Does being young and good looking help with mileage?

avatar for Clackport

I'm in my mid 20's, and I'm not saying I'm Brad Pitt or anything lol, but most strippers I've come across have told me I'm good looking, and I get that in the real world too. These strippers will hit me with comments like, "you're too cute to be getting a dance", "you're so hot that you're making me horny", blah blah blah.

As far as this question, I'm not talking about extras (HJ, BJ, FS). I realize that if you're fucking a stripper for money, it doesn't matter how old you are, if a stripper is fucking one customer, then she is definitely fucking another customer. I'm talking about kissing and 2 way contact.

I get plenty of good two way contact, and I never initiated any of it. It's always the dancer putting my hands on her breasts, ass...etc. The hottest dancers will randomly start kissing me (on the lips) during lapdances. I've done "snaking" a few times before I get lapdances with them to see how good their lapdances are, and I have to say I'm getting better dances than the other customers they give dances to (primarily older customers). I get the feeling that they're almost surprised that I'm getting dances from them. I'm nice to them too, so that maybe that helps with mileage.

This thread is not meant to come off like I'm a model or something lol, I'm just stating my experiences.

This thread is meant in general that do guys who are young and good looking get better mileage than old guys?

What say you?


last comment
avatar for Omega22
12 yrs ago

I am young and have had similiar experiences. I think they just go where the money is young or old. I see strippers doing the same thing to the older guys at the clubs. I get high mileage when I take a girl to the VIP because well I took her to the VIP. My friends don't spend as much and because of that they don't get as much attention.

Actually funny story really. The strippers are all over my friends at first. Realize I have more money so then they are giving me all, and more, of the attention. I guess the girls think my friends, who are young too, are more attractive than me but become attracted to me more than my friends when they realize where the money is in my group.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

Short answer:

ITC: probably not OTC: probably helps

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

I get better mileage than all of you guys combined =]

avatar for thesamurai
12 yrs ago

Ranukam if it happened once or twice I would be inclined to believe its because you're such a hot piece of man stud. Since it happens all the time though, I think you're just experiencing how strippers maximize their income.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Do you mean to tell me that all those strippers have been lying to me?

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

I don't think looks matter all that much and if anything youth might be a negative.

avatar for sandman96
12 yrs ago

I'm in my mid 30's and have been told by strippers and others that I'm pretty good looking. And I've found it helps a little bit at the clubs, of course having money to play with certainly doesn't hurt. But as motorhead says, it helps more with OTC than anything.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I believe some dancers believe flattery will help them get dances. It probably doesn't hurt.

Several dancers like to get their lipstick all over you. I haven't had this problem lately but I remember several years ago I was getting lipstick all over my face and in one club with a feature entertainer, she actually turned my white shorts red across the entire front side of my shorts. She had part of me in her mouth and refused to let go. Not that I was trying. Shorts were in the way. I believe she was a porn star but I don't remember who it was and wasn't at all familiar with any porn star names back then.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

I don't think it matters once you are paying. And plenty of strippers are throwing making out into the mix these so I don't think you can count on that as a sign of anything either.

One thing I am sure it would help with those is asking them out in a normal non-paying sense. Once money is involved then unless you literally are Brad Pitt you are just the next number in line. (And I'm a pretty young, handsome, charming fellow myself so I ought to know.)

avatar for critic12345
12 yrs ago

Is not your looks is the cash and dont be kissing them u dont know where there mouth was 10 mins ago ;)

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

As long as you supply the money, you can look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and get mileage. LOL

avatar for GoVikings
12 yrs ago

I'm in my mid twenties and good looking as well, but my experiences have been much different from yours. I've never gotten any type of kissing during a lap dance. If I'm not mistaken, I've also never had a dancer put my hands on her body. You can touch, but the dancer definitely won't be the one who initiates it.

