
Sex addiction...stolen from Fox News

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shadowcatAtlanta suburb

The past few years have put a very public face on what's usually a rather private issue: sex addiction.

As a contributor to Good in Bed, and a therapist who's certified to treat sex addiction, I'm pleased that celebrities like Tiger Woods, Jesse James and David Duchovny have come out of the shadows, and admitted they have a problem with sex, and checked themselves into rehab.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so supportive. If these men were drug addicts or alcoholics, we'd all be praising them for taking responsibility for their lives. Instead, they're fodder for tabloid stories and jokes by late-night talk-show hosts. It's easy to dismiss “sex addiction” as an excuse for bad behavior.

But it's not that simple. Although you can be unfaithful to your partner and a sex addict, there are big differences between plain old infidelity and sex addiction. For one thing, cheaters have more control over what they do: They choose to cheat. Yet sex addicts feel little control over their actions. Sure, they have sex — but, believe it or not, they don't really want to. It's a compulsion. In fact, sex addiction has little to do with sex itself. It's about the person's relationship to sex, much the way eating disorders aren't really about food, but how a person acts around it.

So how do you know if you or a loved one is grappling with sex addiction? In general, sex becomes a problem when it begins to control you and interfere with your life. It often begins quietly, with solo activities like looking at porn and masturbating. I know: I just described a lot of you! (And while sex addiction is most common in men, it affects everyone — male, female, straight, gay and bisexual).

But sex addicts can't stop there. They masturbate at the cost of their relationships and productivity by preferring it over sex with their partners and doing it at work at the cost of their jobs. As their tolerance for pleasure increases, they move on to sex with other people, always pushing the envelope and often putting themselves at risk for health, relationship and even legal consequences. Still, they can't stop. For sex addicts, the drug of choice is that neurochemical cocktail of adrenaline, dopamine and other feel-good substances released by the body during sex. And they'll do whatever they can to keep chasing that rush.

If you suspect your spouse or partner is addicted to sex — and that's easier than ever with access to e-mail, Internet browsing histories and other technological footprints — try not to feel betrayed. Sex addicts don't deliberately try to hurt their partners, and the problem has nothing to do with their existing relationship. While it's tough not to explode with anger, don't shame him or her. Chances are, he or she already feels ashamed of his or her actions. Instead, frame your conversation in terms of how his problem affects you (“I feel hurt,” “I'm worried about our relationship,” etc.). Don't put the burden to get better on your partner — this is your problem, too. After all, you're in this together.


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Avatar for txtittyfan

It would be interesting to attend a sexaholics anonymous gathering.

Avatar for shadowcat

tx, see American Pie - Beta House. Hilarious meeting.

Avatar for spandexman

Why are rich celebrities called Sex Addicts, while middle class or people people are called perverts?

Avatar for snowtime

I think the term "sex addiction" covers a wide range of behavior. I suspect everyone on this site, by definition, would be considered a sex addict to some extent. At that point I think it becomes a matter of degree as to how far the obsession goes. For some it is harmless recreational behavior and for others it may border on serious psychological addiction with unwanted consequences. Since each person's situation is different I think it is hard to judge who may or may not have a problem and that makes the term "sex addiction" somewhat useless.

Avatar for hornyhobbit

You are only a sex addict if you get in trouble. How many famous men have screwed more women than Tiger Woods had time for and bragged about it? Nobody called JFK a sex addict, or Babe Ruth, and these are just a couple of the ones who owned up to it. As far as I can see "sex addict" is just what the media calls men who do what most men would do if they had the chance, and get caught.

Avatar for Prim0

hornyhobbit said: "You are only a sex addict if you get in trouble."

You're also only a criminal if you are caught and convicted.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Boy, I'm glad I'm not a sex addict. I'm an orgasm addict.

Avatar for gk

Tiger Woods is a story because he got caught. Tiger is sorry only because he got caught. How many others are having fun like Tiger did (but maybe on a lower economic plain)? Who knows!

Is sex addiction the gift that keeps on giving?

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