The 2 Papermoons in my area are actually open today. They're open everyday of the year. And yes, I would go, but I would wait until late tonight around 10PM or so.
Was on my way home last night after family Christmas Eve dinner. King of Diamonds (KOD) down here in Miami can be seen from I-95 (southbound). Was driving by on the freeway around midnight and the (KOD) parking lot was packed.
I don’t plan to SC today, but I recall a visit I made to a Miami black dive a few years ago on Christmas day (it was an evening visit) . Got there around 9:00 p.m. and the club was about half full. By midnight, one could not find a place to even stand. It was too much for me and I decided to leave around 12:30 a.m. – took me like 10 minutes to get from the door to my car about 15 ft away b/c of the mob that was at the door trying to get in – this was while there was not even room to stand inside. I decided to go hang out at South Beach for a while – about 2 hours later; drove by the same club on my way home and saw about 8 police cars outside the club w/ their lights flashing.
Tootsies down here in Miami is open today as it is every day of the year to the best of my knowledge.
I did last night (Christmas eve) and today (Christmas day)..... last night after 10p it was virtually packed. Tonight was busy for a couple hours (9p-11p) with people looking for a bar. Before & after that was regulars having a beer as usual for a Tuesday. Since they were closed today (opened at 7p), 2 of the dayshift girls worked tonight & it was nice getting attention from dayshift & night shift at the same time.
They will also be open the night of New Years Day and I'm betting I will be there that day too.
Being it is tradition in my family to open presents on Christmas Eve, I wouldn't mind doing it except that here in the Omaha area, the only place open is Lipstix in Council Bluffs (open 365 days a year), which is not only a long drive from where I live, but a pastie bar on top of that. But that's not the real problem with that, as the real problem is I work overnight. So even the pastie bar is a no-go, even if it's the better of the two remaining pastie bars in Council Bluffs.
Family obligations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so it is a no for me on those days. But I will be visiting a few places since I have some time off between now and the New Year.
last commentBut that's not gonna happen either, because she's with family too.
Besides, most clubs are closed.
New Years Eve maybe...
I don’t plan to SC today, but I recall a visit I made to a Miami black dive a few years ago on Christmas day (it was an evening visit) . Got there around 9:00 p.m. and the club was about half full. By midnight, one could not find a place to even stand. It was too much for me and I decided to leave around 12:30 a.m. – took me like 10 minutes to get from the door to my car about 15 ft away b/c of the mob that was at the door trying to get in – this was while there was not even room to stand inside. I decided to go hang out at South Beach for a while – about 2 hours later; drove by the same club on my way home and saw about 8 police cars outside the club w/ their lights flashing.
Tootsies down here in Miami is open today as it is every day of the year to the best of my knowledge.
Spent with family.
Later got text from my fave that was working but she was already leaving club so I did not go to see her.
10p it was virtually packed. Tonight was busy for a couple hours (9p-11p) with people looking for a bar. Before & after that was regulars having a beer as usual for a Tuesday. Since they were closed today (opened at 7p), 2 of the dayshift girls worked tonight & it was nice getting attention from dayshift & night shift at the same time.
They will also be open the night of New Years Day and I'm betting I will be there that day too.