Ever Been Spotted OTC ?

I was talking to a buddy recently, when he tells me he was leaving Red Lobster with his wife. A dancer was waiting t be seated. He tells me his face froze then he bust out laughing. His wife wants to know why? He says "nothing". This reminds me of being spotted with my wife and kid years ago at of all places..... Chuck E Cheese !!!! I made sure my family stayed on the opposite side. Have any of you been spotted OTC?


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avatar for StormShadow760
15 years ago
I went to a club near me for the 2nd time and got some great laps/VIP session from an absolutely gorgeous brunette. Two weeks later (two days ago to be exact), me & some work buddies went out for sushi/beer then proceeded to check out the local mall. I had to leave a bit early, but as I walked toward the exit of the Nordstrom store, the same brunette comes walking in! We locked eyes, passed each other by, then we both did a double take & smiled at each other before going out separate ways...I was about to call her by her stage name, but in the end I just couldn't do it!
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Ran into a dancer once at the dollar store (I think she was buying glitter, lol). I was more embarrassed about being spotted in the dollar store than anything.
avatar for dodgeman
15 years ago
The best one I have is that a couple of weeks ago I got a text from fav. saying that she just saw my grandkids and that they are so cute. The wife had taken our daughter and kids shopping an had stopped at the Olive Garden for lunch. My fav. has a 4yer old daughter so over time we have shared pictures and names. Who would of thought she would remember them. The next time I went to the club she came over to say she was sorry. She said her daughter went over to the table to see the baby and then a few minutes later she realized who they were. She said that she would never do anything to get me in trouble but she just had to text me to bust my chops and give me a heart attack. Dancers,got to love them. She did give me a good dance after.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
I go to a laundromat around the corner. A tatoo shop opened next to the laundromat. The propietor was hanging around outside her shop as I unloaded my laundry. I recognized the propietor as a onetime stripper from St. James. She recognized me also, but she didn't ask me if I wanted a tat.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"And don't forget about the women that love to get ate out if you eat red lobster she'll suck your thang off"
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
This happens to me quite frequently at the Waffle House just down the street from the Columbia Platinum Plus. Before and after their shifts. I ALWAYS let them make the first move. Only one has not at least said hi. She was with her husband. I have had them join me. See the latest review for PP. It was not done by me but covers what I have expereinced.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
I've told this story before but it's perfect for this topic, so...

Dancer and I got to know each other pretty well. We have done OTC. I am 20 years older than her. She is recently divorced. One day in the club she is telling me about this stud guy she met. The guy is from the same part of town I live in, and she wonders if I have ever heard of him. Have I?!? He is the son of some good friends of my wife and I.

Eventually, they get married. My wife and I go to their wedding because we are friends of the family! I almost raised my hand when the preacher asked....

Dancer quits dancing out of respect for her new good-guy-with-a-good-job hubby. A couple of years go by, and my wife and I are standing line to go into a memorial service...and guess who else is standing in line. We all exchange pleasantries, and get together in the line. Wife is chatting it up with dancer's hubby and his parents, and dancer and I are grinning and saying nothing of any substance. As the line moves forward to go in the church, I let her go in front of me and her hand swings back and discreetly gives the package a squeeze.

Amongst overcoats and scarves, I pretty sure no one saw what transpired, but she looked back with a mischievous smile. I think I understood the message, but neither of us made contact with the other. They moved away when he got transferred in his job.

My wife told me last year that his mom said they had a kid and were doing fine, but...mom says she (dancer) was from a broken home and was a stripper before Andy met her, but they were going to church in their faraway city and she (dancer) had been "born again"..."bless her heart, I just know she'll be fine".

Yep, cured of that damned urge to get naked and have sex for cash.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I was at one of the Targets near me a few weeks ago, looking at the digital cameras, when suddenly someone sneaked up on me. It was one of the dancers I've bought dances from at the Playhouse south of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Scared the hell out of me. She's one of those dancers who look better naked than with clothes on, possibly because she chooses to wear ratty clothes outside the club.
avatar for RocStarsky
15 years ago
I never had this happen to me, but I assume its very awkward. If it is a problem maybe go to a SC that is far away from town.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Yes, several times. And in all but one instance, the dancer was very discreet, and offered nothing more than a slight nod of her head to acknowledge me. The one "wanna-get-away?" moment had the dancer come up and throw her arms around me (in front of my SO) and babble about missing me & when was I gonna see her again. I later explained it to the SO that she was an old college pal of mine. Oy vay.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I go to functions with my family and my ATF is there. We have mutual friends, and such, but only we two know.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
The only time this happened was when I was about to enter a Kroger and saw a former OTC ATF (Shelly) getting into SUV as husband loading in groceries. I had seen her OTC for around 3 years. She had danced at Lipstick and had 4 kids fathered by 3 different men. Eventually she maried the bum who left her when she was preg with 4th. He sleazed his way back into her life. the daddy of their baby holds the trump card as they say. They did not see me and I certainly did not want to stop and say hello LOL.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago

