The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers

avatar for redxxxRose
There are lots of things to love and hate about this job,but what i think makes me the most unsettled, is when someone i meet at work has a very extreme mentality about this industry or a particular dancer,whether they are too aggressive or unbearably friendly or forward (which is another form of aggression), they throw me right off for the next few days!!! Sometimes i confront them about what they say or do,tell them off,other times i just give them a dirty look, walk away immediately and ignore them for the rest of the night.

Ok,let's look at an 'Extraordinary/obnoxiously friendly and social guy'.This one, for me personally, is the worst!!!!! I absolutely loathe them lol. Now,you may think why hate friendly people,but i mean unhealthily friendly.Distinctly, these are extremely difficult to sell dances to, or even get a drink off,thats how annoyingly and weirdly social they are.They see a strip club not as business full of people who are doing their job,but rather as some sort of utopia social heaven, where beautiful women LOVE talking to customers (and live for that!),and in turn customers reward them with asking a string of personal and often denigrating questions,confidently touching or patronisingly complimenting their body,constantly smiling,cracking lame jokes or starting 'big topics'.

They love talking numbers,whether its complaining about how much their drink cost or researching what would each girl do for how much money etc.They need to know dancers real name,age,size,height,how long did she do this job for,whether she does it 7days per week,24hours per day,how much money she makes and how much she needs... They tend to give way too much uncomfortable eye contact or can place themselves too close to a dancer.Typically they are not ugly looking,perhaps on a handsome side of 'very average',dressed and groomed like a 'good guy',maybe even too much so! Just a fine slick social leech! And this is what they want,-to come and entertain themselves for free,they recon the entry fee pays for the 'human circus'.

These guys can have this massive fixed smile,while to themselves thinking of every girl in there as a piece of shit not worth the price of one dance for any amount of her time and attention.I find them extremely damaging and disturbing in a very subtle but powerful way,thanks to god the sterling ones are rare,but i will never be able to delete meeting them from my memory,after 5years in this job i remember every single case! They make the hair on my body raise,they are just the worst! The 'too friendly' guys break up into 3 categories:

1.The Evil ones.The reason they are so friendly is a compensating mechanism,to balance off the amount of crap they have in them.The reason they wont have dances is because they struggle to have chemistry or 'connection' with any girl.Notably,its possible for them to have dances, but only if there's a girl in the club with a heart more rotten and bitchy than theirs! They fit together like a lock and a key.She'd look either very fake or kinda ugly or messy,like a witch or a roadkill.Makes me think 'hey you just made everybody in here feel like they are not attractive enough to even do this job, and then suddenly you have money for this one!'

2.The ones that separate women they are sexually attracted to and those they feel they can talk to very sharply.The sufferers of Freud's 'Madonna-whore complex'. For example,they will buy some dances from some girls without talking to them,but will waste time of completely different girls because they feel they can have a stimulating conversation, but give them nothing! No,actually they like 'paying' them with compliments and stuff like 'a girl like you is not for this job-please stop,money is not everything!','you deserve much better than this','what other jobs can you do?',or 'i really like you and i really hope you do well/do the right thing in your life!',which is disgusting to listen to,after you've seen them spending a small fortune on some 'dumb blonde' dances...

3.The ones that like being social, but are just too selfish and hate giving.Could be because they are a pathetic underachieving 'loser' or overly ambitious greedy and self-centred bastard, that don't like the thrill of being teased and would only pay for sex,if anything.These like to 'entertain' dancers with 'interesting' stuff or facts,like we give a shit! They are 'nice' and will offer you to all of their friends,but their friends are just like them,so they sat on their ass there pointing fingers at each other and grinning like a bunch of clowns!

I believe in US most of the above are called 'total fucking douchebags' lol. Here in England we say 'dickheads'.Now,i reviewed the friendly dickheads for you,the aggressive ones is a whole different story i may tell you some other time.Now I don't know if its the English mentality or what,can anyone tell me if the american friendly douchebags are similar to these,or theres a different outline?? :))


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Guys (men) will he guys for the most part - whether British or American, the traits you describe can often describe many of the U.S. club goers as well.

