
Comments by gk (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    If I'm in there a lot, which has been my habit, it's going to affect the relationship I referred to. Can't let that happen. Although the other party would deny being affected by it, she would be, for various reasons. So, I'm thinking of going back to my short list of alternatives and making a few discovery road trips when I have the time. Funny awkward-relative story, slightly related: Went to a wedding of a relative's second husband's son (not her's). She asked to take some personal videos of the ceremony in addition to the paid photographer. So I'm set up to do this and see this extremely well-dressed and skimpy attired girl a few rows in front if me. The back of her dress scooped down almost to her butt crack with breasts busting out in front too. I didn't know who this was but I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Then she starts rubbing her back with one had, lower and lower until finally she's rubbing her ass inside her dress. At the end of the ceremony the minister follows the wedding pary down tthe aisle and does a very obvious double-take when he spots this girl. And I dont' think it was disgust in his eyes. I got it all on video tape, the ass rubbing and double-take. It turns out she was a very distant relative of the husband's ex-wife, but removed by divorce (is this making sense)... who worked at a famous strip club in Philadelphia. The tape made for some interesting laughs later that night when we replayed it a hundred times.
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    14 years ago
    Hi, this is your strip club calling . . .
    This has happened to me to. It's a marketing tactic. They want to increase business by 10 people on your coattails. Not a bad idea, but...my experience was that both businesses that tried it were suffering. Desperate? You bet. One was a strip club, the other was a bar/dance hangout.
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    14 years ago
    Nothing like being ignored.
    Hate it when that happens too, a real mood breaker. To keep motivated and focused when that happens I sometimes ask a passing or nearby dancer who appeals to me if I can buy her a drink. This can bring surprisingly good results if you choose the right girl. It takes the right frame of mind, though, after dealing with the ignoring. Here's what I mean. The dancers want us to think it's their world when we're in the clubs and they call the shots. If we accept that, we fall into their trap and are subject to being manipulated. My view is, it's my world in there too. So I have a right to be assertive about who I want to spend time and money with. I have a good buddy who just can't do it, he wants to be approached, it's part if his thing. Everybody's different, so whatever works...
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    14 years ago
    For the ladies edification...how do you guys LIKE to be approached by dancers?
    1. Come up and simply ask if I want some company. 2. Or, watch for my eye contact with the "I'd like to meet you" look on my face. 3. And the handshake works pretty good too in tyhe right club. I was leaving my favorite club yesterday at shift change and literally ran into a just-on-the-floor night shift dancerr in a cute nurses outfit. I played the moment and said, "Oh nurse, it hurts now. And she immediately found my pain and rubbed it to make it feel better while we ground against each other. Well, at least she maade me feel like coming back to find her on night shift. I think I can make some time.
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    14 years ago
    Jackson strip club's president: Controversial billboards 'bad for business'
    Sounds perfect to me as an advertisement. I've seem similar billboards here in the Northern parts of the country. But there's a cultural divide about these things the further south or the more rural you travel. Too bad, because even if you don't like it, there are certainly more important things to get worked up about. Anyone want to sign my petition to ban lingerie ads in magazines newspapers? They're just as revealing and sometimes provacative. (Of course, I'd replace them with home modeling.)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever visited a strip club just because they had free admission?
    Most of the places I go dont charge for day visits and many charge only at night. Do I care? Not really if it isn't outrageous. It's just the cost of entertainment. Without that fee the hefty drink prices might be supersized!
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    14 years ago
    Shower With The strippers!
    Hmm. SWQith no disrespect ;intended on anayolne's part, there are some dancers we might call dumb. And I'm sure there are many customers dancers call dumb. Based on these stories, there seems to have been a meeting of the minds.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prize Dances
    I received a dark blue long sleeve botton-down sports shirt with dancer legs embroidered at the top after purchasing a private room dance from Dockside Dolls (now closed) in Columbus, Ohio. It wasn't worth the investment, either the dance or the shirt.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Sonic Girls
    You always tip unless it's fastfood. McDonalds is fastfood. Sonic is quickservice food. The difference is that it's deliverd to you and supposedly prepared custom for you, that is, in a single batch. Now if it were a buffet, say, a Golden Corral, and you serve yourself, but a waitress keeps coming to your table to clear the empty plates time after time....you tip her too, right? I do, but as a lesser rate because you actually go to get your own food. DATY, you tip, but at a higher rate.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What to do, what to do..?