There are many things on TUSCL that I've read that I've never been offered/experienced in the club, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that most of my club visits are in Virginia.

avatar for SuperDude
12 yrs ago

"You're cute," she said, "But Ben Franklin is really hot."

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

So why do all you "Good Looking, handsome" 20 Somethings need to frequent Strip Clubs. Should not you be able to attract any woman you want in the real world and get Sex?

Post a pic of yourself Dougster. I want to see how good looking you are.

LOL - And don't claim privacy, prove your claim!!!!

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Sorry, Alucard. No can do. Privacy and all.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

People on here will just have to take my word for it. But since I've always been honest about things I've said on here, I don't think that will be a problem.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

Well Alucard, I live in Portland and the girls are so bad around here (not including strippers) that I almost want to turn gay. The strippers are by far the best looking women in Portland, so that's why I visit the strip clubs to get what I want.

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

If you are getting full kisses on the lips you are very likely getting more than the other customers. In general though when it comes to dances and extras I am guessing that most dancers have their price and are sticking with it, that's their rent payments.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

I dont generally care what a customer looks like. I dont kiss any customers or tell them they are hot. I have danced for alot of really hot guys and I enjoy it. I may even have more fun than normal but I dont give them anything special.

I do think some girls forget they are at work and when a hot guy comes around, they go into civilian mode and want to give them special treatment and sometimes for free. I would rather just give everyone the same treatment based on their spending and sometimes even their treatment of me as a person.

Ill also say that I do know of girls who will drop their prices significantly for hot customers. Some will do unbelievable things for free. Someone needs to slap these girls upside the head. They are working and need to have more control over themselves. If you go around the locker room complaining about not making money but then you charge customers based on looks, then you deserve to fail. Then I get a dance from these guys and they think they can grope me all over for free because some other girl let them do it and, of course, they "think" they are gods gift to women.

avatar for TommyMoney
12 yrs ago

LOL... good looking women EVERYWHERE... including Portland.

Try lookin a lil' harder, Brad.

avatar for outside4
12 yrs ago

It helps, but it isn't going to replace green bills. I think it makes things easier, greases the rails with some strippers, so long as you also have a good attitude on top of it and know the drill of being in the club. My experience is it helps to have game and look good, and not looking like a "Dad", but money money money is the game.

@Alucard - dude, that's not what club tripp'n is about. That's not the same thing as the adrenaline rush of a club and rubbing on strippers and more. I am wired for adventure with my dick. I may be dating a hot woman, but it doesn't mean I just shut down. It's different, the two things are not the really the same thing.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

"Ill also say that I do know of girls who will drop their prices significantly for hot customers. Some will do unbelievable things for free."

So that's why strippers never charge me?

avatar for SemiCrazy
12 yrs ago

Even if you are getting special treatment inside the club, like kissing or more mileage, what makes you think she is really that into you? She may just think you're younger and thus more gullible and playing you for the payoff in the long game OTC.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

strippers see younger age as less money I don't think age has anything to do with extras

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

I am jealous because of all you poor good-looking son-of-a-bitches. All these great looking guys, with freebies in the club, and touching, kissing, rock star status in the club.
I'm surprised any dancers will even dance for me anymore.

And to think, I could have been handsome too if it hadn't been for genetics.

avatar for dallas702
12 yrs ago

I can barely remember my 20's, but I do know that in a strip club most of the women prefer to spend time with "more mature" gentlemen. They tend to avoid the young guys with their usually tiny - - - wallets and usually inflated egos. With us "experienced" PLs the ladies can quickly figure out who is window shopping and who is paying for fun. With the youngsters, I'm told by the ladies, it takes a while to figure out whether they have any money and are willing to spend!

I do believe that, if you can get past the disadvantage of youth, good looks are helpful. But, just like us older guys, the attraction only works if the looks are backed up with appropriate clothing, good grooming and deodorant! Chicks don't like to grind on scratchy jeans or get cuddly with BO and bad breath.

