
Is this Type of Strip Club Website Practical?

Seattle, Washington
Friday, January 18, 2013 4:50 PM
After reading a related thread by neon44, this thought occurred to me: Could a website be created that posts and regularly maintains dancers' schedules, and gives real time info. as to which dancers are presently on shift: In my experience, most strip club websites are worthless. What I really want to know is: 1. Address and contact info. (often available on numerous other websites) 2. Whether the club is bikini, topless, or nude. Alcohol or non-alcohol. 3. Photos of the interior/exterior of the club. 4. Admission and drink charges. 5. Lap dance/VIP room/champagne room prices. 6. The names of the dancers working there, and their schedules. 7. Photos of the actual dancers. (Often photos of "fantasy" girls who don't work there are liberally sprinkled throughout a strip club's website.) Only items 1 - 3 are usually available on strip club websites. I know I can forget about dancers' photos (no.7). Most dancers don't want photos of them posted on line. Clubs seem to be reluctant to post schedules of the dancers, probably because they know the dancers aren't reliable enough to maintain a posted schedule, and the clubs themselves aren't very good about updating their websites. (Most of the Puget Sound Region Deja Vu clubs do list the dancers names, and provide space for photos, and schedules, but very few dancers have consented to that. And, the company only updates that info. about every three months, sometimes six months. PM me if you want an example.) But, no. 6 might be practical, if an entrepreneur web designer would undertake the idea. My thought is two ideas: 1. A POSTED SCHEDULE THAT IS REGULARLY MAINTAINED Someone would contact various strip clubs to ask if they'd be amenable to posting dancers' schedules, and provide the means to regularly update that information. 2. REAL TIME INFO. AS TO THE DANCERS ON SHIFT AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT This may be way out there: Does the technology exist to provide strip clubs with a device that as dancers clock in and clock out, that could be transferred in real time to a website that would let the world know that at that strip club, which dancers are on shift at any given moment? I'd like to hear from those of you knowledgeable about web design and the technical needs to accomplish the above two items, if that's at all practical. Or is my idea dreamshit?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Would be nice, BUT I doubt we'll ever see it.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    My limited experience with dancers tells me that the large majority of them have a hard time maintaining a schedule. My ATF misses work about once a week, schedules make up sessions, tries and sometimes makes it. Drugs are a big factor with many of the women and therefore irregularity is the norm. I've discovered that I can call the club and ask (by stage name) if a particular dancer is there.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Clubs don't want you to know who is or isn't working. They want you to come see for yourself.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    For regulars of any particular club this could certainly be useful. For travelers like me this is pretty much useless, apart from club address and hours.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    The club would have to live by what they advertise (or not!) and it would perhaps be more difficult to change their cover charge or drink prices at the spur of the moment as I suspect some may do? Another issue is the club would have to have someone intelligent enough and with the skills to actually build and maintain a website. From the non-dancer staff I've most often seen that ain't happening anytime soon.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    My point is that I understand that no club would likely undertake such a website. I'm thinking that a TUSCL-type of entrepreneur could do it for a great number of clubs. Does the technology exist to accomplish this?
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    The website for Cheetahs, San Diego lists all the above, except for photos of every girl. The girl has to consent. And its not high tech to list the girls there. When a girl reports and pays the house fee she gets put on the girls working list. Check it out. They are on Facebook too, with more photos.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Technically possible but you can't make a business case for it. Won't happen.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    @Ermita: Yes it does happen. Some clubs are cooler than others. And typing in a girls name involves no technolgy, just a manager that actually does something!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    A schedual might be of value for those that have a favorite dancer at a club and do not have her digets. I don't go to the clubs built around when a specific dancer will be there. I go when I want to go and hope that I will find some one of interest.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    I think it is going to go much much further than the kind of tracking you describe. I think the lines between web camming and actual work in the club are going to become very blurred. Same will be true of the club. Dancers that embrace the technology will communicate with their PL fan base almost 24/7. The clubs & dancers that embrace the technology will make bank while those that resist it will slide into obscurity. We are in the midst of rapid/radical increase in connectivity the impact of which we have not yet begun to see. Hang on. This is going to be mind blowing.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    mikeya, Thanks for the info. I looked at that: [view link] This is the closest some clubs have come to that I was thinking. They'll use either their website, Facebook page, or a common website such as TUSCL to list a "real time roll call (RTRC)." One website that has a built-in feature for that that's available for clubs to use is the Southern California website, [view link] A sample of it, for just one club is: [view link] (you may have to click on "discussions and RTRC.")
