Is strip clubbing like a drug addiction?

avatar for shadowcat
Is strip clubbing like a drug addiction?
In that the more you go, the more it takes to satisfy your cravings. I went to my favorite club over the weekend and as is customary I sent my wingman, snowtime, a PM, giving intimate details of the visit. I described the visit overall as just OK, even tough I fingered 4 dancers during table dances and then did FS in VIP. I thought that Ok fit because I had to resort to second stringers to get the job done.

He responded that I was spoiled.

Your thoughts and experiences?


last comment
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Not to me.

I'm kind of tired of it.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
It is definitely a addiction for me. I spend a lot of money and most of my strip club visits suck, yet I go back every week.

Shadow- fingering girls on 10 buck dances? That is GREAT GREAT value. I gotta get on your level bro.
avatar for dabiggtipper
12 years ago
Definantly an addiction. It's something about seeing women half naked and be able to have FS if I wanted it. I never get tired because in my area I can go to the same club every night and 80 percent of the girls are different from the prior night.

I don't think it's quite drug addiction level because I've never stolen money or property for my addiction and if I don't go it's not a big deal. I wish they would consider clubbing a sport I would probably go pro.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I got nothing against the strippers, but the strip clubs are very addictive. Not to me, but to other people. Every guy got a friend that’s addicted to strip clubs. Addicted like heroin. You know, those guys that cannot function in a normal club? You take them to a normal club they ask one girl to dance:

“Excuse me, would you like to dance.” “No, maybe a little later”.

“Yo man, let’s go to a titty bar man!” “Man, these bitches are stuck up man!” ”I gave the bitch a dollar man, she ain’t do NOTHING!”

We all got those friends who are addicted to strip clubs. You know, those guys who go to strip clubs in the daytime? If you at a strip club, and the sun is out, you got some problems! You know those guys that eat at the strip club? Eat at the buffet? How the fuck could you eat at a nasty ass strip club?! Are you that hungry? Rwandan refugees won’t eat that shit! Titties and Tater Tot’s don’t mix!

-Chris Rock ("Never Scared")
avatar for roccoballs
12 years ago
Just listened to that Chris Rock routine Saturday... On the drive to the strip club! No shit!

OMG, I'm that guy!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
It's my lifestyle
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
^ I agree w/ Juice (as scary as that sounds :)) – it’s a lifestyle!!!
avatar for azdd
12 years ago
I decided long ago that strip clubs are an addiction for me. If you do a web search for one of those self-evaluation questionnaires about sex addiction, the answer will be pretty clear. I've made some marginally stupid decisions in support of my quest for the perfect LD, but I don't regret it. One of the key indicators for me is that I start getting pretty cranky if I can't make it to a club for a while. I need the diversion from my real life once in a while to keep my head on straight.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
For most the desire to SC is not much more/different than the desire for sex – if this is valid – then it’s not an addiction for most IMO
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I've been working with a therapist for two years because I've made some horrible decisions regarding clubbing and my ATF. I've spent money I don't have, I've ignored responsibilities and generally been on a self- destructive pathway all due to trying for just one more "fix". My therapist calls it sex addiction but I really get almost as much of a charge out of just going to the club, but I never leave with any money. I'm not "satisfied" until I've spent more than I should and usually until I've gotten either a BJ or FS.
I've tried heroin twice and I can see the attraction or allure which it holds, but I can walk away from that. Try as I might, I can't stay away from strip clubs for the life of me. I look back 30 years when clubbing was a once or twice a year endeavor and I realize that I'd go with several guys and they'd sit and have 2 or 3 beers and watch the dancers. Not me. I'd be in VIP at the drop of a hat. If this ain't an addiction, I don't know what is.
I'm sitting at home with $40 in my pocket a half empty gas tank, and all my credit cards maxed out. My Social Security check comes on Wednesday, and I just sent a text message to my ATF, asking what her schedule is this week. This is the definition of a PL.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Dang, that doesn't sound good gawker. But at least you recognize you have an addiction. I think the first thing someone has to do in the process of curing an issue, is to recognize you have a problem and not be in denial about it. You seem to be aware of it, so that's a good sign.

Good luck with getting it under control!
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
yes. I suffered withdrawal symptoms when my ATF thing ended.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I've gone into a strip club with a lot of money several times and left with almost all of it several times.

I once used to play a board game with friends from work every weekend instead of visiting strip clubs. I guess you can get addicted to just about anything but if it's not a problem, then I don't always see the need to change if you enjoy it and it doesn't seem to hurt you. My father used to play golf every weekend. I like to do something to have some fun.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I tried an experiment a few years ago where I subjected myself to daily clubbing in an attempt to desensitize and overindulge to the point that I would burn out and no longer want to club, at least for a long while.

Epic failure.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
shadow: "Is strip clubbing like a drug addiction?"

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
NukeyBoyNukem: "I spend a lot of money"

Given his extreme poverty level, you need to understand that NukeyBoy's definition of "a lot" of money is somewhat lower than what everyone's else would be. For NukeyBoy $100/year = "a lot of money".
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
Yes, when I was a newbie (before I was a player) I was ripped rather badly by Stevie, a ROB. I handed her money to fix her car ac like in a trance. In my mind I had become convinced she was my girlfriend. Its like I could say no. She was a non playing atf who gave me lots of dances. One night I spent $500 on her for dances in VIP plus $75 for an outfit.