Your points are valid IMO, but what job is perfect? Most people often complain and fuss about their jobs and the people, often coworkers or supervisors, they have to deal with.

And jobs where one has to directly deal with people/customers can, and often are, emotionally/psychologically overwhelming – whether one is a waitress/waiter; a customer support person; a nurse/care-giver; etc.

I think you need to accept it as one of the hazards of the job (dealing with “dickheads” as you put it) and try to use phycology w.r.t. the matter. Don’t let their comments or attitudes have an effect on you – don’t let it go past your ears and into your soul. Perhaps you should take the attitude of not expecting much from the clientele and thus perhaps you won’t be so disappointed – sad statement but perhaps some truth to it.

Strip club “relationships” are NOT NORMAL. SCs are bizarro world – one should not expect normal or good behavior from such a non-normal type of arrangement - IMO.

And btw – since guys will be guys – I just have to say that your boobs look spectacular in your profile pic – hope you find it in your British heart :) to post some more nice pics of you.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
So would you rather have guys act like a total ASSHOLE and not be friendly in any way at all???
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago

I totally agree with the OP. I'm also tired of these mother fuckers. A few times I had managed to get them dudes kicked out of the clubs.

I've known tons of guys like #2. They only do spend on dumb dancers regardless of physical aspect (whether is a dumb fat with no tits or a dumb hottie with big t&a), and like to waste the time of the smarter ones. When I was in Virginia, there was this dancer who was studying to be a pharmacist (who had very nice t&a IMHO) and tons of dudes would do that with her; wasting her time with silly conversations and blowing their money on some crack headed trailer trash dancer (she had no t&a and was pasty white).
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
@Alucard: the OP is talking about the super friendly time wasters. More on them on the pink site.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
As I’ve mentioned, SCs are bizarro world – things are often upside down or the reverse of the “real” world.

In the “real” world – men are often chasing after women. Many good (and smart) men don’t get shit from women in the “real” world even though most women “claim” they want a “nice guy” – but often times you see the a-hole is the one that gets the pussy and the nice guy only gets to hear the girl talk about the a-hole she is banging – this is often the case w.r.t. dancers IME.

So the same thing happens in SC/bizarro world – but just the bizarro/opposite. In SCs, the women chase the men and it’s usually up to the guy to choose whom he wants to bang or get LDs from.

It’s like two sides of the same coin IMO – women in the “real” world often don’t give the good guy the time of day and go for the bad boy and similarly in the SC men go after a certain type of dancer and not others.

And btw – women and dancers will also often “use” a guy for “emotional support” and just to have someone hear them out w/o any intention or interest in the guy – does also wasting the guy’s time.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"@Alucard: the OP is talking about the super friendly time wasters"

It would seem to me that smart ladies like you would just get up and walk away from somwone who is wasting your time. If you don't walk away & just continue to let this guy waste your time, who is really at fault?

I like to think of myself as more than just plain friendly, but IF I'm not going to buy dances, I make it apparent in some manner. The dancer is always FREE to get up and leave whenever she wishes.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Agree with alucard. I'm a nice guy and I like to get to know a chick before I take her in back. But then again, here in Detroit we're going to get real intimate if we do go in back, I.e. your going to be doing a lot more than dancing. So I think it depends on geography. Girls here generally make $100 - $400 off each guy they take in back, well at least they do at the mid range to high end clubs. So they seem to be more willing to hang out and chat at most clubs, at least during day shift anyway.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
THX boogieknight369.

