juice!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stage Dances
    I tend to tip based on appearance of the dancer instead of her moves. If I like what I see, I will go and tip. I don't really analyze it too much to say that if she gives me a good stage dance, then she will give a good dance in the back. Now I do appreciate a dancer who has good moves on stage, but it does not mean I will always tip her.