
Dancers' sexual orientation

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Roughly half of the dancers I've met claim to be bi-sexual (and that's just the ones who volunteered the information, while I've only met two dancers who claimed to be exclusively lesbian. Difficult to prove in either case, as, to a certain extent, enthusiasm can be faked, and "I don't do guys" is certainly a good excuse for not providing extra service.

Does this jibe with your experience? I'd be curious to know of that percentage reflects the actual, whatever is reported elsewhere, proportion of bi women in society at large, or whether stripping just attracts bi women, or if something about stripping brings out a latent interest that would never have been triggered had they not started dancing. Not that I think there's any way to definitively prove any of those.


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    As one of my favorites put it, "how could a stripper NOT be BI with all of these naked women running around." Most will tell you that they are not Bi or lesbian because they think that is what you want to hear.

    There are exceptions. Foxy was openly BI. She was married. I witnessed her with a girl wearing an army uniform. They were drinking and tipping the stage dancers. That led to a lot of kissing and then they started groping each other. I pointed them out to a dancer I was sitting with. It was so common place that she knew the the army girls name. Foxy also had the hots for Ella, another dancer. Ella had sent me pictures of herself(see my page). I printed them and gave them to Foxy. I was told that she had then glued to the inside of her locker.

    Ever notice how women will compliment each other? If men did that to each other they would be labeled as GAY.

    I'm ok with BI as long as they treat me as a man.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    One self-proclaimed bi-sexual dancer was always paired up with another dancer she referred to as her "girlfriend." After I got to know her, she shared that the girlfriend was her lesbian lover, and they lived together, along with her baby daddy and a gaggle of kids.

    One day she pointed out a new dancer and claimed to have just had wild lesbian sex with her in the dressing room. I kinda put this all down to being stripper shit, but later I heard that she did a two girl stage show with the new dancer, got a little too excited, and bit her on the ass, which got her bounced from the club for a while, so who knows?
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    They could also mean they like the "buy sex".
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i think more than 50% are at least bi. i've also known a few that claimed to be strictly lez.

    as for relating to society, i think the percentage of bi girls is greater regarding dancers as opposed to society.
  • hooby
    14 years ago
    I see a big fat stinkin' opportunity here guys! Do you know that some professor got a government grant for like $400,000 to study people who get both drunk and high at the same time? I'm serious. I say hit the government up for some serious strip club cash to thoroughly investigate this idea!
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I believe most dancers are straight. Some are single since they are still young, several have boyfriends, and some are married. A small percentage but probably larger than the general population may be lesbian or bi. Some of the straight dancers have told me they will not dance for females and don't want anything to do with that. One dancer I remember in one club was going off about not doing anything related to that. She was talking to another female dancer at my table so I was hearing a lot more than I normally would have. Then she looked at me and said she only likes dick. That was the exception since I don't usually hear about sexual orientation from most dancers especially one like that.

    I was told by one dancer that she is bi. She was young and pretty and she liked watching other hot dancers in the dance room when we went back there. She was pointing other dancers out to me.

    I have been told by a few dancers that they are lesbian and will dance for guys. If the guy looks good to them they'll ask him for dances too. I heard most guys they are not interested in.

    There are some dancers that seem to do lesbian sort of things even though I don't think they are. They are just being friendly to other dancers and/or putting on a show for the guys watching.

    I've also heard about several mean tricks dancers have done to other dancers away from the main club back in the dancers dressing rooms. The dancer telling me this asked me not to tell anyone but she listed several things that happened. If the customers in the club knew half of it, they probably would not be interested in visiting such a group of dancers. As the story went, I did not know if those mean tricks were performed by past dancers, current dancers in the club, or whom. Dancers steal from other dancers, mess up other lockers, and do mean things. I heard about one pretty dancer had other dancers stuff her locker with fish because they were upset at her making most of the money. She probably quit afterwards. If you heard stories like these, you would probably think most dancers are more cut throat and full of venom towards other dancers rather than thinking a lot of them are bi or lesbian. Dancers always like to have a friend or group of friends among dancers since it can be a cut throat business.
  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    There was a study on oriental prostitutes done two years ago. It was dug up by a columnist and printed in the Boston Herald as well as other wasteful spending. There was also a study done about twenty years ago on homosexuality of seagulls, so when it comes to federal waste nothing is off limits.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Do you know where I can get a copy of the oriental prostitutes study? I have a friend that might be interested in reading it.
  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    Sorry it was just one sentence in a columnist tirade, but it was done under the Board of Health and is public information so a letter to the the Department of Health and Welfare should get you the information. The study was done in the San Francisco area. Hope that helps.
  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    Also checkout SFGate.com and look up law enforcement and search for massage parlors, there is quite a bit of juicy info there.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    In my experience, there is a difference between bi-curious and true bisexuality. A lot of strippers fool around with other girls in settings like the clubs and at related parties. But over the long run, most of them give that up when they give up stripping.

