How bad is your memory when it comes to strippers?

I met a familar dancer last night that told me it had been 2 months since she's been working. I thought "really, I never noticed."
Another dancer asked if she would be seeing me next weekend in the club. Today I can't remember who or what club that was in.
Now when it comes to a lousy lap dance, my memory is top notch for at least a month or two.
last commentAs I get older and more selective the strippers are easier to remember. They are always anxious to be remembered because the next line begins the pitch for you to buy more dances. Don't worry. Their memory of us is limited to how much they made from dancing for us. After that they have no memory or caring for customers.
I like to think mine is very good. I certainly remember the bad ones. I can remember most of them at the clubs I frequent the most. Of course, that can be a challenge with various hairstyle changes. On my recent Kansas trip, this one girl with blonde hair I had never seen before was on stage, and I tipped her, only to later recognize her as this one dancer who gave a bad, or at least indifferent, lapdance. I think not only her hairstyle, and color, was different, but the clothing style she was stripping out of was different for her as well. But when you don't seem them very often, its easy to forget. On the other hand, whenever I make my annual Chicago trip, the one club I always go to has this one dancer who I will not only not forget, but she will remember me as someone from far, far away as well.
The money thing is correct. When I first started visiting Teasers in Key West, many years ago, I had some very nice dances from this one dancer. The next few visits I didn't see her and I forgot about her. I guess it was likely a year after my meeting her, I again was in the club and sitting at the bar drink a beer. A hand "snaked" around me and landed in a wonderful place. When I turned to see the rest of the hand, there she was! She had remembered me from that one evening around a year past. Well, from that time on, she was a favorite and I could call her to find her hours on my sometimes infrequent visits to Key West. A couple of times she even came in on her off evening when she knew I was in town.
The problem I'm having is that the girls are always telling me their stage name and their real name. It's hard enough to remember one!
I used to spend a lot of time in OH, but near Dayton. I visited a couple of clubs in your area, and saw lots of college girls dancing, but never anything like you speak of. Perhaps the times.
I dont usually have much of a problem remembering any of the important details about a dance. What really works for me thought is when a girl I have only seen once or twice remembers details of our conversations.
I think they remember a lot more than money (but they always remember that). At one of my regular clubs I go maybe once or twice a month and I always hear from my favorite that she knew I was there and with whom if she wasn't. They all remember and they all talk!
i remember the girls very well,but cant remember their names at all.
If you know a dancer that works in different clubs, you then may have a real name AND a few stage names. As someone said in another topic, sometimes the dancers change their look and they are difficult to even recognize.
TUSCL_Brother - Check PM.
Went to a school outing at a downtown chic warehouse dance club. Super hot female bartender said, "Hey, do you remember me?" I was trying to get a job from some judge or senior partner. "No," I said. Bartender said, "I used to work at Scores." Nice. So much for that business contact. Never did establish whether she'd been a dancer or a bartender at the strip club.
Very bad...I am usually horrible at names in general. There are several strippers nowadays that I have been with multiple times, but I couldn't tell you their names to save my life.
its not just names, its looks...I go to Vegas about once ever 4-6 months. It's kinda weird when I see a dancer for the second time, she often does not look as great as I though she did during initial visit.
If I have met and talked to a dancer twice, my memory is pretty good. I know many dancers by their real names and keep up with who has changed her stage name. My problem is who knows who and by what name? If I am talking to dancer "A" about dancer "B", what name should I call dancer "B"? Does dancer "A" know her by both names? It can get confusing.
There was one dancer I never remembered from long ago. She told me she remembered me even though she said it was over 8 years ago in another state I used to live. I believed her after she could tell me details about where she worked. She wanted to hook up with me and I went along with it. Later on she told me she remembered the very first time she saw me and at the time that was over 16 years ago before she was even a dancer. I don't know if that is scary or impressive or both. I do remember her now. Maybe she was in the shadows at the time she remembered me because I had a few favorites who kept me busy years ago.