Blood drive hookups: you will probably faint during the sex, but at least you know neither of you has AIDS
avatar for brewerfan
15 years ago
I saw one at a drive in fast food restaurant a while back. That was unusual. She asked me if I go to a club that she works at (I was alone, thank God) I said yes, and, all of sudden I recognized her. I guess that she works at both places. Another instance, I am not 100% sure of. I went to get my oil changed and one of the attendants there look VERY familiar. This means to0 familiar that I know where I'd seen her from and know her stage name at the club. We engaged in small talk about the car service I wanted. She had smiled at me a few times, not that it meant anything. It was one of two thing, she was her identical twin or it was her and wanted to keep quiet for mine and her protection. I didn't say anything either for the same reason. I mean, I'm not gonna ask a mechanic at an oil change facility if she is a stripper. That's asking for a kick in the nuts, especially, if I am wrong. It's just too funny how too small of a world that we live in.
avatar for brewerfan
15 years ago
I saw one at a drive in fast food restaurant a while back. That was unusual. She asked me if I go to a club that she works at (I was alone, thank God) I said yes, and, all of sudden I recognized her. I guess that she works at both places. Another instance, I am not 100% sure of. I went to get my oil changed and one of the attendants there look VERY familiar. This means to0 familiar that I know where I'd seen her from and know her stage name at the club. We engaged in small talk about the car service I wanted. She had smiled at me a few times, not that it meant anything. It was one of two thing, she was her identical twin or it was her and wanted to keep quiet for mine and her protection. I didn't say anything either for the same reason. I mean, I'm not gonna ask a mechanic at an oil change facility if she is a stripper. That's asking for a kick in the nuts, especially, if I am wrong. It's just too funny how too small of a world that we live in.
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
I never haven crossed paths with any dancer OTC that I was not with by my own choice.
avatar for Shekitout
15 years ago
I have spotted dancers at Kmart, WalMart, convenience store gas pumps, drug stores, landscape office, video poker place, department stores, etc. I usually don't say anything to them. Sometimes they have acknowledged me. There is one such dancer I have seen twice recently and boy she's a lot better looking in the dim light of the club!
avatar for troop
15 years ago
Ever Been Spotted OTC ?

yup, a few times, no biggy though.
avatar for bumrubber
15 years ago
Ran into a dancer at the gym, kept seeing her there, got friendly with her and wound up having a fling with her for a couple of months.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I would feel bad if I didn't say that I've seen them away from the club on multiple occasions, but the only three times I've been acknowledged was the previously mentioned Target incident, one time at a local music store and one other time at a Perkins (and on a night when I didn't even go to a strip club, too). On the other hand, there have been many more times where I saw them and they didn't see me. There is a truck stop up the interstate from my favorite club, and I've seen a number of them eating together at the restaurant there on multiple occasions, but I ignore them. It's probably safer that way.
avatar for spudd
15 years ago
I like to think that I go to SC too much (about once a week), but since I haven't seen any dancers OTC, maybe it because I'm not going enough!!!
avatar for gk
14 years ago
Yes, and she spoke to me, called by by name. Had to explain it to another woman I was with. Told her she was a bartender.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
14 years ago
At the courthouse. I was got my speeding ticket reduced to impeding traffic and was pay it. She was filing, what else, a protection order against her boyfriend.
avatar for FinalLap
14 years ago
The first time I ever went to Hip Hugger (3 hours away), I got a dance from a tall blonde. "Where you from, etc?" She shocked me by saying she was from my hometown. It ruined the dance, but we laughed, I got some dances from other girls, and didn't think that much about it. A few months later, I'm at a wedding reception for one of my son's friends. And I'm introduced to the the GF of the Best Man (groom's older bro). Guess Who??? Our eyes met and we both instantly knew. I flashed back to her long legs wrapped around me on those damn hard, straight back chairs at the Hip Hugger. We both retreated to separate far corners of the wedding reception. And, I dont't think we've ever said another word to each other except "hi". She eventually married Big Brother and they apparently lived happily ever after. And every time I see him, I silently smile. No one knows why.
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