
Comments by looker123 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers pissed off at their S/O's. Better dances?
    From last nights experience I would say it depends. I have a long term favorite that I always get some form of extras from, FS, HJ, BJ .. something. Last nite she was fed up with her current BFs shit and it was great. Real passion and hot FS, maybe not always but it sometimes works to my advantage!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I've never asked. In most cases if its on the menu the girl will offer. My regular place is kind if a rural place where once you are known as a regular then you are good to go. I think this is probably true of most places. Its about trust for the most part. If you visit alot of clubs on business trips etc. where you cant be a regular then the " what are your rules" or "what did you have in mind" questions tend to be non offensive and work out the best.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Soft and sensual vs fast and furious?
    S and S for me. Sometimes I think that some girls dont think we have any feeling down there. All my favorites like to start slow and keep it mellow. I'm never in a hurry to get to the end, most times I'd rather enjoy the trip then get to the destination all banged up.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    My ATF has gained a little weight
    David, the worst thing you can do to a woman is tell her you think she is fat. I know with me an ATF (really ALL TIME) would be worth a little effort so I might be inclined to work with her to improve the situation. If you workout suggest she start meeting you or something like that. If not consider starting a routine with her. If she isnt worth that then I'd drop her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    sc or escort
    SC, its like this, in the club that I frequent the most ITC FS is a sure thing but its rushed, a wham-bam-thank-you-mam kind of thing. I have had great experinces in some cases to be sure but there is always the fear that you will get busted. On the other hand if you pick your escorts properly there is a much more relaxed atmosphere. No other customers wanting a dance, etc... and no big fear that someone will open the door at any time. Now these are not the low buck street walker types but I tend to spend much less and get better service/less drama with the escorts than dances.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    sc or escort
    I think it all depends on what you are looking for. I do some of both but always seem to have more fun at the clubs. Some of that may se as arbeeguy say's, the challange of the unknown, although I can pretty much be sure I will get all I want at one of my regular clubs. With an escort it just seems a little more intimate and one to one than in the clubs. In the end it all depends on my mood I guess.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    I can see it happening, I smell of Gas, smoke and perfume and am covered in florescent green slime. "Honey, you wouldn't believe it!". Then again, there is always the idea of saying it was XXX. Pick someone from the office you are friends with, I'm lucky I have a cowerker who smokes and is very physical (my wife knwo this and they are friends .... Score!!!) blame it on her. ROFLAMO!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone a pornstar
    To get this back on track, I know she is a little hard to find and she has not done many guy/girl scenes (thats a plus in my book) I think Andie Valintino is one of the hottest I've ever seen, and I'm not limiting that to porn stars!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Opinions Wanted
    Two years is enough if not too much. Many time the review is due to a bad experience with a particular girl and I don't know too many places were the turnover doesn't change out all but the best in that time frame.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    Gas works, but not very often. The suprise gift of VS purfume would no doubt cause more questions for me and I'm sure most on this board. I always have a different shirt available, that gets most of it, the pants dont seem to matter. Usually I get questioned on the "good nite kiss", my face has smells like perfume, even if I give it a good scrub!!! I blame that on the fact that I used someones phone that day. If only women hadn't been granted that damned great sense of smell. She smells stuff I don't, sucks.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I hate it when...
    "wana dance?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I love it when...
    All the extras are great .... but I love it when ... she says txt me to let me know you got home OK ... I get a great good night hug and kiss ... she stays with me when I'm in the club
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Everyone missed the obvious, a Harley will more likely impress the target of our desires than anything else. Hide the pain, carry parts and get the best dances!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    Chitown for President!!! I don't post much here and alot of that is because too many of these threads turn into little more than childish pissing matches. I imagine 90% of the members here would be a whole lot more active if everyone could keep conversations about the focus of this board.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    OK, this isn't english class, the guy justs wants our input! That said, I agree with the majority opinion on this on. If the girl is possessive already you stand no chance, don't do it. I would do anything I could for any of my favorites, include loaning out a considerable amount of cash if needed (really needed) but I would have a real hard time allowing one to move in with me. Of course that hypothetical as I am married, but I have a hard enough time with someone I really love and have children with, I can't imagine living with any of the strippers I have met. They are just all to flighty to have to deal with on a daily basis.
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    16 years ago
    New York
    Sweet smell of strippers
    I have 2 clubs that I visit the most. On allows smoking, one does not. I don't usually need to worry what the wife will say if I come home smelling of smoke, I work with people that smoke and our afterwork bar allows smoking so I'm covered there. The other makes me worry, anyone that is married knows women have an unatural sense of smell. I'm going to have to try the fabreze/oust combo! Thanks CW!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Who Pulls It Out?
    I don't whink that I would ever just "whip it out". Anywhere I have found that there was a possibility of any "extras" the dance always takes the lead, at least the first time. There are a couple of dances where I may take some liberties with what I touch etc... but I always let them initiate any action for Mr. Happy. I think in the long term things work better this way, I know several girls who may do any number of things in the VIP areas if they initiate it but get very put off if a guy assumes he can do anything he likes!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Seperating fact from fiction. All strippers have STD's.
    I can't speak for the entire population but, I know several strippers who have provided in club FS and would be very concerned if not protected. Not that they are bad people, but there are a lot of diseases that just don't present themselves until its too late. If you want to have unprotected sex with strippers thats your business but I will be protected not because I don't trust the then, I don't trust the other customers!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How do you know you've been visiting strip clubs a lot?
    Maybe the oposite of jester214's point, on a night your ATF missed work, she knows exactly what you did before she gets to work the next time and has texed you to say shes pissed!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What does your ATF really think of you, Daddy?
    I'm with Rootman on this one. IF it works for everyone then just have fun with it. On the uniformity of the opinion on the pink site it think that is due to the subset of strippers that participate. The entire site is geared toward that mentality and I know that many of the dances I know dont ever know it exists. If you agree with the mentality of that site you will post, the rest seem to stay away.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tip every dancer? Or are you picky?
    In most of the clubs I go to the girls do "the walk", I find its best to tip all that stop. If the word gets out that you aren't (and it always does) then the hot girls tend to pass you by.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be careful in your OTC relationships with strippers.
    I have a great OTC "relationship" with the only dancer I would term an ATF. It doesn't involve sex, its just a great friendship. To the point of this thread, the problem was due to what sounds like a jeolous BF, not the dancer, at least thats how I read it. That may be the lesson, ony OTC with unattached dancers!!! Its probably never a great idea to give up too much personal info but if you spend enough time with someone enough to hurt is bound to come out. So the risk just seems to go with the territory. If you cant risk it, don't get so involved! There are plenty of clubs that offer extras and escorts if you are looking for sex.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do hard economic times mean more women become dancers?
    I have seen a greater turnover in dancers lately, not a whole lot more, or uglier, just different faces. I know my ATF is having a hard time of it and she is the #1 dancer in her club. That just tells me that there are less guys out and they are spending less. So even if there are more girls dancing, they won't be making money, which means more turnover etc. In my opinion that means more inexperienced girls which is a bad thing.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Poor Governor Spitzer
    Being a republican from NY all I can say is wippie. He gets what he deserves for being a pompous A%#
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They are just tits!
    This is an interesting topic for me, I have a hard time answering the quesition. I would consider myself a tit man as I really appreaciate a great set, however I my ATF and for several past favorates have had B-Small C chests. Maybe what we like is great clevage (sp), the image of what may be is sometimes stronger than what really is!!!!