
How often do you visit the strip clubs?

Sunday, June 10, 2012 9:18 AM
I was wondering how often you all go to strip clubs. I go every two weeks on Saturdays. Usually spend 200 to 300 dollars a visit. Also in case you were wondering I go around 11:00. I am young, age 23, and always enjoy the late night visit.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Depends how busy things are. Might be as often as a couple of times a week, or might be as infrequently as once very couple of months. If I'm on a trip might be once or twice a day. Needless to say I prefer the times when I can visit more frequently. Can't get enough of them whores!
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Almost always once a week. Sometimes more. When I did my road trip last month, I did it 6 out of 7 days. Would have been 7 out of 7 except West Virginia sucks on a Sunday.
  • big_d_2011
    12 years ago
    Depends on my schedule. I have gone three times in a week. On the other side I have been absent for up to 3 months. I usually visit more in the Spring and Summer. Averages out to about once a month.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Never set a schedule. As others indicate, could be 2-3 in a single day, or months between visits. Why do you care?
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    About every 2 weeks is good for me. Typical expense: 75 to 100 dollars.
  • Omega22
    12 years ago
    Looks like a lot variety on visit frequency. I prefer a set schedule since it helps me plan financially. Clubber, I am asking out of curiosity.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Every waking hour or 2 hours whichever is less
  • nj_pete
    12 years ago
    fortunately for my wallet, way less that it used to be, unfortunately for my fun, way less that it used to be! I used to travel both regionally (by car) and nationally (by plane) for business about once a month, now the cheap bastards at work have cut back travel to almost nothing and so I don't get out as ofter as I used to, I used to be a top 40 reviewer (which TUSCL does not track anymore) and averaged a club every 2 or 3 weeks, now it like several clubs a year. There are no clubs worth going to within 60 to 75 minutes of home.
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Every now and again when time permits. When over there every afternoon, evening and night.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    About once every couple of weeks.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    As often as the fancy strikes me.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I used to go once or twice a week a year ago but now its been once or twice a month because my the pay cut from work and now it might be every two months for the same reason. As omega22 I have a schedule when i go to clubs to set aside for money. The average is 250 buck, back then it was 250 buck weekly not once a month lol.
  • Omega22
    12 years ago
    I would go every Saturday rather than every other Saturday since all I would need to do is only spend 150 to 200 a visit but the people I normally go with wouldn't be able to afford that at all and I don't want to go by myself.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Agree with George Really depends on how much I miss my CF. Which in reality is every 2 to 3 weeks. But sometimes twice per week and sometimes 3 months dry spell. But I tend make it a several hour (5 to 6) event when I go
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I used to go twice a week but I went once a month but after I went twice a day until I went once in a while and now I go when my balls itch
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Any day that ends in " Y "
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    You're only 23 and you can afford to spend 500-600 per month at the club? Dang, you must have a good job. Anyway, I got 2 or 3 times a month.
  • Omega22
    12 years ago
    Yeah I have a good job and I live with a couple people, my best friend and his brother, so I split the bills with them. Also I conserve my money well in between visits.
  • 23cambyman
    12 years ago
    About 5-10 times a month
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I used to go every week, any longer than that would seem like an eternity and I would start suffering withdrawals symptoms. But like, TABB, my income has been reduced by a significant amount since two years ago and now I avg. about 1 to 2x/month.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    NEVER at night!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Once I'm back in full swing 7 out of 7.....right now starting back I'm doing 4 out of 7........its nice just to be back in the clubs...1 or 2 a month was getting old to juice......me like de whores 2 dougy boy !
  • K9
    12 years ago
    Depends... current economy has slowed my visits a bit... I can go from 1 visit a year (really good atf/otc arrangement) to 2 to 4 visits a month. JuiceBox I think you are my hero.....
  • chairsky
    11 years ago
    it depends on how i miss the hot girl in that club. i usually go to the same club for the same girl.
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