Brand, spanking new book on Amazon: Don't Be An Ass: Gentlemen's Club Etiquett

avatar for readmybook

Please check out this book, a rare glimpse into the strip club industry. Suggestions for all staff and customers. Insightful, helpful and entertaining.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Another know it all spamer.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

At least he could have been a bit less obvious with his scene name.

Maybe that PAID membership idea has legs

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

"Don't be an Ass"? That would cramp my style.

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

If it ain't free, it ain't for me

avatar for sinclair
12 yrs ago

So this is a book by a stripper telling us how to behave in a strip club? I'd rather not waste $15 or my time.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 yrs ago

Based on the two pages that are available to read for free, I wouldn't pay to read this book. Apparently the subject of how to get extras, and OTC isn't addressed. Better advice is available, and for a the cost or effort of a membership, right here on TUSCL.

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Mystery Of Our Lives...

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

Don't be an ass

right back at ya

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Can’t wait for the movie based on this thriller!

avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 yrs ago

Please check out my new book, a rare glimpse into the tuscl culture. Suggestions for all posters, shills, and spammers. Insightful, helpful and entertaining.

Readmybook, you really need this. I'll sell it to you for the low introductory price of $15, for all 28 pages. Don't be an ass, you need this book.

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

Screw your book. It offers me absolutely nothing.

avatar for JacksonEsskay
12 yrs ago

Amazon review: The information contained in the book is easily obtainable for free with a 5 minute simple internet searches. The advice that is provided is more a lesson in common courtesy that inside information about what goes on in a strip club. Topics that REALLY interest strip club customers like how to get extra services while inside the club or how to establish and outside-the-club relationship with strippers are completely ignored in the book. Any man wanting useful information on this topic would be better advised to join one of the discussion groups on this topic (like tuscl or strip club network)that spending his hard earned $15 for this 28-page high school term paper.

avatar for minnow
12 yrs ago

Fellas (and lopaw): I have a better idea. On the Cheetahs-Atlanta website, there are several quick videos on "Club Etiquitte". They're humorous, short, and free. I got a few chuckles out of those..........

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

I thought Ass was what stip club were about.

avatar for ClubLurk
12 yrs ago

@Emita_Nights, I would read your book! Somebody should seriously write one from the customer's prospective.

avatar for readmybook
12 yrs ago

oops my bad, this is for intelligent people who want to educate themselves on how to uplift their standards. A guy recommended this site...not exactly my forte.

First book on this subject matter: Don't Be an ASS: Gentlemen's Club Etiquette (emphasis on gentlemen, hence why on the first page I put the definition of the word as I am certain some of you don't even know how to be one)

Second book: Don't Be an Ass 2: observations and suggestions (this is more about politics, education revamping, communities uplifting themselves...subject matter that should be our focus. I'm sorry if I have higher standards for myself and those around me.

As for the guy who made the comment, he got the book for free, so what he is complaining about is beyond me. Make valid, constructive criticism.

Most dancers, staff, and customers have been very receptive. I'm trying to bring some CLASS into such an establishment. Educating, Inspiring, Uplifting, and more so bringing positive changes is what I am all about.

I'm sorry if you want to continue on your downward spiral of thinking women are objects...Have higher standards to all.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

You are not trying to bring any class. You are just trying to make a buck pedeling shit that you know nothing about.

avatar for sinclair
12 yrs ago

Is your ugly ASS not making enough in the clubs? Take your spam elsewhere.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Is this a Kindle edition? Yep, lots of ultra-low quality crap turning up on Kindle lately. Like 10 pages essays some college kid wrote about some random topic that they are trying to make $2.99 or whatever selling. Stuff needs to be filtered out better.

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

Insight into the strip club industry is not rare anymore. It's easy to find these days (at least as far I'm aware of since I've been on this site long enough

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Fuck off

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

I already know how not to be an ass in a strip club; I don't need some internet wanker to tell me how to do it.

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

Clubber bows to the all knowing readmybook and chants, "I am not worthy!"

He should rename the book, "How To Be An ASS on TUSCL".

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

I tried the "Add to Wish List" button on Amazon, but it didn't work. The "book" didn't disappear!

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