
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers Head to the Super Bowl
    It's not uncommon for strippers from all over the country to descend on the Super Bowl-host city. I have a long time fave that did it when Dallas hosted the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, Dallas was hit by a heavy snowfall, which adversing affected her club's business during that time. I also know a dancer who routinely goes to whichever city is hosting the NBA all-star game. She finds out which hotel the team is staying out, book herself a room there and makes herself "available."
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    12 years ago
    Do you have what it takes to date a stripper?
    I meant to add: If you're twenty or thirty years older than the strippers you see in the clubs, don't expect to date them.
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    12 years ago
    Do you have what it takes to date a stripper?
    Getting back to the original question, "Do you have what it takes to date a stripper?" Even with strippers, some of the usual principles of sociology still apply. One would have to be within the normal dating age range of the stripper you're interested in. I'm so much older than strippers that I would never attempt a dating relationship. I've had a few dates with strippers, but never gone into what I would term a long term dating relationship.
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    12 years ago
    Negotiable Lap Dance Prices?
    My experience has been what Experimental and mjx01 mentioned: 1. If the club has a high house fee for the dancers, but then lets the dancers keep all of their money after paying house and other tipouts, then you're likely to find negotiable dance prices. That's because the club management doesn't know or care how many dances a dancer sold during her shift. 2. One way of observing if this is the practice is that if you see a floater (usually a person with a clip board) walking around counting the dances each dancer gives, then the club likely has a low house fee for the dancers, but collects a percentage of each dance. (Some clubs have a more subtle way of counting the dances.) If that's their system, then those clubs WILL care how many dances a dancer has sold. Like Experimental said, it's best if you can discern which system the club uses before going in, or before spending a lot of money your first visit there.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Case of the Missing Stripper
    It's only been a day for you so far, so I wouldn't start drawing conclusions until you're actually able to talk to her about it. Dancers are notorious for being unpredictable, unreliable, unconcerned about others, even the "hands that feed them." I had a former long-time fave show similar lack of concern when she felt it was time to kick me out of her life. If this were my situation, and she didn't have an adequate explanation, once I could speak with her, I'd just dump her and go on to another. I don't have any tolerance for flaky dancers.
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    12 years ago
    Soft Skin Hands, Rough Skin Hands
    I get the soft hands compliments a lot, especially after thoroughly enjoyed a dancer's boobage. When they ask how I keep them so soft, I tell them, "I don't do pole tricks." @ sinclair: In my experience, dancers who do a lot of strenuous pole tricks can get rather calloused hands.
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    12 years ago
    what not to do...
    Another newbie dancer's list of instructions to customers, as if we need another one of those. She can't write coherently, or spell correctly. (See her one review.) Next ! It's a shame that she appears to be from Seattle.
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    12 years ago
    ot: funniest business names
    I've conjured up a couple of funny names for potential strip clubs in the past: 1. I was driving to my local club one night. My usual route took me past a "Babies R Us" store. I quickly misread its sign as "Boobies R Us." That made me think that would be a good name for a strip club. Particularly if it could be across the street from a Babies R Us. 2. Anaheim, CA is known for Disneyland, but there are also eight strip clubs there. If one could be located across the street from Disneyland, I'd name it "Boobyland," and with as close as legally possible, the name in a similar Old English font like Disneyland is known for. One more feature: It could have a mascot in its advertising, "Topless Tinkerbell."
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    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China's Billionaire Heiress Can't Find Boyfriend
    For once, I'll disagree with pablo. But, I will concur with clubber: I wouldn't kick her out of MY bed.
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    12 years ago
    Dancer flaking
    Papi has some great comments. Take his advice. I had a remotely similar situation happen to me last month. What I did was to write down a description or timeline of the events that evening. In the event I should ever speak to that same dancer again, I could confront her with that information as to how flaky she was that evening. I rarely give dancers a second chance when that kind of thing happens. Dancers that ask for "second chances" usually need fifth and sixth chances to get it right. My suggestion is just dump her and move on to someone else. Clearly, she's unreliable.
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    12 years ago
    North Iowa
    Just noticed if you have more than 25 clubs on your hotlist, they only show the
    For once, I'm with gator.
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    12 years ago
    The bigger you are the better
    guess which pair is mine???
    @ lopaw and farmerart: All three of us need to go clubbing together sometime!
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    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Is this Type of Strip Club Website Practical?
    mikeya, Thanks for the info. I looked at that: http://www.cheetahssd.com/girls.php This is the closest some clubs have come to that I was thinking. They'll use either their website, Facebook page, or a common website such as TUSCL to list a "real time roll call (RTRC)." One website that has a built-in feature for that that's available for clubs to use is the Southern California website, www.zbone.com A sample of it, for just one club is: http://zbone.com/page/stripjoint (you may have to click on "discussions and RTRC.")
