your age and number of years "clubbing"

I was just wondering if any of you care to share your age and number of years you've been "clubbing". Myself, I'm 46 and I've been going to clubs for about 19 years now.
I was just wondering if any of you care to share your age and number of years you've been "clubbing". Myself, I'm 46 and I've been going to clubs for about 19 years now.
last comment42, and I'll assume by clubs you mean "strip clubs" specifically... about 20 years.
When I was in high school I used to go to Spain for the summer (my grandfather owned a winery there) and hit up the clubs in Madrid and Barcelona when I was like 14-15 years old (the club scene if pretty young in Europe because you can drink young) and I will say the girls in those clubs were hotter than most strip clubs ;)
59 and 30+.
49/27. The last 21 have been serious clubbing.
38/19 - First visit was on my 19th birthday (legal age in BC) and I haven't looked back since.
Over 21/Over 30, with maybe the last 18 yrs. being "regular".
47-29 years, the last 11 seriously
Christ, I'm the baby here. 32, 13 years clubbing, and what do you mean by "serious?"
I'll be 67 next month. I started going occasionally when I was 18. Mostly in TJ and Ensenada, Mexico. My visits started to pick up about 10 years. 7 years ago I really got into it. Been driving 240 mile every month for a 3 day two night visit to my favorite club. Plus an occasional visit to one of several Atlanta clubs.
52 and serious clubbing for about 12 years since I started more business travel and decided that haveing a drink in a strip club or go go plce was better than sitting at the hotel bar by mslef and having a drink.
Prior to 12 years ago, sure the ocassional batchlor party and once in a while night out with the boys, but not serious till the business travel started.
55/ 21. Wish I would have known about it earlier. My first was at Mitchell Bros. in San Fran. Around that same time I had to fly to St. Louis every month and quickly got introduced to E. St. Louis Ill and have been hopelessly addicted ever since. I don't want to go anymore... I don't want to go anymore. I'm going to be strong and not go to any clubs today.
I guess I've never been a serious clubber, per definition here. I can't say I've ever made clubbing a priority, decided on a vacation spot because if the clubs, etc... it's always been more of a spontaneous or opportunistic thing.
I'd say probably 80% or more of my clubbing has arisen either from me escaping from rush hour traffic or long layovers/delayed flights.
I wish I could open a strip club in a busy airport with a bad flight departure record, I'd clean up big time ;)
I'm seeing ages from 32 to 67. Cool!!
Two round-number milestones arrive in 2009 - age 60 and 25 years of clubtreking. As the song says, "I'm not as good as I once was, but just once I'm as good as I ever was."
I'm 44 and have been going to the clubs on and off since I was 17.
Been "serious" for only the last 3-4 years.
First went to a club when I was about 25 but didn't get "serious" about it until 16 years ago when I first went to a club that had lap dancing.
I started as an experiment, because I had seen/heard stories of guys who spend the entire check at the club, and then struggle to pay bills. I also wanted to what went on in a club among other things. I had to seriously curtail my spending habits, and I now understand how some guys become addicted.
I wanted to know what the appeal was and now I know.
I started going to clubs after a co-worker's going-away luncheon was held in a SC back in 2000. My first few years consisted of scattered and irregular visits. I started seriously clubbing only about 4 years ago.
57/20. I did go cold turkey about 10 years ago for 6 mos. Then I got my priorities straight. Quit playing dumbass golf and grew my business about 100% so now I don't care how much I spend clubbing. Now days I spend less than I did 5 years ago, and while My Mileage Does Vary, it is much greater than 5 years ago.
TUSCL_Brother, if that's what you mean by "serious," man, I don't know if I am serious. I mean, I go to this titty bar all the time because it really is more bar that stripclub (hell, I went there tonight), but if they had a cover I wouldn't have made a tenth of the visits I have made there the past half-decade. Nearly every vacation I make, however, I plan on making at least a couple stripclub runs, and you can say that has a strong influence over where I go. Otherwise, in town I usually go around holidays.
oxymandias, it's a great idea in theory, but I wouldn't put one in O'Hare or JFK -- Chicago and New York City both have very draconian contact laws! ;)
61 and 35.
56/28 and I've probably enjoyed the past 2-3 years more than all the others combined as contact levels have gone through the roof. My first visit was in Atlanta, Georgia and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Totally nude, but no vip, just air table side dances. Back then guys sat at the stage for a close up view...and what a view for this old country boy from North Carolina!
25/3 (and I wouldn't call the three years serious clubbing, just kind of roaming in on a spur of the moment)
Guess I take over as the youngin' of the thread!
57...occasional clubbing 30 years. Clubbing "with intent": probably 13-14 years or so.
42 - was a serious patron for about 5 years in the late 90's. Still go about 4 times a year to a favorite club, but I am a lot smarter about how I do it, when I go and what I spend. Thanks to boards like this I have been able to get more "bang" for my buck.
At 73, I seem to be the oldest one reporting in. Saw my first "strip show" at age 15 (58 years ago), but it was in a carnival not a club. I started hitting the clubs fairly seriously 35 years ago, and am currently trying to break the addiction.
I am 35 (almost 36) and have been going for the last 14 years. I don't know about serious clubbing, though, because there have been years where I go every week, or at least every other week, while there were other years I went months without going. I will say 12 years for serious clubbing, but there are points there where I just didn't go, or finances got in the way, or something.
57/25 Confine myself for the most part to clubs in Vegas, which I visit 3-4 times a year.
45 (yes, really) and I've been DANCING for about 2 about your 'cougar' dancer..hehe
I'm older than jpac73 but younger than FitMegan. I first went to a strip club back in the 1990's. I ended up becoming a regular at one club about a year or two later. It was hard to resist free passes and free pizza for almost a whole year along with the pleasant entertainment. I had to pay for the beer and dances though.
I'm 52 and have been visiting strip clubs for 30 years or so. First visited when I was 16 (combination of looking older than I was and the management didn't care too much). Have a few that I visit regularly plus like to try some others every so often.
Arbeeguy, I am steadily weaning away from strip clubs...but it is by taking quarterly trips to the red light district in Tijuana. Not sure that's a real improvement...
51/22...the last 10 or so relatively seriously.
45/13, although it may be more accurate to say 45/11-12 since I haven't been to a club for over a year, so I can't say I've been seriously clubbing lately.
Going off topic slightly, what is the minimum age you can legally enter strip clubs over there in the U.S.? Over here it's 18. We can drive legally at 17 and drink alcohol at 18.
It's different from one state to the next.
age 43, been clubbing for 19 years
londonguy, I think it's, if you don't serve alcohol, it's 18, but if you do, it's 21. Is it different anywhere else?
At my favorite club they check ID's. If you are under 21, you can still come in but they put a glow in the dark bracelet around your wrist so that the waitresses know not to serve you alcohol. Not sure how it works with the dancers. I know that there are many under 21 but have never seen a wrist band.
47/27 at one point, around 7-8 yrs ago was the number 1 review poster on this site. have scaled back alot over the past few years. now just hit fav clubs when i am in that area for business.
47/27 at one point, around 7-8 yrs ago was the number 1 review poster on this site. have scaled back alot over the past few years. now just hit fav clubs when i am in that area for business. the PP in Greenville the dancers wear a bracelet if they are 21.