While I disagree frequently with Dougster, I can't disagree strippers can be lying, thieving, whores especially one like Stevie. It also pisses me off strippers want to be called Dancers. Strippers strip and do lap dances (and in many instances do extras) - dancers dance for a ballet company.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Do you lie, cheat, and steal to pay for your clubbing habit? Does clubbing cause you to miss other important things in you daily life? Does clubbing slowly (or in some cases quickly) destroy your health?

It's not like a drug addiction. We as a society toss around the word addiction to easily.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I don't think I made my question clear. Do you constantly need to have a better experience to feed the addiction. A BBBJ with an 8 no longer does it. You gotta have a BBBJ with a 9 or Getting FS is not enough. Now you need FS while DFKing simultaneously.

That seems to be where I am at.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I hate strip clubs, I only tolerate them cause they're full of strippers.

If you have painful memories, you can push them out of your thoughts for a bit by activating you brain's pleasure centers. Lots of options, booze, drugs, commercial sex of various types.
avatar for xxxrated
12 years ago
The strip club tends to leave you broke....just like a drug addiction.....
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
1. I enjoy thrill of new club where they dont know me and hustle me for FS.
2. I have snuck out at nite while wife asleep.
3 I used to be vulnerable from telephone manipulation from them.
4. I once drove across LA to see stripper dancing at another club from where I met her. In van nuys I was stopped by female cop "why did you run that red light and almost hit that car." I had SC brochure on seat but did not get ticket - lucky.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I'd rather regret what I tried than regret that which I never tried.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I'm addicted to being addicted.
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I am convinced it is an addiction. And I think most of us who use this site regularly are sex addicts, if we are honest with ourselves. That being said, I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing if we realize it and it does not (too) adversely affect our lives. If you are stealing to support the habit or are neglecting your job to go to clubs, then you definately have a problem. In the case of most of the older guys on this site, I think we just like to fondle(and more) girls who are 30 or 40 years younger than we are. Is it a problem that we are turned on by 20 year olds? I don't think so, but the answer to that question is above my pay grade.
Since Shadowcat's original question was really about the tolerance level you develop(as opposed to sex addiction) I will answer that as well. Years ago I used to get an erection just walking in the door or a strip club. Sometimes, even in the parking lot, based on my anticipation of a good time inside. Now I can walk into a fully nude club with 4 dancers nude on stage and it has little effect on me. I enjoy watching the dancers from my seat, but will not get aroused until I get a cute dancer on my lap letting me fondle her and having her play with Jr. So, in my case, I have become jaded to just the nudity in a club. It is just like when as a kid you could get aroused with a copy of National Geographic, but now it takes very hard core internet porn. Shadowcat's intent was to point out this tolerance level and see if it affects others in a similar way.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
if little old grandma's can become addicted to pushing a button and losing their life savings in casino's, i suppose guys can become addicted to grabbing ass during lapdances and spending their life savings.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Shit, a bumpy ride down the road still gives me erections.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Comparative levels of dopamine release.…

Food and Sex are on the chart but they are on the lower end.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
@Shadowcat, from your posts I am guessing that -in your case only - it is less an addiction and more a race. It appears to me that you are racing to wear out your ding-a-ling, and the libido that powers it, before you are too old to drive to the club!

I hope you win.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I think my version of the tolerance level increasing would be the hunt for the next hotter chick. 7's & 8's stop cutting it and 9's are my addiction. Personally, I don't believe in the existence of 10's. The ideal exists in our imagination but not in the world of space, time, and matter.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
dallas - You may be right. :)
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I agree with dalex but also agree with shadowcat. Though it can get boring real quick, since its just the same dry humping for several hours, I need to do more and be more loose with every visit. Before I was good with 60 bucks of strip clubbing (crazy isn't it) not including initial entry fees (entrance and drinks though compliment cards do help a helluva lot). Now I need like 200 bucks and fast rising before I get bored and not want to go for a good month and a half.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Yeah, it's an addiction, and I'm a strip club and sex addict. I'm also an air addict, a water addict, a good addict, an indoor plumbing addict and a daily bathing addict.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Many things may become 2nd nature if one does them a lot.

I’ve gone thru SC ups and downs where they are not doing much for me and it’s the same ole same ole. But that does not stop me from having some really good times after having had some not so good SC times.

It “may” be analogous to folks who grow up in tight economic circumstances; then get a well-paying job after college; and it is super-exciting to all of a sudden “have a lot of money”. But eventually one gets used to their new salary and after a while it may even seem as it is not enough.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I think desiring sex and desiring to be w/ beautiful women is not an addiction – SCs just make it possible to satisfy these, IMO, natural desires.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I think I would be arrested if I was caught fondling a girl over 30 years younger than me.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
I believe that the answer is relative to each of us based on our unique situation and it is clear that for some the clinical term "addiction" applies while for others it's merely a hobby or pastime.

But to quote the bard of beach wisdom, Jimmy Buffett "Id rather die while Im living than live while Im dead" and if nothing else clubbing is living.
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