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    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Is this Type of Strip Club Website Practical?
    My point is that I understand that no club would likely undertake such a website. I'm thinking that a TUSCL-type of entrepreneur could do it for a great number of clubs. Does the technology exist to accomplish this?
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    12 years ago
    Poop Magazines
    I agree with GMD, as I often do. Obviously, a short amount of time is all that is usually devoted to reading while on the pot. So, one is not likely to attempt "War and Piece" or "Gone With the Wind" while on the shitter. I think you hit it in the head, er, uh, I mean on the head: It's a way of hiding the magazine. I probably did that back in the day, but like GMD said, porn mags aren't the primary way of enjoying porn anymore.
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    12 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    website with dancers schedule
    @ Lone_Wolf: Great comment! @ neon44: If you're referring to the only club that you've reviewed, this is what is currently says about schedules: http://www.taboomensclub.com/taboogirls.html I've noticed a few clubs here and there attempt to post dancers' schdules, but it's generally a wasted effort. Dancers (as Lone_Wolf inferred) aren't very good about keeping to their schedules, and the clubs aren't very good at updating their websites. Even though I know nothing about web design, I've often though that a web site solely devoted to strip club dancers/waitresses/bar maids, etc. schedules could be developed. I'll post discussion item about that soon.
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    12 years ago
    meaning of Topless and nude for a strip club
    Most of my clubbing has been in three states: CA, NV, and WA. Generally, in all three of those, if a club is advertised as "nude," or "topless", that only refers to what level of clothing the dancers may go down to while on stage. If customers observe less than that amount of clothing being removed, it's probably just a lazy dancer. As for lap dances, generally, nude clubs will offer nude lap dances. Topless clubs only allow bikini dances. Some exceptions apply. Here in WA, even though the clubs are advertised as nude, bikini lap dances are all that are permitted (but higher mileage dancers can find ways to at least flash). Distance requirements may also apply as inno mentioned, above.
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    12 years ago
    Strippers In Regular Bars
    In Southern California, prior to about 1990, that was common. They were referred to a topless bars (or titty bars). They would only have a few dancers on shift. Maybe two stages in the larger bars. When the dancers were off stage, they'd double as waitresses. This was even before stripper poles. When lap dancing entered the adult entertainment scene, full size strip clubs began to emerge. It's interesting that many of the old topless bars are still around. In some cases, they've sort of retrofitted to create a space for lap dances, but it's not the same as going to a modern strip club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody ever juggle 2 OTC strippers at the same club?
    My experience has been about what GMD just mentioned. I'm friendly with lots of dancers in and out of the clubs. I actually like it when they all know each other. None of my OTC dancers like it known that they do OTC with me, or any customer for that matter, so they're not likely to bring it up among each other. But, I'm sure that they all know that I do OTC with all of them. (Again, I seem to buck the trend regarding the usual advice on how I handle my OTC activities with my dancers.)
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    12 years ago
    Richmond, va. and curious
    Just go in yourself. It's no big deal. A lot of us male customers did the same in the beginning. There's no reason why a woman customer can't do the same. If you really need some advice beforehand, I recommend the you send a private message (PM) to one of our solo female customers: lopaw. See her profile: https://www.tuscl.net/u.php?UID=144284
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Brand, spanking new book on Amazon: Don't Be An Ass: Gentlemen's Club Etiquett
    Based on the two pages that are available to read for free, I wouldn't pay to read this book. Apparently the subject of how to get extras, and OTC isn't addressed. Better advice is available, and for a the cost or effort of a membership, right here on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stage Dances
    Three things are important to me when a dancer is on stage. The first two have been mentioned by others above: 1. Is the dancer entertaining? Part of that is indicating that she's having fun being on stage. 2. Does she take off all the clothing that the club will allow? 3. Not yet mentioned by others: Does she make eye contact with anyone in the front row, or further out in the audience? Girls that stare at the ceiling or the back wall loose my interest immediately.
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    12 years ago
    C-Sections and Breastfeeding
    @DG1: I never heard of a vagina compared to a taco before! So funny!(Also interesting that you used the word, "snatch." Farmerart posted a thread about that along time ago, because he hadn't heard that term used in a few decades.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Nancy Grace
    I've never been attracted to Nancy Grace. I thought she danced and looked awful in Dancing with the Stars in September 2011. She's a porker! See story and clip at: http://www.mjsbigblog.com/nancy-grace-wardrobe-malfunction-on-dancing-with-the-stars-photo-video.htm
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Great Moments in PL History
    There's a common thread to this thread. Most all of the above stories involve a moment of personal embarrassment at the time, but something that the storytellers could get over, and even laugh at later on. I have had numerous humerous moments in and out of strip clubs with strippers, but nothing worthy of posting here. When farmerart gets back from his Hawaii vacation, I hope he'll post something here. He's a great storyteller.