
Comments by gk (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How to Find a Strip Club Buddy?
    Hang out in one place long enough and you'll make friends. That's how it happens everywhere else.
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    14 years ago
    Missing in Detroit
    Sorry, my computer was slow or something and all the data hadn't loaded. Still there!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I can't believe you cheated on me"
    Yes, and it makes me laugh. I always tempted to say something like "and don't wait up for me either!" There was one at Bugsys who used to do that. She was a little possessive until I conditioned her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you ever thought a dancer was hot and into one night but more like a golddi
    Keep your phone number for the special dancer(s). You'll know her when you find her and won't need to ask. Otherwise you just become part of their marketing plan. "Hi, I'm working today, whyyou don't you ..."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex addiction...stolen from Fox News
    Tiger Woods is a story because he got caught. Tiger is sorry only because he got caught. How many others are having fun like Tiger did (but maybe on a lower economic plain)? Who knows! Is sex addiction the gift that keeps on giving?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Couples' Night Out ...
    Million Dollar Club is in the Toronto suburbs, out beyond the airport. Only know bc I've research it. Haven't been there.
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    14 years ago
    Senate 16 Bill
    I remember writing Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland to complain about the bill and asking for a response. He never replied. Sounds like things are getting desperate and viscious downstate. Sararene901: you're not being threatened, you're being intimidated. Don't change anything until the legal system makes you with some type of enforcement. And even then, things drag on. Don't let yourself be be intimidatd.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A little here, a little there
    Did I Miss A Memo?
    Everybody's right. Now, how many of us think they personally helped instigate the change? Hmmm. But definitely: - more girls chasing fewer customers - facing a shrinking market clubs lower restrictions - and of course the Internet has changed everything. What's interesting is the range of creativity as businesses and individuals address all this. For example, the drink hustle, placing on of hands (sounds so evangelical), private rooms, VIPs, ITC, OTC.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever Been Spotted OTC ?
    Yes, and she spoke to me, called by by name. Had to explain it to another woman I was with. Told her she was a bartender.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Does it take an expert to know when a dancer is playing you or if she's really i
    You need to ask! Unless you just wanted to sit and feed her bankroll.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Another vote for Selma hayek. And, I would add Penelope Cruz.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Where does a girl keep her cell if she doesn't have any pockets?
    LOL. Ringtone or vibrate. Life's full of choices.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    A new one on me.
    "Nice try honey, but that sounds too risky to me" would be my reply. I would also trust the club before any setup like that unless I knew more about her, checked references, etc. About credit cards. If you live/travel/do must of your business with credit cards, I dont really think it's a rust issue in most clubs. You simply have too recognize what type of business they are running. If it's always a big con, stay away from the plastic. But if they respect their customers, they can usually be trusted with your credit card. Now here's the real problem. Can you trust yourself with a credit card in a strip club? That's the test.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Shy stripper?
    Yep. Thei energy comes more from being alone or in small groups rather than from being in a big crowd. "Shy" has nothing to do with performance. Know yourself, know your dancer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    They must be able to smell bacon
    Cops have an attitude. I think it shows after a while. LOL, I also use the finger/knuckle test to copvince them I'm not a copy. If that doesn't work, I put her hand on Mr. Happy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How can I find the best bachelor party strippers?
    Unless you know a dancer well, I would be careful about trying to set something like this up at the last minute. You might get ripped off. And it takes time and money to get to know a dancer well. Is that important? It is if you want to ensure that you can trust her or them for a good time and get your money's worth. At this late date, go to an agency and hire somebody. I'm sure you can do an Internet search and find something legitimate.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Can "no touch" laws actually increase mileage?
    There was a local club now closed where the dancers told you which booths you could choose for lap dances. "These over here, or this one that I call the 'will and the way' booth...I have the wlll if you have the way." You know which one I chose. With restricive laws the norm on many areas, the "will and the way' philosophy is winning out.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What did she really mean
    Don't interpret, investigate and negotiate.