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Will a manger pay for the service? Will dancers keep to the posted schedule? Will it lead to stalking? Will customers be required to pay to access the information?
  • bigman226
    11 years ago
    The dancers keep up with their PLs by texting. Everything else you need is either here or on a club's website
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    I've seen some clubs make use of twitter to post names of dancers currently at the club.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    hell a lot of clubs can't handle posting their hours let alone any other useful info.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Those little things like that are things that cost extra money which the owners just don't wanna spend towards graphic designers. Its not exactly cheap you know. I'm still reluctant to make a website for this hoe because hoes are known to be as cheap as their patrons on anything not drugs, clothes....or drugs...yeah
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Seems to me that dancers could show photos in bikinis or bra and panties from the neck down, with unique tattoos blurred. Clubs could ask dancers to call and confirm they were coming up to 8 hours before their arrival. Only then would they post it on the website that the dancer was working. Dancers who didn't confirm but still came in would be posted as working when they arrived. If it really helped the dancers for customers to see they were going to be there, they would have an incentive to call and say they were coming in to work.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    You forgot to include: tight or loose pussy
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    This could be easy to set up with a few conditions. 1. Put RFID tags on all strippers so that when they enter a strip club, they get recorded and tracked. Day and times in the club get recorded. Pics are taken of the dancers. 2. After a month of continuing to work in the same club, software posts with a probability, the odds a dancer will be working a given time and day. 3. A dancer could post if she knows she won't be working certain days and hours so all her regulars will know. 4. The club doesn't attempt to restrict what days and hours the dancers work after finding out some dancers don't like working some days and hours. I think some clubs already require dancers to work certain days and/ or to arrive by a certain hour or they'll charge an extra fee to work, or fine depending upon your viewpoint.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I suppose if someone were serious less intrusive means other than putting RFID chips on dancers might work. The club could pay a dancer a tip for the hours in a club if she swipes it upon arrival with the tip coming in when she leaves and swipes it again. Maybe instead of a tip, it cancels out the need to tip the DJ or some other tip out fee if she uses the system and works long enough. That might encourage use of the system and avoid the IRS causing the dancers to be called employees. I am not a tax expert though.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I could see dancers losing cards and stealing other dancers cards. Maybe an ink less finger print system or just logging in and out with the door girl or man would work.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Haha! You guys sure know how to complicate things! "Hi! I'm here to work he day shift". "OK. I'm typing your name on the girls working list". Thats how it works.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    For me, what would interest me most is what talent they had working that night. Being a connoisseur of black booty, I would like to know if a club is listed as “mixed” does that mean one non-white dancer or a good mix numbers wise. I would agree with Club_Goer’s assumption that most dancers would not like to have their faces shown, but “ilbbaicnl” makes a good point “that dancers could show photos in bikinis or bra and panties from the neck down” - and that would be enough for me personally. I don’t think it would be too hard or costly for a club to do this. I know at Tootsies down here in Miami, there are small monitors spread out throughout the club which list all the dancers working and when it will be their turn to go on stage – should not be that hard to pipe that info to the website IMO.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Practical? Hell yeah, it's not even that difficult. Allowing club managers to update such a thing on a real time basis, say from their phone or something would be relatively simple. Getting owners/managers to actually *pay* for such a thing would be problematic, as would making it something to which they would assign a priority. Given the immediacy of things like Facebook and Twitter, it probably isn't worth it.
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