Since i discovered extras they have become fairly important. Yes it's a good idea to let the customer know what he may or may not expect in VIP. If you insinuate extras but have no intention of delivering, you probably won't get that customer again. I know i appreciate it when a dancer tells me nothing will happen. Pretty much yes to get extras in VIP, otherwise why even go? Remember we're guys.
If the penis makes an appearance it's an extra. If not its just a lap dance.
Should you let the customer know before VIP if you do not give extras?
The guy will ask if he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't ask then it's buyer beware. You might want to tell him to avoid misunderstandings but most don't. Most dancers let the PL have an illusion of upcoming sex until the money is paid.
Do you go to VIP just to receive extras? Yes usually but not necessarily always. It depends upon the girl and the the club.
I agree some sorta dick play in extras. VIP is for something extra Always. Why pay more for something you can get outside of the $$$dollar an hour ViP. But it doesn't always have to be sex. Nobody gives a shit about privacy that much.
No the girl isn't obligated to be up front (even though word would get around about her being a ROB) we can't cry when a drug dealer ROB's either just find a different dealer.
NDNMAN- Thanks. Will keep that in mind. GACACLUB- I need to know this then don't I? I am not already a dancer. RECHTHEBERIE- Thanks. Seems to be going down in the D. JOHNSMITH69- Thanks. If not for extra, why?
Most definitely,(I'm going to the high-priced VIP room for EXTRAS). EXTRAS typically could be any sexual contact that goes beyond the typically lap grind dance. Touching,grabbing,bottoms off,tops off,oral sex and SEX are all "EXTRA" service ,in which the VIP room is inferred to be.....So yes, entertainers make the customer aware of what service you provide ,before a guy spends a lot of cash on a service that was inferred but, never was never provided.
"Should you let the customer know before VIP if you do not give extras?"
Researchgirl, are these questions supposed to be directed to dancers or to customers? And I have to say that I'm curious what you might be using this research for.
1. The girl is a dream stripper. When the strip club gods send you a DS, you must promptly do a VIP with her no matter what or invoke their wrath. The results are within their sovereign will.
2. If a no-extras club only offers air or limited contact dances outside of VIP, then I might do a VIP just to get a full contact lap dance. Usually I avoid such clubs but they are sometimes inevitable when traveling. I would only do this if the price was reasonable, the girl was hot, and I was particularly horny. This last condition is met frequently. The other two not quite so much.
I consider extras to be hand jobs, blow jobs or full service. Personally, I would not pay extra for a hand job.
I do not go to strip clubs solely for extras. I enjoy watching hot naked women and I enjoy full contact lap dances. But once I've had the lap dances, I always want the extras. Who knows why?
Research, we all want you to post some photos! We're a bunch of shallow guys.
I think a dancer should not mislead a customer. Don't promise extras if you won't deliver. This conversation can be had either on the floor or in VIP.
Extras depending on the club. While there are times extras are important and others where they are not essential. The primary thing is do not lie by insinuation or directly to me about your menu. It is always better to give a little more than promised rather than promise everything and deliver almost nothing. That will get you and the club you work at a reputation for being ROBs.
I consider extras: Handjob, Tittyfuck, Blowjob, Full service.
I don't go to the strip club for extras. I prefer all the extra things OTC (outside the club).
Mileage in VIP varies in cities, clubs etc. I think the dancer should let the customer what is technically allowed in VIP, and then she should let him know what she allows ????
My research is for myself. Both customer or dancer replies are welcomed. I want to make sure I know what is going on before I become a dancer. I wouldnt mind him touching me or kissing on me, i would not go as far as blowjob or sex. I will be sure to explain my limits ahead of time. Thank all of you for the help.
When I first began clubbing I didn't know if dancers offered girl customers extras. But soon I discovered that not only did they, but it became the norm. Now I expect it from the dancers that I know, and it is rare that a dancer doesn't offer up at least a female HJ. But on the rare occasion that I don't get offered extras, I will enjoy the dance for what it is.
It would deter me from doing a VIP, but not from spending money on a girl. I enjoy extras best when they're more of a fringe benefit than my main focus, and I get most of my extras from strippers who initially say they don't do extras.
The availability of extras and the openness of that availability varies from town to town.