I think we're putting carolynne to sleep.
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
Thank you guys for your involvement,i love hearing your opinions, whatever they are. You can agree with me or tell me that i'm wrong,-i am here to see my points from your angles, as it does help. JayJaydancer you got me just right,and i'm glad you saying american guys can also be two faced, cos the ones i met here in UK, have been very honest and manageable for me,-another reason i'm so fed up with the british crowd..Papi_Chulo i agree men are men, and its a game like situation,where things reverse from how they are outside of the club…of cos i understand that..Allucard, as JayJay explained,i am only against hyperbolically friendly blokes…because its like wtf lol…'i'm not your long-lost sister,i'm just offering to see me naked,so you get a hard on,you can play with later, and fantasise about us together'..ok Papi,i'll be so kind n upload more pics:)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
If I were a dancer, I think I'd make up an alter-ego, and answer personal questions based on the alter-ego, not my true self.

I would think a dancer wouldn't spend more than 5-10 minutes trying to sell a guy if there were other guys available to target. You can even say you have to circulate under orders from the boss, and leave the door open to come back and try again.
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
ilbbaichl i get it,if you was a dancer,it would be a piece of cake for you,-nothing to discuss,worry about or be annoyed with…absolute perfection.nice.wish we silly cows had your talents! :)))) why don't you write us a useful article on how to just sail through every social situation at work, and have our real personality and weaknesses wrapped tightly under a super strong energy protection field, as in the 'World of Warcraft' lol
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"because its like wtf lol…'i'm not your long-lost sister,i'm just offering to see me naked,so you get a hard on,you can play with later, and fantasise about us together"

Sorry redxxxRose, I would want MORE than just looking at you and getting an erection. Considerable touching is involved.
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
Wait...strippers hate nice guys...and aggressive jerks...and broke guys...and all other guys?? Wow...that's shocking!! So a woman so devoid of value and self respect that she let's random losers fondle her hand have sex with her for the cost of a DVD box set is actually upset with men in general?? Fancy that.

Yeah yeah yeah...strip club guys all suck because they want you to do stuff and don't throw enough money at you or they throw it in a disrespectful way...blah blah blah...

The worst kind of clubbers are:
1) the cheapskates who go to a strip club with $40.
2) the a-holes who think if a girl is willing to take her clothes off for money...all rules are void and you can jam your fingers in her.
3) the losers that think they're going to be the exception and find "love" in a strip club.

The worst kind of strippers:
Now there's a list! I wouldn't even know where to start since I haven't met more than a couple strippers that could be honest with you enough to even get a real read on their motivations. Am I supposed to believe these gals are students? Or abused as children? Or just making a quick buck? Or are drug addicts? Have a boyfriend? Don't have a boyfriend? I mean...they sell lies for $$$. Then they get offended when you call them liars or sluts. Make up your mind already.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
Rose, all good points. It doesn't hurt to hear what the other side is thinking. It has always been interesting to read about who thinks they have the power in the strip club. The customers think they have it because they determine who they see and who they spend money on. The dancers think they have the power in manipulating guys into giving them money. I second the point about your pics. You look like you would give a nice lapper and I promise that I would keep the conversation to a minimum.:)
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
Leonard313,ermm…none of what you've said is a valid point for me,i'm sorry…i worked in over 50clubs in UK and sex in a strip club is a rare thing,definitely not a commodity.Now,about my sense of value and self respect…I have plenty of those! i like my job and my customers,i don't dance for a guy if he has about your attitude! lol. Please note that i'm a stripper,not you,so its for me to tell you what i don't like in my job,don't put words in my mouth lol. i dont mind guys with $40 budget,i appreciate any business big or small, and nobody ever threw money at me in disrespectful way in 5years..all rules cannot be void if i'm naked cos i'll press the panic button or shout for security n run away…oh n i love 'losers' who fall in love with me,cos i can make 400-500pounds in few hours while just chilling in a comfy chair with a drink, talking sweet nothings…yeah and about the things we say to customers,-why are we suppose to bare our hearts to you,-of cause we have to wear our stripper persona,-what do you mean we have to be honest? really?! would you go to cinema to watch documentary about real people? No,people go to watch a 'story',thats what they pay for.Its not 'lies',its our artistic improvisations! :))))
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago

If I were you, I'd probably stay in cozy ole UK because you'd be lucky to make more than $100 a night in an American club. And they probably make you clean up the rooms in Tijuana.