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    14 years ago
    Blinded by the light
    Blinded by the light... This gives it a whole new meaning. I've received countless hugs from dancers I can't see after entering clubs from blazing sunlight. Now I try to stop at the other side of the front door, close my eyes for 10-15 seconds to allow them to adjust before going further inside, hoping I can see who's aproaching me. Lol about the drink and the leg. A couple stories... Once went to a dancer's going away party; she hugged me after entering b ut I was so sun blind I dind't even know it was her. There's a local Christies Cabearet that I dont like for many reasons, and one of them is their obstacle course. After entering from their spacious lobby, which is nicely lighted enabvling you to recover from outdoor sunlight, you enter the main club through doors leading to a sloping path that branches off to the side where there is a ledge. It's like walking along a cliff sometimes! You would think there might be an OSHA suit against one of these clubs eventually.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Club buddies
    If club buddy means someone you are friendly and courteous to based on (sometimes long time) familiarity but with no intent of spending big money, yes. Sometimes these are girls I've known through the years who just don't do it for me anymore. Others are regulars on the shift I frequent but I just don't party with them money-wise. Some migvht be getting to the over-the-hill stage. But they're like club family in a way. Interesting question to pose.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' sexual orientation
    In my experience, strip clubs offer a perfect setting for the bi-curious dancer. Inhibitions come down during working hours but go back up later. I've met several admitted bi-curious dancers. I've met several bi-sexual dancers. A lot of the bi-sexuals like hit on the bi-curious. It's a fresh meat type of thing I suppose. One bi-sexual dancer I know is basically straight, even married, but craves pussy all the time and openly lusts after certain dancers and waitresses. But only on a few occassions has she admitted to "scoring" with someone. Another dancer I knew, who had a boyfriend, openly talked about her new "girlfrend" on the side. This dancer was sexy but also very assertive, so she would naturallly be the dominant one in any relationship. From what I've observed, the number of bi-sexusl dancers in the industry is only a little higher than the proportion in society, on average. I say it that way because it varies from club to club. Some clubs are magnets for bi-sexual dancers and tend to have a lot of them while other clubs don't have any and the dancers seem to frown on any girls who deviate from the norm. A former favorite club had about 25% bi-sexual dancers and a lot of bi-curiosity. Having dated a bi-sexual dancer for a while, I found it to be a turn-on in some respects. The true lesbian dancers I've encountered seem to resent men and if you get to know them a little this comes to the surface. I like to avoid them if I can ID them.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Girl died last week ....
    There's nothing wrong about being human about things, but counselors and psychologists say you shouldn't worry about events you have no control over. Concern is natural, but worry is not called for when we don't have any input or control of the situation. Guilt is an extension of worry, so you shouldn't feel guilty about things you have no control over either. You don't say how old you are. If you're younger, you may not be hardened to life enough yet. It's a process. If you're older, no offense intended. I've been acquainted with four dancers who died, two by natural causes, one by accident and one suicide. It is rough when someone you come into contact with on a regular or semi-regular basis passes away. In one of these cases I did feel a heavy degree of guilt for a variety of reasons. I've got over it. You just need to put things into perspective. The lesson in all this: you can have fun and still treat everybody as a fellow human being. I'm always amazed about some of the cruel bashing of dancers that comes from a small minority on this forum. They are service workers we all appreciate. In the final analysis, we're all human.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Why are strippers only attracted to loser boyfriends?
    Because they've been damaged somehow, it's not the rocket science version of psychology. But we don't have to talk about these things with them unless we want to. Just say no. Maybe this topic should be permanently retired.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A glittery faux pas (or "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”)
    Been there, done that. Now, I go by this rule: glitter or too much perfume, just pass on by.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Calling to see if a dancer is working
    I have, but it's not something I tyically do as a norm. Texting does make things simpler. Agree, depending on the club you can't always trust what they say about who is working. And some small clubs or clubs with small minded owners just don't want to give that information out. Best approach is to learn what a dancer's schedule is if there is someone you definitely want to see when going out.