If you don't want to be an extras girl, don't work at an extras club.
Do not indicate you will perform a certain act to make a sale and then reneg on what was negotiated.
In most cases the cost of VIP isn't justifiable if extras are not involved. However, the cost of VIP compared to the equivalent number of LDs make make sense in some cases.
Not all customers go for extras – in fact; in clubs where extras are available; I see much more custies going to the lap-dance room than the Champagne Room.
Many custies are not interested in extras for various reasons one of them being the much higher cost involved.
Many a dancer will try and lure a custy into VIP by insinuating more can be had other than a dance – this is wrong and bad business – if a custy is going to spend $50 or more on a room; you and the custy should have an understanding of what will/will-not happen in the room – if a dancer does not like getting ripped off by a customer then she should not do it to a customer.
Extras for most are hand-jobs; blow-jobs; fucking (aka FS = Full Service).
In some extras heavy clubs like in Detroit; it can often be hard for a dancer to make good $$$ and not give extras – but IMO in most clubs a dancer can still make good $$$ w/o extras if she’s a good dancer.
“… My research is for myself. I want to make sure I know what is going on before I become a dancer…”
Best to not go in cold – I would say for you to get used to visiting clubs as a custy so you can get a feel for the vibe and atmosphere and not be totally shocked your first couple of nights as a dancer – and also observe the dancers that seem to be selling a lot of dances and see if they are doing something particular that makes them be able to sell lots of dances..
Yes, extras are important. It's not the only reason I go, but I'll spend way more on a girl if she puts out than in one who doesn't. That said, just because you won't blow me doesn't mean I'll ignore you. The girl in my most recent article has never done anything at all with me (I'm hoping I get to change that to "yet"), but I still buy her drinks and dances.
If a guy *asks* about extras, in my opinion, you should be honest about whether you will or not. I realize that you have to be careful that the guy is a cop or not, so coming right out and offering a blowjob when you first meet them is probably a bad idea, but telling a guy you *do* extras when you have no intention of doing so is a definite no-no.
I've found I often get better LDs from girls who do extras, even when I'm not willing to pay for said extras. For the extras girls, a quality 2 way contact grind for 20 bucks is totally doable. For the clean dancers I've found LDs are often mostly air; they save the good contact for VIP.
Decide what your limits are, and price yourself accordingly. If you are under 25 and a size 6 or below it's much easier to earn as a clean dancer than if you are a bit older or a bit heavier. There are some markets where a clean dancer will struggle.
Definitely don't over promise in your sales pitch. Find your customer base and focus on providing high quality service experiences. If you don't do extras, you don't want the guys looking for extras, and that's fine.
Selling VIP with no extras in some clubs is probably tough. You need to provide a good GFE. The guy has to feel a connection and like you to feel good about giving you money.
Papi, the trouble with going as a customer, especially a female one, is she may have no clue what's really going down in VIP. Tuscl reviews are probably better for that purpose. Now, if she can send a male friend to "scout" a club for her, that may work. She also could chat with dancers to get a feel for the management.
^ I agree James – but on various occasions I’ve seen newbie dancers have no clue about how SCs function nor how to give a proper LD – going as a custy would give her a sense for the atmosphere especially if the club has a visible LD area or dances are given on the floor.
I’ve met some newbie dancers that seem taken aback by the fact they have to grind on custies during dances or that custies get to touch them.
If a customer knows what he is doing, he will enquire about your menu, either directly, or more indirectly. If he doesn't, assume he's not expecting extras.
Whatever you do, don't offer something you have no intention of delivering, especially if you want repeat business. Guys don't like that. You can skirt a little by simply not offering, but if the subject is brought up, be straight up with him.
He may decline if you're not a match for what he's looking for, in which case, the best thing to do is simply free both of you up so he can keep looking for what he wants and you can get on with another customer that is happy with what you're willing to provide.
Whether or not you will have to provide extras to be competitive with other dancers & clubs will depend upon where you are. In my hometown, it's nearly guaranteed extras aren't on table and I'll happily get dances with you if you're attractive and skilled. In Detroit, meanwhile, I'll feel let down if extras aren't on the table.