    Guys like the girl-girl thing because it reinforces our notion that these women are highly sexual and uninhibited. But our fantasies typically include asserting a heterosexual agenda.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Women hate women. You get any two girlfriends in this room, been girlfriends for twenty five years, you put a man in between them … "fuck that bitch," "fuck that bitch." Guys are not like that. Guys actually think that there are other fish in the sea, and if a guy introduces his boy to his new girlfriend, and when they walk away, his boy goes, "Oh man, she's nice, I gotta get me a girl like that." If a woman introduces her new man to her girlfriend, and they walk away, her girlfriend goes, "I gotta get him, and I will slit that bitch's throat to do it." Every girl in here got a girlfriend they don't trust around their man.
    -Chris Rock
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I know of only one that is definitely bi, my ATF. What others had said or done, mean nothing in the SC environment.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I have only known three who I believe are bisexual outside the strip club. And the three are also older dancers, who are done having kids and probably don't care who they get for a lover and it's a woman, they're fine with it.
  • mule7
    14 years ago
    Another blog has posted a long reply about this topic.

  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    The only orientation I care about is missionary or doggystyle.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Most dancers that dance for me profess to be either bi or bi-curious. I've met about a dozen lesbian dancers over the years as well. It's all good. I really don't care either way as long as their dances are good. Even the supposed straight dancers give pretty good dances to the women customers. Of course this is based on a sample of one - me.
    I think I need some of that grant money for further research.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    In my experience, strip clubs offer a perfect setting for the bi-curious dancer. Inhibitions come down during working hours but go back up later.

    I've met several admitted bi-curious dancers. I've met several bi-sexual dancers. A lot of the bi-sexuals like hit on the bi-curious. It's a fresh meat type of thing I suppose. One bi-sexual dancer I know is basically straight, even married, but craves pussy all the time and openly lusts after certain dancers and waitresses. But only on a few occassions has she admitted to "scoring" with someone.

    Another dancer I knew, who had a boyfriend, openly talked about her new "girlfrend" on the side. This dancer was sexy but also very assertive, so she would naturallly be the dominant one in any relationship.

    From what I've observed, the number of bi-sexusl dancers in the industry is only a little higher than the proportion in society, on average. I say it that way because it varies from club to club. Some clubs are magnets for bi-sexual dancers and tend to have a lot of them while other clubs don't have any and the dancers seem to frown on any girls who deviate from the norm.

    A former favorite club had about 25% bi-sexual dancers and a lot of bi-curiosity. Having dated a bi-sexual dancer for a while, I found it to be a turn-on in some respects.

    The true lesbian dancers I've encountered seem to resent men and if you get to know them a little this comes to the surface. I like to avoid them if I can ID them.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I would say a very hi percentage of strippers are bi. It is not uncommon for them to do threesomes with their bi GF. One may be a BJ specialist the other will finish the guy off with sex.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    T is the kind of girl that I have a hard time saying 'no' to. One night, she suggested something a bit different for VIP. Two girls for 15 minutes instead of 1 girl for 30. Now, when the dancer is passing up an extra 15 min worth of VIP money just to eat some pussy, I think it's safe to say she's bi.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    I think there is a generational, popular culture issue here as well. For at least the past 10 years or maybe longer, bi-girls and "lipstick" lesbians have been trendy and acceptable in many circles. Much of the appeal of "amateur" videos like Girls Gone Wild or any of the stuff filmed at Mardi Gras or Spring Break features girl on girl kissing and groping. Although some is scripted or fueled by alcohol, it seems pretty clear that a large percentage of 20-30-something women in the general public are willing to tryst with other girls. Strippers are a reflection of this trend, so it is no surprise that they are willing and often eager to play with other girls, particularly knowing how much men like it. Some older dancers are not into it at all and there are certainly straight girls who are turned off by other women the same way all straight men are turned off by other men (there are no bi-males; there are only a few gay males who will fuck women) It is worth noting that in some of these bi-girl/lesbian relationships there is a clear dominant and submissive, which also carries over into the club in the form of biting, hair pulling, ass-slapping, and other aggressive sexual behavior towards each other.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Only one of my former ATFs was openly bisexual, and I haven't personally run into many bisexual or lesbian dancers myself.

    According to the Kinsey surveys of the 1940s & the Hunt survey of the 1970s, less than 1% of women were exclusively homosexual, and nearly 15% of women were bisexual.

    According to National Center for Health Statistics, 14% of American women aged 18-29 have had a lesbian experience. A 2002 survey by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics found that 2.8% of women aged 18–44 considered themselves bisexual, 1.3% considered themselves homosexual, and 3.8% considered themselves as "something else"...whatever that means.

    The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior in 1993 showed that 3% of women considered themselves bisexual and 2% of women considered themselves homosexual.

    In 2002, findings of the CDC Sex Study for Lesbians & Bisexual Women showed that 4% of females had a sexual experience with another female in the past 12 months, and 11% of women had a same-sex sexual experience in their lifetime. Only 4.1% of women reported oral sex with another woman in a 1992 study though. The 2002 study also showed that 3% of women had sex with both males & females in the last 12 months, and that among women who have had sexual relations with another woman, nearly 65% considered themselves heterosexual. Also, 3.4% of women said that they were attracted to only or mostly females or equally attracted to males & females. However, these studies didn't include those 45 years of age or over or those in prison, jails or other institutions.
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