Listen...I'm sure you're beautiful...thats great. But if you were THAT wouldn't need to strip to have a comfy lifestyle. Not in the UK. Maybe Eastern Europe...but not in the UK.

I used to think clubs were what you portray them as...but after being in clubs all across the US...a club where you "can't" by sex is rare. They are there...mostly in college towns where the girls are young and dealing with immature college guys...who'll spend $200 just to see a nude woman for the first time. But in chance. Chicago? Las Vegas? maybe. way. Maybe you're a "headliner" a few shows...make $800 from the house...but without a "name" chance.

The reason you don't like my assessment of "worst customers" is because they're the only tools willing to give money to a stripper that keeps her clothes on. They're the "rookies"...still vulnerable to the hustles. Buying $10 shooters from the cute little shooter girls...paying $10 to "buy the lady a drink". "Lady?" Thats like calling clubbers "gentlemen". Just because they call it a "gentlemen's club"...doth not make it so!

If I was at a club and you came over...I'd probably be interested...because you're hot. But just as you realize I'm "experienced" enough not to fall for the rookie hustles...and that you're going to actually have to provide a service other than "fantasy" or "company"...I'm realizing you're not "the one" I'm giving my $200-$400 to tonight. You may be the hottest...but if I leave the club without blowing my load...then shame on me.

Case in point...a club I used to frequent...all the girls had full on sex for about $200-$280. But one gal would give you an hj for $25 during a standard lap dance. So if I didn't have the cash for a full on experience...I could always get that option. She wasn't hot...wasn't "cute"...wasn't at all interesting. But she made a LOT of money. And recently I heard from another patron that most of the girls are now giving HJs during the lappets. Strippers ain't smart...but they ain't stupid. They might respect your advice because you're elegant and beautiful....but they respect the one making 10x more even more... : )
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
hmm..Leonard313…thank you for assuming i might be telling the truth and i might be great and gorgeous…but i'm assuming you're my type one from the list of worst customers-the Evil one! lol. What you say may be a reality,but its Leonard's reality, people he attract and get on with. oh God knows,the hand of that girl must be tired to make LOT of money through 25dollar handjobs lol.i would believe you that US is so harsh but i cant,-my easiest money ever came from well traveled well informed american customers! these guys like me to silly,every other one wants to marry me,i donno what you talking about, seriously.but the nasty ones like you are so self-righteous,-they tell me 'hey girl you can't make serious money unless you meet me after work..bla bla..'n i go:'oh me so horny lol…', but they always tease me with their money and give an easy equivalent of 100 dollars which is like 15min dancing,-i have few of their friends or collegues and i'm done for the night,-no need to fuck or wank anyone lol :p
avatar for canny
12 years ago
You only meet American customers who can afford to travel from the US to the UK. Most of us can't afford to travel, so you're only dealing with better off American customers.

Quoting a dancer, "there is prostitution in every strip club." It may not happen in the club, but it happens. If a guy asks enough dancers in any club to meet him after work to have sex with him on a Friday or Saturday night one of them will eventually say yes. I'd say that more dancers are not prostitutes than are prostitutes, but there are some in every club who are.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I did not say dancing is a piece of cake. I just suggested some ways to try to deal with the problem you describe.
avatar for big_d_2011
12 years ago
This is my experience with point #2 on your list.

What is frustrating to me is when you go to a Club and girls would rather sit at the bar or a table instead of trying to get a dance from you. At the time I went there were about 4 or 5 ladies working but they had not started working the stage just yet so they were all on the floor. I was there for two hours and not a single one stopped by. Now granted a few of them I did not want to stop by but I made heavy eye contact with a blonde, she walked to my area, surveyed the room and just walked right to a table and sat down. After this I just got up and left.