Your willingness to do something extra might make a difference as to whether I'll spend, but you have to go a little beyond "We can have a REALLY good time in VIP" because every girl says that. The stripper handshake helps, maybe even a little tug on the zipper if you can do so discretely. You might want to say that, "Yes, there are rules, but they can be bent and I can be sneaky." You might also want to say that you're open-minded and use a double-entendre or two that outlines what services you offer.
Do try and keep it flirty throughout, though. I'd rather you not just lay everything on the table and say, "Here's what I do and here's what it costs." Be subtle.
You might want to mention some things you're not willing to do. That also can be helpful for determining your limits because the things you don't do can be a good gauge of what you are willing to do. It doesn't even have to be in the context of extras -- sexy talk happens in the club, anyway. "Oh, I'm not a fan of anal, and when I'm with a guy, I do prefer him to have some protection. Is that how you like it?"
There was an occasion I set up OTC with a woman and she discussed it with me in terms of going to see the theater. "The better seats cost more, but you'll also enjoy the show more, too." She then asked what kind of show I'd like to see and how much I'd like to pay. From there, we were able to negotiate. It was subtle, but fun and it worked, even if my starting point was one where she said, "That doesn't even get you in the theater."
No stripper should ever do anything that disgusts her. Most of us have a few bad memories that give us flashbacks, and nobody should risk having more of that shit when they can avoid it.
Even in "non-extras" clubs, there will be some custies who will take their dicks out, and/or try to stick something in any and every orifice without asking first.
Custies will try to kiss/lick you. Dancers who are not down with this generally handle it by telling the custy they don't allow it when the custy does it or tries to do it. So if it bothers you a lot, be vigilant to stop it before it happens. For whatever reason, dancers rarely tell custies what not to do beforehand.
last commentThis can't be a real question
If the penis makes an appearance it's an extra. If not its just a lap dance.
Should you let the customer know before VIP if you do not give extras?
The guy will ask if he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't ask then it's buyer beware. You might want to tell him to avoid misunderstandings but most don't. Most dancers let the PL have an illusion of upcoming sex until the money is paid.
Do you go to VIP just to receive extras? Yes usually but not necessarily always. It depends upon the girl and the the club.
I agree some sorta dick play in extras. VIP is for something extra Always. Why pay more for something you can get outside of the $$$dollar an hour ViP. But it doesn't always have to be sex. Nobody gives a shit about privacy that much.
No the girl isn't obligated to be up front (even though word would get around about her being a ROB) we can't cry when a drug dealer ROB's either just find a different dealer.
GACACLUB- I need to know this then don't I? I am not already a dancer.
RECHTHEBERIE- Thanks. Seems to be going down in the D.
JOHNSMITH69- Thanks. If not for extra, why?
**Preciate all of your feedback.
Researchgirl, are these questions supposed to be directed to dancers or to customers? And I have to say that I'm curious what you might be using this research for.
Two possible reasons.
1. The girl is a dream stripper. When the strip club gods send you a DS, you must promptly do a VIP with her no matter what or invoke their wrath. The results are within their sovereign will.
2. If a no-extras club only offers air or limited contact dances outside of VIP, then I might do a VIP just to get a full contact lap dance. Usually I avoid such clubs but they are sometimes inevitable when traveling. I would only do this if the price was reasonable, the girl was hot, and I was particularly horny. This last condition is met frequently. The other two not quite so much.
I do not go to strip clubs solely for extras. I enjoy watching hot naked women and I enjoy full contact lap dances. But once I've had the lap dances, I always want the extras. Who knows why?
Research, we all want you to post some photos! We're a bunch of shallow guys.
I think a dancer should not mislead a customer. Don't promise extras if you won't deliver. This conversation can be had either on the floor or in VIP.
The primary thing is do not lie by insinuation or directly to me about your menu. It is always better to give a little more than promised rather than promise everything and deliver almost nothing. That will get you and the club you work at a reputation for being ROBs.
I don't go to the strip club for extras. I prefer all the extra things OTC (outside the club).
Mileage in VIP varies in cities, clubs etc. I think the dancer should let the customer what is technically allowed in VIP, and then she should let him know what she allows ????
I'm sure they all say that when they start.
If you don't want to be an extras girl, don't work at an extras club.
