Your favorite stripper age

What age is most attractive to you in the club? When I was 40, I was probably most attracted to 18- to 24-year-olds. Now that I'm 60, I gravitate to 25- to 35-year-olds, sometimes to women of 40 or even more. My current favorites are about 26, 27, 33, and 38. I have almost nothing to talk about with a girl in her teens. (JS69, no criticism whatsoever is intended of your 19-year-old DS.)
last comment22-26
That's easy. 19.
Don't ask, don't make one up.
Early twenties are probably the hottest but I think 30-35ish might be the best age. They can still be plenty hot enough but also are a little more experienced and provide much better dances. I'm 30 and while I can appreciate a hot 21 year old grinding on me, there's just a little something extra about a hot 35 year old. Of course, two of my favorite dancers that are in their mid thirties and have kids still have amazing bodies: no cellulite/stretch marks, firm tits, and soft skin. In my experience the girls in their thirties seem to care more about making sure I enjoy myself as opposed to them only caring about making money.
44, with all the attributes described by footballguy above. She is a genuine GILF!
It depends on what I am looking for one any particular night. For conversation, you can't beat women in their 30s. They are also capable of being very sensual. On the other hand, for sheer lechery its hard to resist a cute girl on either side of 20. I am less concerned about age than style. The harder they try to look like "typical" strippers (make up, hair, bling, tats, outfits, super heels, etc.), the less appeal for me. Rather, I am always a sucker for the non-conformist stripper--someone who has a unique style or way of carrying herself. I have found these types of characters at all ages.
With me its more how she looks and her attitude than age. I've seen 30 somethings that were hot and 20 somethings that were not and vice versa. My club faves range from 21 to 36. As far as a favorite age I would say around 30. They know the end is near and they try harder to please.
I'm with JS69 on this one currently the hottest stripper I know is 19 years old but god damn she fucks a conversation up.
That said typically 21-26
18-36. Latest flame is 20.
Physically, I like 18-24. For conversation I prefer late 20s.
Here's why 19 is best.
Fully developed as a woman.
No time for gravity (or kids usually) to damage natures beauty.
Relatively unused in most circumstances. Wouldn't you usually choose a new car over a used one for the same price.
If your an older guy, sex with you will be better than the young guys she has been with because of your experience and appreciation of her youth.
They actually can be good conversationalists once you get to know them but you do sometimes have to keep the discussion to topics they like. A small price to pay.
I largely agree with MrDeuce, my favorite are late 30's to early 40's
mikey, absolutely true. Can't believe I forgot that one.
Here's 7. They are so young that they dont know or care about the VIP rules.
I avoid 18-21 year old strippers . Too immature and young acting. (Still treating the strip club like its a dance party). 23 years is a good age. Just young enough and willing to go the extra mile.........
Looks-wise, I prefer a hot 18-20 year old, intelligence-wise, I prefer late 20s to early-mid 30s.
18 - 60. If she's hot, she's hot. Of course, many are not.
I don't know, because I do not ask their ages. I suspect the ones I consider my favorites at the moment are either late 20's or early 30's.
Too much of a mood thing to really answer. If a dancer catches my eye and holds my attention, whether through grinding or through conversation, she's the one for me at that moment.
Early 20's.
For body wise, you can't isually beat a girl in her early 20's. After that, or after having kids, a woman's body can really deteriorate.
Like some one else said, for conversation, a girl in her 30's is best I've found.
But, as a general guideline, a stripper has a shelf life of early 20's to mid 30's I've ound.
I've meet women who strip on their 40's. But, they really shouldn't be stripping anymore, imo.
25-35. They are still hot but can hold a conversation.
Nothing beats the youthful beauty of a 19 or 20 y/o. Fresh, firm and fine. For me, its difficult to make a connection with them due to the age difference. Plus, the young honeys are too busy making bank to want to sit and listen to some fugly middle aged dude run some OTC BS on them. I prefer in their upper 20's or early 30's. Man, those young honeys are fine though.
18-21. They're hotter, they give better dances, and they are the most fun to hang out and talk with. Most of my favorites leave the biz by about age 22. The lifers who stay around past their mid-20s may be nice people but usually strike me as kind of sad.
Gotta go with Lone_wolf, chandler, JS69.
Under 22 and of course with a good head over the shoulders.
Just can't beat that.
They're so rare that many TUSCLers may not even know what the experience is like.
But I enjoy cheerful dancers of all ages.
I’m 45 y/o buy have always been attracted to older women (30+) since I was a young boy.
I like women that look and act like a women – I’m not attracted to girls.
I like curves and often times older women have more curves – I also like slow sensual dancing which is more common w/ older dancers vs energizer-bunny young dancers.
Often times older dancers know how to better treat and engage a custy – young dancers are often too aloof and often too much into themselves and what they want vs providing you what you want.
Looks being equal – I’ll def take a 30 y/o over a 20 y/o and enjoy getting dances from dancers even in their early 40s as long as they still look good to me – and often times I will not get dances from very young dancers even if they look good either b/c they just look too young which I don’t find attractive; or the way they carry themselves turns me off.
Age alone isn't as important as personality, looks or willingness to fuck me. The MILF I'm seeing occasionally is 35. The Fuck Machine is early 20s. The Dream Cocksucker is I think 19 or 20; she isn't allowed to drink yet. My ATF was 26 the last time we were together.
I like the ones who are still young enough to not have become cyncial and jaded lifers. This gets harder as they get older unless they done something besides stripping. Doubt I'd ever go over 35.
25 to 30, ideally.