
Follow in Nik Wallenda's foot steps or go bare back with a stripper?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

I'll take my chances with the stripper. :)


last comment
avatar for Dolfan
11 yrs ago

Not even close, stripper wins without question.

avatar for gawker
11 yrs ago

Is there a choice? Let me think? I don't care where I am in line Shadowcat, so long as I'm in front of you with the stripper.

avatar for bang69
11 yrs ago

I'll take the stripper

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

"I'll take my chances with the stripper. :)"


avatar for jack0505
11 yrs ago

If you pull off what Wallenda did you'll get so many girls you won't have time for them all.

avatar for Player11
11 yrs ago

I will take chances with the stripper bareback (as a matter fact I have due to opps, condom breakage) but will not ptl every stroke.

In 2005, I ended up doing Wendy (my photos - she danced at Ricks South) bareback on an air mattress. It was great and I really shot off in her. In 2012, I did an SA gal bareback. In 2011 Wendy came back from Ariz and I was doing her for 60-120 sessions for around 3 months. She offered me a 180 session bareback (she had been fixed) but I put it off (I had seen FB photos of some of her male frends in Ariz - some really scuzzy guys). Shortly after that she fell in love with this young stud and told me no more meetings "it would not be right." So I missed out on that one. She remains a FB friend and her posts always reflect some romantic shit they are doing.

avatar for xxxrated
11 yrs ago

Well, I,ve went bareback with a few strippers , never got sick..... I'll stick with the strippers and leave grand canyon deathwalk alone........

avatar for crazyjoe
11 yrs ago

I shit my pants both ways

avatar for crazyjoe
11 yrs ago

I do them both

avatar for MojoDojo
11 yrs ago

No contest...BBFS with a stripper hands down. (glory to God above)

But did you see his wife? (thank you Lord)

He's a bit of a dumpling (me calling kettle black) and she is a hottie MILF so he's at least getting his bowling ball sized nuts off with a looker. (Praise Jesus)

(inside joke)

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Whatever happened to those Vegas-style get ups that the Wallenda's use to wear? Those were cool.

avatar for MojoDojo
11 yrs ago

^ Good point Slick. Performers like the Wallenda's were/are known for their elaborate costumes but he was wearing jeans and a teeshirt. Evil Knievel was my favorite daredevil growing up and his red white and blue costumes were the best.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Evil was the MAN. He did tricks on an old, heavy bike.

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