If you do "have it," and the young dancers appreciate your looks, I have no doubt you will get more bang for your buck than the fat old slob she just took for $300 before sliding onto your lap.

avatar for big_d_2011
12 yrs ago

I have had girls tell me those things and provide very good mileage without me making a move during a dance. I have also had some that would not give me the time of day because they did not think I had money.

Really just depends on the girl. But overall, Cash will trump Looks pretty much any day!

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

DRACULA !!! I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK OF YOURS !! SHEESH !! As far as being young and good looking, I wouldn't know, I'm ancient and, umm, distinguished. LMAO

avatar for dtek
12 yrs ago

Well ranukam, I'm in Portland too but I'm about three decades older than you. Like you, I hear that I'm good looking both from strippers and from women in the "real world." Like you, dancers tell me that I make them horny. They also tell me that they prefer men my age to men your age. I know that this is code for "guys in their 50's have more money to spend."

I don't think it's possible to say "in general" whether guys your age get better mileage for the cost of a dance than guys my age. It varies too much from girl to girl. In Portland it also varies greatly from club to club. There are clubs here where the girls will give me little more than the time of day. There are also clubs where the mileage I get meets or exceeds anything you're getting.

I suspect there are three factors in play that determine the amount of mileage available to a customer in this market:

  1. The club. Every club here seems to have its own culture. Some clubs appear (to me) to be hipster hang-outs where little mileage is sought or available to anyone (except maybe lopaw ;-). At other clubs many of the girls are up for pretty much anything with the right customer. The rest of the girls at these clubs are pretty liberal with what they'll allow. Most clubs are somewhere in the middle.
  2. The girl. Every girl has her own limits regardless of the club she works at. A liberal girl at one of the stricter clubs will offer a bit more mileage than the rest of her colleagues. A less liberal girl may be up for much less mileage than the rest of the dancers at a higher mileage club.
  3. The guy. Like you, I've observed what other customers are getting during a lap dance. Like you, I appear to be getting more. I think this has less to do with age than it has to do with how the customer behaves. You say you're nice to the dancers. I suspect that's the biggest key, at least here, to getting more mileage at the clubs where higher mileage is available.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

Well, according to Stiletto's experience, yes it does, for at least some subset of dancers. My experience says that being old and ugly, and carrying a few hundred dollars does well enough, too.

A typical conversation for me goes something like:

Her: Wanna dance? Me: Depends. How do you feel about a creepy old man groping you while you sit on his lap? Her: Do you tip good? Me: If I get what I want, yeah. Her: OK.

Sadly, I no longer remember a time when money wasn't the controlling factor in mileage.

avatar for snowtime
12 yrs ago

I think one factor that has not been mentioned is how long the dancer in question has been a stripper. For many of the newer girls I am sure that they are more comfortable with cute guys that are the same age. The new girls at first may be less comfortable dancing for those of us old enough to be their father/grandfather. As she becomes more comfortable with the whole experience, I think she tends to realize that dancing in the club is business and socializing with kids her own age is something better done elsewhere. So, after a few weeks I think money becomes the controlling factor. I have heard many a dancer complain that "we have too many young guys in here tonight and nobody is spending any money". Lets face it, an attractive girl can get pretty much any guy she wants in a normal club, so why does she need to waste her time in the strip club (for which she is paying some kind of fee) paying more attention to a cute, young guy with no money.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

georg, my friend, that is sad. I don't doubt the younger guys are liked more (at least in the body department) we've both seen countless numbers of foolish young guys in our times at the clubs, but I gotta believe like you, as long as money is in the picture, prospects are good for us elder statesmen. :)

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

@Tommy- When I say the women are bad in Portland, it's called a generalization. Of course there are some beautiful women in Portland. The point is they are rare in Portland. Come back to the discussion when you have better comprehension skills.

@Dtek- You make good points. As far as you getting better mileage than me in some clubs, I was only talking about mileage as far as kissing and two way contact. I definitely know of places where I can get extras if I wanted.