Sometimes I will get a dance just to prove a point to other dancers. If I don't want a dance at the moment, do not call me a cheap MF because that is not the case. When a dancer gets rude, I see the first girl around or on stage and either tip or ask to go to the back just to prove a point. Yesterday I left with $300 all because they would not approach me.

Sometimes we are not going after the "dumb bimbo" type, we are just trying to prove a point because nobody else would approach us. I am in the early 30's, always clean cut and not a bad looking guy at all. I guess some people just do not want to approach somewhat younger guys because they do not think we have money. I am not going to the Champagne room but I easily spend $300 on my trips.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
What does zzzzzzzzzz mean?
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Upon reading the "volleys", I've arrived at this conclusion:

"redRose" would be better off staying in UK, and she need not worry about any tusclers (probably 95% plus of tuscl DB posters in USA) springing for a trip across the Atlantic just to visit OP's club.
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
I agree with Big D. And I do the same thing.

If I turn down a dance or don't buy a dancer a drink and she cops an attitude...I'll be sure to give the girl I end up with a nice tip and hope it gets back to "Miss Attitude" that she's an idiot.

Since I've been branded as "an evil one" by the UK stripping expert...I guess my opinion isn't that valuable...but I bet if you poll this group...I'm easily, easily, easily in the majority.

I don't think it's "evil". I think it's a pretty huge hypocrisy for a person to take her clothes off and grind on guys and then say, "Oh, I'd never have sex with a guy for money." Really? So being naked in front of strangers and spreading your legs for them is perfectly legitimate? But I'm the evil one for wanting to touch? Me thinks that once someone crosses the first line of selling their body for's a real slippery slope to get to selling your orifaces for money. Like I said in a past article I wrote...strippers will do ANYTHING for $$$. For the right amount of money, you can probably light them on fire.

Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.
avatar for jestrite50
12 years ago
Sorry to hear business is so bad Rose. (At least thats the only time I hear a complaint from a professional dancer. [Notice I did not use any derogatory terms] )

If you would like to PM me I feel I could advise you how you could turn your business around and be making 30-50K per month. I have been in sales and marketing for over 30 yrs and have helped many over the years become fully profitable in just a few easy lessons.

Dancer Advocate
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
I don't specialize in marketing at all...but I could tell you how to boost your profits 400%...just make sure he wears a jimmy...profits go out the window if you catch something.
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
what the hell people lol.some of you really reading your own stuff between my lines!! lol jestrite50, when did i say my business was so bad? my business is great, i just outlined the sort of guy n their configurations that i find repulsive,to write you people a nice informative article,and this is how you thank me lol.i am a professional,i spend maximum a minute of my time with social leeches until i identify them,then watch other girls giving them 30min therapist sessions for free!

Leonard313 calm down already with how we dancers all prostitutes,having crossed that holy red line you drew for us!! i'm an awfully playful girl,and this is how i make my good money,- charging them more and letting them do stuff to me has never really crossed my mind,because i am NOT comfortable with some random people seriously touching me, also for money, which is like giving away that control that makes the whole thing fun, and not some pathetic grouping session.I find they spend less if they can do to you more, because then you become a 'body', and they need to do it all! teasing is doing more! as in 'less is more'! but you wont understand it of cos Leo,your cock is thinking differently for you lol:))))x

big_d_2011 i see your point,sorry to hear good guys get neglected when they hang out at strip clubs. i am one of those fiery temperamental girls too,who wont go to a guy unless it feels right,but if they giving me strong eye contact,i'm game, can enjoy myself a lot and be very chatty and open too,i just need to know he means business first,otherwise i get quite fickle n run off lol.good job my body attracts me serious people,when i was less curvy, working a room was a nightmare,-every guy is a freaking mystery you have to invest yourself emotionally with first!

