
Past his bed-time?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Monday, February 18, 2013 10:24 AM
Was in a no-alcohol DJV juice bar over the weekend. At one point in the evening I saw a guy with his passed out buddy slung over his shoulder in a Fireman's Carry. They were leaving the building with a security guard close behind. My question: since they don't serve booze in the club, did he stay up too late watching reruns of LOST?


  • xedin5436
    11 years ago
    Two most likely possibilities: 1) They were pre-gaming it and the booze didn't fully take effect until well after they'd arrived, or they'd snuck booze in. 2) They snuck other non-booze substances in. Either scenario could lead to getting booted, beyond just passing out.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I agree wirh xedin. Last weekend someone passed out in a juice bar where I live. The girls drew dicks all over him wit hilighter. He had glow in the dark dicks on his face lol. Never pass put in a club
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I'm trying to think how I'd explain highlighted dicks on my face to my wife. I've sold plenty of stories but that one would stump me. What a hoot!
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    only DJV I've been to (San Diego) had a bar next door and you could get a hand stamp and shuttle between the two, and I'm under the impression this is common DJV model. Was the a bar close by?
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    No bar close by, but sneaking in bottles seems to be fairly common. I've seen lots of empty bottles in the bathroom before.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Joey...lol,,,that was funny!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I once had a bouncer tell me to bring lots of seagrams single shot bottles to the juice bar he worked at. He told me to sit in my car and he would direct people to me after the liquor stores close if I gave him a cut. I didnt do it. Cops watch that lot as well as the surrounding parking lots closely. That guy got fired stortly after that. I also saw a guy in the same club take a soda into the bathroom and refill it from his flask. Also seen empty bottles in that club too
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
  • xxxrated
    11 years ago
    Its very popular to drink and be buzzed before entering the club. Some guys carry the little bottles of vodka in to the club with them . 4 of the little bottles will get you messed up.
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