I think Stiletto pretty much confirmed what I had been thinking. You gotta remember strippers are actually people too. It should be always about money to them, but sometimes they slip up. They can get crushes on customers and give them discounts and/or better mileage than the average customer.

Stiletto25, Snowtime, Omega22, dallas702- Great Insight.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@vince: What I think is sad, is all the guys who forgo the feel of a nice firm titty in their hands because they're too proud, or full of themselves, to fork over a little cash. :) Some call what I do sad, but I don't look at what I do as very different from the guy who spends insane amounts of money on so-called "fine" wine. :)

Don't get me wrong, I'm polite, and I respect limits (which sometimes means not getting a dance because her limits are below my threshold), but my politeness and respect ain't what gets that firm little ass in my hands and them perky little titties in my face.

avatar for canny
12 yrs ago

I know of a stripper who had sex with someone during a $20 lap dance with a guy who didn't tip any extra. The guy was young and cute. My ATF dragged me into a VIP room after the first room I got with her even though she describes me as, "you're kind of cheap." Shadowcat has met me, I'm not young and good looking. She enjoys rooms with me despite me because I'm nice and I treat her with respect and courtesy.

@lopaw, stop rubbing it in that women get more mileage for less than us men do! :-)

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

I agree with canny. He is not young and good looking. :) But compared to the dancers at the Palace in the Pines, he is Prince Charming. :)

avatar for TommyMoney
12 yrs ago

Uh... the actual point is, good looking women are NOT rare in Portland, Mr. Pitt. You obviously just haven't figured out how to find them.

But keep believing that they are, and that you're getting great mileage due to anything other than $$$ (ultimately... as the skilled dancers know how to work the "long con", which is exactly what's occurring with what you describe).

avatar for dtek
12 yrs ago

@ranukam I wasn't talking about extras either. I've been amazed at the number of dancers in this town who will initiate kissing and/or two way full contact for nothing more than the cost of a lap dance, sans tip.

avatar for steve3003
12 yrs ago

@rahukkam: hard days are ahead of you.

avatar for GCMan
12 yrs ago

Doesn't matter how much money you have or what you look like....if you don't have game you will not get the 9 or 10 to meet you OTC. So if you are getting these freebies in the club, its probably because you have game and not because you are 20 something and good looking. Just my opinion after going to clubs by myself and with the guys over the years. Some guys can ask any dancer to meet them and 9 out of 10 times they will. While other guys can spend a ton of money and never get any dancers to hook up OTC. It is what it is. Some guys have it and some don't. Be glad you got it young grasshopper.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@"Doesn't matter how much money you have or what you look like....if you don't have game you will not get the 9 or 10 to meet you OTC."

Hahahahahaha! ROTFLMFAO!

Based on my own personal experience, completely and totally wrong. My "game" consists of asking "how much for...?"

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

It's an unanswerable question...

For hot guys, they don't know whether they get better treatment because they don't know how ugly guys are treated. And vice versa.

Personally, I'm not a good looking guy. Never have been, never will be. Not ugly, but I just don't have those things that women cream over. Except for "pretty" eyes. And I'm slender, not fat. But otherwise, women won't give me a second glance. Or even a first. I'm the kinda guy who the "10's" in the club are more likely to think "this guy should feel honored just to be in my presence". If they even stop by to chat, which they probably won't.

On the other hand, mileage wise, at the clubs I go to, I get some incredible mileage during $10 lap dances. And I'm not a big spender, although I tip real well if the dancer does something to deserve a tip.

In any case, if you're a really hot guy, the kind that makes a woman melt when you walk in the room, I can only wish that in some other life I could be that. Nothing I'd like more. So if you're that guy, consider yourself very, very blessed.

Although, on the other hand, women will just treat you like a piece of meat, and not really care about the "inner you", and it' will give you all kinds of terrible emotional scars.

Yeah, I'll believe that to make myself feel better.

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