I haven't heard this one before ...

avatar for cnyknight
Went to a local club during the day for a quick drink and got chatted up by a dancer.

She wasn't really my type but only 2 girls on, the other was closer to what I would usually prefer but she kept bouncing between her regulars.

Anyway ... the dancer who was talking with me tells me the normal idle chit chat, what she likes to do etc. She was pretty open and honest with her answers, I felt like she wasn't the type to sugar coat stuff. I asked her how her significant other feels about her dancing and her reply was not only was she "single" but she hasn't dated in 5 years and hasn't been laid in that long either.

Keep in mind this is a strict topless bar, no ITC menu.

I usually expect some form of SS line but this one was a little over the top. Pessimist in me is throwing the BS flag but part of me was thinking that during the whole conversation she was one of these pretty straight forward tell it like it is kind of dancers.

Anyway ... what do you all think BS or could be true? Have you ever gotten a similar line before?


last comment
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
Anything is possible, but this is a standard SS line. Making you think she's being open and honest is her job.
avatar for kingcripple
12 years ago
got a similar story. says she enjoys being single. said nothing about not getting laid. then again you dont have to have an SO to get laid do you?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Some girls give up on heterosexual sex, so.what she said may be true.

In this situation, were I interested, I would.have taken the conversation further and found out just how "true" her not laid story was.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Go read my Pathetic Losers Anonymous article. I no longer give a shit whether they're telling the truth or not, and I have yet to see an upside to calling them on it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I've stopped giving a crap whether or not people are telling me the truth. I fulfill my obligations to my family. With everyone else, it has to be a two-way street, they have to do something for me if they want something from me.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
total SS
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Total ss. I had one be very convincing for months with a story like that and she lived with her babys daddy
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I hear crap like that occasionally and I never believe a word of it.
avatar for toysales
12 years ago
Had a dancer tell me she had not had sex for six months during my first OTC visit with her. About 2 months later, during our second OTC visit she said the same thing. SS or did I get her twin.

P.S. She was an only child.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"I hear crap like that occasionally and I never believe a word of it."

Exactly this. The line she provided is a canned one kept in reserve for nosy guys who start prying into her dating/sex lives. It is designed to both put them at ease with her "no SO" status and to get them thinking about the fact that she might be sexually frustrated. Almost absolutely BS.

But there is no upside in pressing the matter. In fact, the old "does your SO mind if you do this" line is not a good one as it makes some of them defensive and/or feel compelled to make shit up.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I also had a stripper tell me she hadn't had sex in six months. She said I gave her an orgasm ITC. Did I believe her? No.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
The "does your SO mind if you do this" line is a line that bothers me a lot; it really is nobody business if a dancer has a partner or not. I either refuse to answer by changing the subject (eg. "my tits taste very sweet, you should try them"), or by answering with another question (eg. "so, does your gf/fiancee/wife knows you're here? if not, call her and tell her that I'd like to play with her while you watch").
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Got a better one.

Had a 23 year old stripper tell me that she's a virgin & that most she's done sexually is being fingered back in high school.

I loved it.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Sounds like typical SS to me.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
A 23 yo virgin stripper.
That's taking SS to a whole new level of ridiculousness.
I don't know if I'd be amused or insulted if I was ever told anything like that.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Last fallI had a stripper tell me she was a virgin, and she made it sound believable. Too bad I did not believe her and later I made another girl she dances with laugh out loud when I told her the story of her co-worker.

@JayJayDancer, if I could guarantee a response like you provide above about your tits, I would ask every dancer I like about her SO.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
^They literally are sweet, for I'm lactating. Nobody, so far, had been turned off by that.
avatar for stanlee
12 years ago
I think that post deserves a new picture jay jay
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Most likely SS, but there are a fair percentage of dancers who are lesbian or bi.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
There used to be a dancer at one of my regular clubs who would say she hadn't been laid in a year. I went back 3 months later and she was still saying she hadn't been laid in a year. Let's just say that's SS.
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
I generally only ask this question if we have been chatting for awhile. I only ask because i'm curious about the answers ill get because I know full well it will be BS anyways. I've gotten so many different lines before. I haven't noticeably pissed a dancer off yet with it. I've gotten he doesn't care I met him dancing, I support him so he can't say shit, we just got engaged, i'm single, I haven't been laid in 5 years ... the list goes on ...
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I haven't been laid in 5 years either.
avatar for xxxrated
12 years ago
Well, she's a stripper.Part of her job is to entice you. Most of what see says may be true. i doubt, that she hasn't dated or had sex in 5 years...all girls say that when you meet them. She hasn't at least met a guy for coffee in 5 years----- unlikely. but, still she can still be relatively trustworthy.
avatar for xcav8r
12 years ago
Okay, I have gotten the "I'm not really into sex that much and haven't done it in quite a while", which frankly is believable since they spend their time getting groped for cash. But recently I got "I have been married about a year and I'm bored" so I'm not sure what that was all about, might have been an OTC opening but I didn't pursue so who knows? The more time I spend at this, the more I find it ALL to be SS.

@ jayjay - I can't imagine how much I would pay to be with a dancer who was lactating! I loved that shit so much when my wife did it I almost consented to another kid just for one more shot at some titty milk LOL!
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
It's just SS. The funniest one was this dancer who was about three months pregnant and just starting to show. She said that she hadn't had sex in over a year and the lap dance was making her very horny.

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