
Does it take an expert to know when a dancer is playing you or if she's really i

avatar for sharkhunter

I thought this one dancer might be interested in me but at the rate she was going I wasn't sure if I was interested in her. It seemed like she wanted a dance or a drink every 5 to 10 minutes. I did buy some dances and one drink so I didn't come out that bad. But then she kept wanting more. I have to admit though, most dancers don't do that good of a job coming onto me. She looked good too so I was wondering, why am I waiting for her to leave but she seems to be sticking to me like glue? Maybe it's because the possibility of hooking up with another dancer didn't enter my mind. There were a couple of other dancers I wanted dances from to. Then she also said something about getting my number and that I didn't live that far away from her town. She told me what town it was. I cut off her drinks and got out of the club after she finally left my table.

Would you continue buying her drinks and dances and seen where things went or cut her off too? I thought at the end of the night my memory about how to get rid of dancers (a thread I started the other day) seemed to be lost. I had two dancers sitting with me a lot of the time at one club while other tables full of guys had no dancers.

At the end of the night one dancer who I was introduced to and who was dropped off at my table by a dancer I knew irked me a bit. I told her no, and maybe later but she just wanted to argue with me. Why not she asked? I think next time a dancer wants to argue with me instead of walking away, I'm just going to go for a big time rejection and say she has a lousy attitude towards rejection and I don't like dancers like that. Or I could say she looks ugly and I'll never want a dance from her. After all that she asks for a tip. Then she says it's an insult to only tip one dollar. errrgh, I gave her another dollar but she made me angry enough to remember her if I ever see her again. I'll avoid getting dances from the dancer who dropped her off for a while now too.


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avatar for troop
14 yrs ago

sounds like she was interested in you as long as you were spending more money on her than anyone else who was there that night.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

I put the last paragraph into a separate topic.

avatar for Jpac73
14 yrs ago

The fact that she wanted Drinks or lapdances every 5 to 10minutes should tell you all you need to know.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

You're right. She was new but she was good. I did lose track of the time so I'm not really sure how long she was sitting at my table. I had a lot of distractions including other dancers stopping by. I guess drinks are more reasonably priced in that club compared to some other clubs but the lap dances are too high. I was wondering where my wallet got drained a little and I think it was here. I'd rather spend the money though than wish I had brought more cash or have lots of cash and nothing to spend it on that interests me. But I don't want to throw money away either.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

One becomes an expert after dealing with these persistent types. I just tell them no. If they want a drink, they can buy it themselves. They are making great money, they can afford it.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

It's nearly always safe to assume that they are playing you, until they prove otherwise. And frankly, if you're having fun and getting what you want, what difference does it make whether they're doing it just for the money, or if they really dig you? The results are the same most of the time. As long as you keep in mind that she probably is playing you, and don't let her take you too far, you should be fine.

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

Since she asked for it, you could give her your number, then watch to see if see puts it in her contacts list under "money."

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

^^^^^ ROFLMAO!

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

sharkhunter said "She was new but she was good."

A laid off sales manager/office manager/coordinator.

avatar for mmdv26
14 yrs ago

I have always assumed that a dancer who came on to me was playing me. What other reason would she have? Oh, maybe she thinks I'm a drug dealer.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

She did start off by asking if I had a facebook page and said something about sharing information. She might have thought I did not. I called her bluff and said, yeah, go ahead and give me your name on facebook and I can send you a message. She hesitated and said, we can get to that later. Of course I just met her when she asked about that. Can you have a fake facebook page for contacting dancers and others? I guess you could. She's only the 3rd or 4th dancer who asked me that question in the last 2 years. I'm not really that eager to share information that could get all my relatives asking "who is that?"

avatar for gk
14 yrs ago

You need to ask!

Unless you just wanted to sit and feed her bankroll.

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

Does it take an expert? No. Does it take experience in clubbing to learn this? Yes.

They are always playing us....it's just that the better actresses make the game seem oh-so-real.

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

There are no strip club experts, only people who wisened up after being foolish the first time.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

nice pic lopaw. It's better to have a hot girl at your table than visit a club with no hot girls. Guess I'll see how things go on my next visit.

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