Do not indicate you will perform a certain act to make a sale and then reneg on what was negotiated.
In most cases the cost of VIP isn't justifiable if extras are not involved. However, the cost of VIP compared to the equivalent number of LDs make make sense in some cases.
Many custies are not interested in extras for various reasons one of them being the much higher cost involved.
Many a dancer will try and lure a custy into VIP by insinuating more can be had other than a dance – this is wrong and bad business – if a custy is going to spend $50 or more on a room; you and the custy should have an understanding of what will/will-not happen in the room – if a dancer does not like getting ripped off by a customer then she should not do it to a customer.
Extras for most are hand-jobs; blow-jobs; fucking (aka FS = Full Service).
In some extras heavy clubs like in Detroit; it can often be hard for a dancer to make good $$$ and not give extras – but IMO in most clubs a dancer can still make good $$$ w/o extras if she’s a good dancer.
Best to not go in cold – I would say for you to get used to visiting clubs as a custy so you can get a feel for the vibe and atmosphere and not be totally shocked your first couple of nights as a dancer – and also observe the dancers that seem to be selling a lot of dances and see if they are doing something particular that makes them be able to sell lots of dances..
If a guy *asks* about extras, in my opinion, you should be honest about whether you will or not. I realize that you have to be careful that the guy is a cop or not, so coming right out and offering a blowjob when you first meet them is probably a bad idea, but telling a guy you *do* extras when you have no intention of doing so is a definite no-no.
Decide what your limits are, and price yourself accordingly. If you are under 25 and a size 6 or below it's much easier to earn as a clean dancer than if you are a bit older or a bit heavier. There are some markets where a clean dancer will struggle.
Definitely don't over promise in your sales pitch. Find your customer base and focus on providing high quality service experiences. If you don't do extras, you don't want the guys looking for extras, and that's fine.
Selling VIP with no extras in some clubs is probably tough. You need to provide a good GFE. The guy has to feel a connection and like you to feel good about giving you money.
I’ve met some newbie dancers that seem taken aback by the fact they have to grind on custies during dances or that custies get to touch them.
If a customer knows what he is doing, he will enquire about your menu, either directly, or more indirectly. If he doesn't, assume he's not expecting extras.
Whatever you do, don't offer something you have no intention of delivering, especially if you want repeat business. Guys don't like that. You can skirt a little by simply not offering, but if the subject is brought up, be straight up with him.
He may decline if you're not a match for what he's looking for, in which case, the best thing to do is simply free both of you up so he can keep looking for what he wants and you can get on with another customer that is happy with what you're willing to provide.
Your willingness to do something extra might make a difference as to whether I'll spend, but you have to go a little beyond "We can have a REALLY good time in VIP" because every girl says that. The stripper handshake helps, maybe even a little tug on the zipper if you can do so discretely. You might want to say that, "Yes, there are rules, but they can be bent and I can be sneaky." You might also want to say that you're open-minded and use a double-entendre or two that outlines what services you offer.
Do try and keep it flirty throughout, though. I'd rather you not just lay everything on the table and say, "Here's what I do and here's what it costs." Be subtle.
You might want to mention some things you're not willing to do. That also can be helpful for determining your limits because the things you don't do can be a good gauge of what you are willing to do. It doesn't even have to be in the context of extras -- sexy talk happens in the club, anyway. "Oh, I'm not a fan of anal, and when I'm with a guy, I do prefer him to have some protection. Is that how you like it?"
There was an occasion I set up OTC with a woman and she discussed it with me in terms of going to see the theater. "The better seats cost more, but you'll also enjoy the show more, too." She then asked what kind of show I'd like to see and how much I'd like to pay. From there, we were able to negotiate. It was subtle, but fun and it worked, even if my starting point was one where she said, "That doesn't even get you in the theater."
Even in "non-extras" clubs, there will be some custies who will take their dicks out, and/or try to stick something in any and every orifice without asking first.
Custies will try to kiss/lick you. Dancers who are not down with this generally handle it by telling the custy they don't allow it when the custy does it or tries to do it. So if it bothers you a lot, be vigilant to stop it before it happens. For whatever reason, dancers rarely tell custies what not to do beforehand.