P.S. ready or not,here i come,-i'm going to US this year to 'educate' the masses about life's true values lol
avatar for SketchinGuy
12 years ago
This thread is hilarious.

And I know the response is dated, but Rose, I hope you make it to my town. If you do & work in the clubs here, let me know in advance. You'll see a kind of customer you may not have seen before (depending on what UK clubs are like).
avatar for tonester72
12 years ago
As a customer in both the US and UK this thread demonstrates how divided we are by our common language. In England discretionary tipping is limited and not really an established thing in clubs. So Rose's earnings probably only come from selling £20.00 dances, A 30 minute VIP would basically be an extended sit down combined with some dances, she might get a cut out of selling champagne. A guy who might find her interesting to talk to but isn't interested in buying dances wouldn't think of tipping for time spent. Stage tipping is non existent. Also, most clubs try and go for an upmarket "gentleman's club" vibe. Clubs usually don't open til 9 or 10pm.

From my recent visits to clubs in US (will get round to reviewing soon) there is a lot more of a complex multi-faceted culture going on. Most clubs are very blue collar and prehaps different types of experiences being sold. Girls told me they see a Monday afternoon customer as very different animal to a friday night guy.

Personally I'm not really interested in buying sex but from the things I read on this board and certain unsolicited quotes I received in Florida clubs those of you who do go in for this are paying a heavy premium. Legal escorting rates in England are £100-150 per hour i.e. no more than $200.00, although higher in Central London. Those of us who hang out in strip venues do so because we want to buy a fantasy rather than trying to work out how much it is going to cost us to lay the stripper.

There will almost certainly be a market for a dancer like Rose in the US but she will need to tread carefully and bring a thick skin.

I do prefer the US clubs though because in England no-one really understands what a proper lapdance is.
avatar for rell
12 years ago
well its the same thing with dancers that complain... my thing is and always has been its the nature of the beast.. just the way dancers try to upsell rip you off, have bad attitudes may not be as "clean" as they need to be its the nature of the beast, you want to be a dancer you gotta deal with certain guys and different types of customers to make your money and we have to deal with certain types of dancers as well.. fair trade if you ask me
avatar for badboylooking4dirtygirl
I can totally empathize with your situation; so your final input is that you hate it when an unworthy guy tries to establish rapport with you. Just last week I went to a club on a whim, found a smart and socially savvy young woman who initiated rapport with me; We had a few drinks and I was waiting for her to come back when I was accosted by the female version of the over enthusiastic males OP describes. In short I lost sight of the gem in the rough thanks to pointless small-talk. Talk about frustrating.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
what do you call the guy who you see buys dances from different girls, but when you come and says no to you because your not his type physically. You can pretty much tell he knows the game of strip clubbing and isn't trying to take any stripper home, you just don't fit his type of girl he wants. What kind of insult of a name do you give this gentleman. Did I mention he's not rude (if he is, its unintentional).

I've had strippers do to me what customers do you OP. Overly friendly, asking a billion and 1 questions and takes forever to get to the main point of why I'm here, sometimes even forgoing it altogher and "leaves for a quick minute, but I'll be right back"? That gets annoying sometimes
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
Estafador, guys who want a lot of different girls but not me, i call 'not my guy' and have no problem with them,cos 'my guys' most of the time wont even look at anyone else once they spotted me:)

it can be very upsetting when 'its not my night' and a lot of 'guys are not my guy', i feel a bit ugly…but then when it is my night and i see how numerous guys keep staring at me, ignoring other girls efforts or rubbing into them that i'm the best and most beautiful, i do realise that 'what's one man's trash is another one's treasure'!
avatar for skibum609
12 years ago
Rose see the types you mention all the time, but you need to understand that sex is a huge part of the strip club experience in some American venues. Where I go there are clubs where the dancers get downright rude when you say no thanks to a bj.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers"

BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Alucard hit the nail on the head.
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