
Comments by xxxrated (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Do you care about Extra's?
    Most definitely,(I'm going to the high-priced VIP room for EXTRAS). EXTRAS typically could be any sexual contact that goes beyond the typically lap grind dance. Touching,grabbing,bottoms off,tops off,oral sex and SEX are all "EXTRA" service ,in which the VIP room is inferred to be.....So yes, entertainers make the customer aware of what service you provide ,before a guy spends a lot of cash on a service that was inferred but, never was never provided.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Really upset right now
    DO NOT ask that girl again about her phone number....Instead ............Pick and friendlier girl,when she approaches you tip her a lil cash,drink some beers together,ask simple questions, (let her do all the talking)girls love to talk ..... tip her lil more cash, Build some cameraderie. You can get a phone number indirectly. Buy her a beer and say something like"I don't club often but i will try to see next week " oh yea what's your text?" Strippers are basically party girls. There to make a lot of cash with no strings attached. Kind of manipulative. Although a few are good companions. A very hot stripper where every guy in the club wants, would probably be the type that won't interact socially with customers,ignores some customers,does hot lap dances and(strictly there to make cash and go home). Then there's the type of stripper who's more well grounded -more people oriented.........go for the latter for the companionship and conversational stuff...........
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Embarrassing moments at the strip club
    The most embarassing moment is when this stripper danced so good on me, she caused an LDK and hoping she didn't notice(but of course she noticed)..........
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Your favorite stripper age
    I avoid 18-21 year old strippers . Too immature and young acting. (Still treating the strip club like its a dance party). 23 years is a good age. Just young enough and willing to go the extra mile.........
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would you visit a club where a friends wife worked?
    Interesting. Your buddies are trying to gauge your reaction to their strip club adventures. Ruffle your feathers a little bit. Buddies going to my wife's strip club wouldn't bother me at all. Just a job with a SEXY title.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Extra's price!
    I usually, would continue to tip the girl an extra $10 (during the dances) until i received the EXTRA service that i wanted. The extra prepaid tip would be on top of the final cost. Usually cost me about extra $30 pussy kissing,ass play,hand job...........SEX ITC usually cost me like EXTRA $100.......I wont pay more than $100 unless it was OTC.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Flashing the kitty in a topless club
    Its somewhat common In the Southern California Area. Depending if its a medium+ -mileage girl. A low-mileage girl probably wont do it. The girls usually have alcohol in thier system already. Usually, by the 3rd dance the girls really loosen up. The girls aren't really shy about the kitty . As long as the bouncer is not around. Guage how she reacts by sensual panty play . Then Progressively get more sexual by each dance. I remember one dancer moved her panties to the side.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is Winter a good time to go Strip Clubbing?
    You can go to the strip any time of the year and have a good time. The same girls will work all year around. Entertainment at a strip club is a year around thing. Even in a colder climate, the girls still will have to work for money. Just keep yourself warm with a few chicas on your lap......
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    after club meal
    The food is to go for my 4 strippers at the holiday inn................for a 4way........
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    ATF Breakups
    ATF all time favorites...A Relationship with a stripper is a strange one. I Just had my ATF OTC for 5 years change her phone number and cut off all contact with me. It was nothing i did. It was some type of money issue or family issue. Just all of a sudden Quit her stripper job cut off all contact with me (very strange) but, shes a stripper. However, there are so many strippers,escorts,and Tijuana Brothels that i just about forgot about this girl........
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OTC/ITC: The reliability of a stripper
    There's no reliability to a stripper LOL . (Everything they say Manipulation)..There's a high turnover rate in this business. As the older strippers start leaving the business we are left with all the inexperienced girls who are intimidated by an OTC. I've had a lot of OTC success at the topless clubs.(nude club girls are harder to convince). Start the girls out with some lap dances and some drinks. Lap dancing is a great way to test out a girl. Target the one who's really high-milage in this area. During your conversation -get her mind use to the idea of (Private Dancing) However, don't request a Private Dance until after, the 2nd visit at least .....Visit her at least 2 times. After you get her sexualized,liquored up and Private Dance thoughts in her head....... u can offer her something like $100 for private dance off site.(get her mind used to the terminology(Private Dance) ....Private Dance= i Wanna Meet you OTC for sex and dating.....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Crotchless Panties-Yay or Nay?
    Yay, Crotchless panties come in handy for lap dances. When security pokes there nose, in the lap dance area you still have access to pussy play............
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How Long Would You Wait?
    I'm an impatient man. I'm booting her after the first date ,if no sex. Shoot, i could get a escort for $150 without the worries.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Anyone know what the deal is with a waitress kissing you after she gives you you
    Remember waitresses just like strippers work for tips. She's working the room. She's also targeting a specific customer she feels would be more generous. This is a good thing right? Some of the waitresses are hot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Gross Things in Lap Dances your stories
    I remember during one lap dance stripper removed her panties and it was just a rancid smell like she was on her period. kind of spoiled the dance.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is strip clubbing like a drug addiction?
    The strip club tends to leave you broke....just like a drug addiction.....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follow in Nik Wallenda's foot steps or go bare back with a stripper?
    Well, I,ve went bareback with a few strippers , never got sick..... I'll stick with the strippers and leave grand canyon deathwalk alone........
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Completely Stumbled Into This...
    Well, ya know strippers tend to be impulsive......if something came up perhaps, she was with another customer that day. This happens to me all the time when i date a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Passive vs Agressive
    Well,its just business transaction anyway. What happens to me is that strippers that approach me are the ones i have no interest for. The ones that peek my interest are always busy with other customers. So for me i chase them down ,that way i leave the club satisfied.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Is it rude?
    Not rude. Some strip clubs are so damn boring that you need video games, pool table, big screen t.v. and beer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Doesn't do nothing for me but, - In theory, the cock ring could work.The vibrations of the ring could stimulate the upper/base portion of the penis(where the penis meets the lower intestine ) that's like the male (g-spot)and capable of producing an intense orgasm also the prostrate area is close to that location. Of course ever guys body is different,doesn't work for everyone.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Well, SEMANAX & VOLUME are products that will increase the male orgasm/shoot a bigger load. CIALIS will work for 36 hours/multiple erections. These products have a good reputation.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    what part of hands off don't you under stand
    He just didn't tip enough. $50 tip inside the g-string settles that problem.$200 tip and she has a new boyfriend. LOL --Years of strip-clubbing experience.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Past his bed-time?
    Its very popular to drink and be buzzed before entering the club. Some guys carry the little bottles of vodka in to the club with them . 4 of the little bottles will get you messed up.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    I haven't heard this one before ...
    Well, she's a stripper.Part of her job is to entice you. Most of what see says may be true. i doubt, that she hasn't dated or had sex in 5 years...all girls say that when you meet them. She hasn't at least met a guy for coffee in 5 years----- unlikely. but, still she can still be relatively trustworthy.