avatar for looker123

Comments by looker123

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11 years ago
avatar for Clackport
Could you fall in love with a stripper?
I have, it was a wild ride for almost 6 years, engaged and living together for half of that time. She quit dancing and has moved on to a much more main stream job. We finally just decided we werent right for each other, different generations and values. I cant say I wont do it again but Im a slow learner! Ranykan, have you trademarked "Captain Save a Ho"? If not Im making Tee Shirts!
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11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
My secrets are a big piece of shoulder chuck in a half inch dice and toasted and ground dried whole chilis. Cant beat it! And no, if its chilli for me, no beans, if Im feeding family they want beans.
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11 years ago
avatar for rockstar666
MLK - Sorry It's A Day Late
Funny shit, totally fucked up but really funny!
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12 years ago
avatar for dalex
Can someone explain the process of getting an escort?
Check out eccie.net, lost of info and discussion. There are third party verification sites that may be safer such as P411
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12 years ago
avatar for Player11
Extras ATF wanted me to bring condoms to club......
The condoms may very well have been for a friend but don't kid yourself about the rest, its standard as.
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15 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OTC Stripper vs, Professional Escort
I think that it all depends on the end game. If you are looking for a longer term thing the OTC is a good possibility. On the other hand if you are just looking for thrills and a clean slate tomorrow you are better off with an escort. It seem s from my experience that the club girls that do OTC are far more likely to look towards making it some sort of "relationship" that the true escorts.
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15 years ago
avatar for 2335vent
There are only 2 ways this can go. She thinks she knows you will wait for her and put up with being pushed off, that means she thinks she can call the shots. I would make a point of doing a dance with a few of the other girls, let her know that your money is going else where. At the same time don't ever forget this is a business (especially of the dancers) and there is no place for real emotion.
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16 years ago
avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island
What's up with the Articles on TUSCL?
I agree its under utilized but in a quick pass of the first few entries it seems to be a place for the language challanged! There is no reference off the home page but the link in the "site map". If everyone or at least the prolific members start posting real material there I'm sure it would improve!
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16 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
A couple of the dancers I know have over come some form of addiction and now are either working in or working toward a social service career. Shadowcat, come on up to NY and I'll hook you up with a good dancer and councilor all in one!!! It always help if your been there before. Absolute best of luck, I know you can do it!
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16 years ago
avatar for hothabanero
Indians in Albany
I'm in utica and haven't ever seen an Indian dancer in the upstate area, i've been at this for 20+ years so I don't hold much hope for you. On the other hand, Amtrak will have you in NYC in just over 2 hours so if you are comitted to the idea you might want to book a ticket, not sure where to send you for dances but I know there are several Indian girls in the city who advertise as escorts.
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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
dancers pretending
In my exerience if I am going to hit it off with a dancer its a "love" at first sight kind of thing. If I or she needs more time its not going to happen.
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16 years ago
avatar for icedawg
Numbers are pretty easy to come by once you are a regular at a club. I agree that most are really just so the dance can make more money. A couple turned into real friends, not so much OTC action as real world friendships.
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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
Kinda like a Bankok basket trick
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16 years ago
avatar for casualguy
How long has it been since your last strip club visit?
About a week, over a month for my favorite hang out, they need to change their hours so its easier to get there.
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16 years ago
avatar for _sexci_xoxo
Songs to Strip To
Heavy metal of most any era is great, I agree with Dudester AC/DC was made for stripping. VH Black and Blue is one you almost never hear but is great. As for listening to the song, I never know whats playing when I'm in the VIP but I do really enjoy the stage dances more with the right music.
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16 years ago
avatar for stripclubb
New York
Anybody Been To Flashdancers NYC?
I can't believe it but I'm with Parody on this one. I've been there, like all Manhattan clubs its expensive and you get very little for the money. Good looking girls though
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16 years ago
avatar for uscue13
Strip Clubs and Big Screens
Dont mind them being on, its an easy way to avoid being bothered by an unappealing dance. If your distracted they dont stay long. In one of my favorite clubs they have the food network on from time to time, thats a little strange.
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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
your age and number of years "clubbing"
I'm 44 and have been going to the clubs on and off since I was 17. Been "serious" for only the last 3-4 years.
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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
Limericks and other poems etc.
I'll start with a correction, sorry HOW but it just works better this way. There once was a man from Nantucket Whose dick was so long he could suck it. He said with a grin, As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck it!" There once was a man from Boston Who traded his Ford for an Austin There was room for his ass and six gallons of gass But his balls hung out and he lost em There once was a minister from Peru Who was vainly trying to screw His wife said "Oy-Vey" if you keep on this way The Messiah will come before you! There once was a fellow from Kent Whose dick was so long it was bent so to stay out of trouble he stuck it in double and insted of cumming he went!
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16 years ago
avatar for michele_b83
Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
scat, I agree, always go with the flow, they will let you know their limits. I find they are flexible if the girl trusts you and you dont push too much!!
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16 years ago
avatar for nj_pete
New Jersey
How many different clubs have you been to?
25 or so, most while traveling. I find that most dont pan out to any real action unless you are a known customer. Now I stick to a couple of local clubs that I am well known in and all works out. If I happen to be traveling on business I will find someplace to visit but my expectaions are low, I tend to do be more sucessful at the hotel bar!
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16 years ago
avatar for bornloser
Strange creepy reasons to dump a dancer
Clubber, Its acutally "Magic Sizing" gotta get the right brand!!!!!!!
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16 years ago
avatar for giveitayank
A strippers' face that had changed
There aren't many dancers that look the same in civies and the sunlight but sounds like you really hit a girl with problems. If you weren't drunk when you met her I'd have to let her go, the amount of drug abuse that makes those types of changes aint a good thing!
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16 years ago
avatar for michele_b83
Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
What is your outlook on dancers all together? ***** Dancers are people too. Thats how I treat friends, co-workers and dancers (everyone)- everyone is the same til proven different. That said I find a greater percentage of dances have problems than the general public, only a small fraction more than the IT folks I hire for a living! What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? ***** I tip $2 at the rail unless its a favorite (They get more many times) , I try to stay at tip is same as dance or VIPs, great dance gets more, lame gets less. What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? ***** I know the drill at all the clubs I go to on a regular basis so I get what I expect! When traveling I expect q good one way and some two way contact dance. more gets more, less gets less, see above! Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? ***** Depends on the girl and the club. I don't tend to tip for time unless its someone I am invilved with OTC, I don't do VIP then so I may give her some cash if she sits with me for long. If its a dance I don't have some other relationship with I only tip for dances and VIP. Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? ***** I prefer the first contact to be dancer initatied, I hate "wanna dance" girls though. I will start a convo. at the rail and hope for a follow-up at my seat. What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? ***** I frequent 3 clubs, one is good for extras and its a streach at the other 2. I wont never suggest by more than the passing "it would be nice if we could do more" type of comments. In my experience, if more is available it will be offered.
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16 years ago
avatar for casualguy
How bad is your memory when it comes to strippers?
I dont usually have much of a problem remembering any of the important details about a dance. What really works for me thought is when a girl I have only seen once or twice remembers details of our conversations. I think they remember a lot more than money (but they always remember that). At one of my regular clubs I go maybe once or twice a month and I always hear from my favorite that she knew I was there and with whom if she wasn't. They all remember and they all talk!