    LOL. How about going with "My Classic Cocksucker (MCC) and "Ever So Deep" (ESD). The latter is a throwback to an early porm film.
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    14 years ago
    Here I Am
    Outed for being so transparent!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Steve, equal opportunity groper... LOL, me too. 10", If they have the look, the personality and attitude that clicks for me, that's what it's all about. Attitude, look, how they present themselves, and prospects for fun. That's the formula.
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    14 years ago
    jeans? are you kucking fidding me?
    I'm also surprised at the number of guys wearing jeans into strip clubs. I guess they have different expecations about the SC experience. Having said that, I have found myself in a club every now and then wearing jeans, always on an impromptu basis, drivinmg nearby and stopping in for a drink. I never stay long when that happens, it's just doesn't feel right, in more ways than one!
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    14 years ago
    OTC offer
    Yes, we know it's ss, but it's still one of my favorite lines because usually good things are happening.
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    14 years ago
    Katy Perry Pokes Fun At 'Sesame Street' Ban
    Saw it too, A great sketch.
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    14 years ago
    Left the club today without getting a lap dance
    Happens once in a while. You go in to your regular club and they don't seem to be "on" that day. Their job is to play, flirt etc. and if they aren't doing their jobs, there's no turn on. So I just finish my drink, maybe have another if I'm in the mood and then leave. It's happened more than once, but I wouldn't say it happens a lot. Maybe it's a misperception and we're just tired of the same-old same-old. Times like those call for a move down the street or a roadtrip.
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    14 years ago
    "PSYCHO" Stripper!
    She will likely forget you, but if not, be prepared as others have mentioned. Don't let her spoil your fun. Stay in control. My most current pshcho story: In my local favorite club there was a dancer who was over the top in mouthing off, drinking and losing control. One thing she always did with me was come up and say, "when yu gonna pay me the money that you owe me?" Other times should force her way into my personal space and tell me it was her turn for a dance and that I was ignoring her. (I was trying my best up to that point.) Not too long ago her sister (from another shift/same club) tells me that she went in for alcohol rehab. Whether she'll still be nutso when she comes out remains to be seen. And there's a lot more like her out there.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How Do Dancers Smell Cash?
    Another thing. They don't really have a nose for money, they make an effort to research the crowd. If we're not familiar to the dancers in a club we're a suspect, not a prospect, in business terms. They're just tryng to qualify us when they say we ghave a lot of meny and it's a concidence when we do. And when we do, it's not so much knowing as letting us define our intentions somehow. ---In other words, they're playing us. Clubber: cocktail vs. beer. Makes sense to me when you consider the stereotypes.
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    14 years ago
    How Do Dancers Smell Cash?
    I think they sense confidence and assume there's cash with. But Shadowcat's probably right too.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Three strikes, and you're out.
    She's probably playing you. BUT, give her another chance and be persistent and patient. Remember these girls lives aren't exactly like ours. When we make a commitment we usually follow like we would for anything else. But dancer lives are more unstructured and she might have some crazy obligation interferring and if/when that clears up she may be available. This approach has worked for me, so it's worth another shot. If she dosn't come through, she's identifying herself as a phony and you can forget about it.
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    14 years ago
    Goose bumps
    I hate cold clubs, especially when they forget to turn the ac down as the season changes. I actually get cold hands when the ac is blasting so I usually apologize to dancers for them in "colder" clubs. But, when the dancers shiver, it's time to wrap your jacket or coat around them and make a good impression. Always works for me. Of course, I suspect that sometimes they are playing us when that happens.
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    14 years ago
    "Damsels" in Distress
    Agree. Having fun doesn't mean we're not honorable.
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    14 years ago
    Founder-TUSCL & Norton
    I've been noticing some funny java process stuff going on. May that's related. But everytime I run my security scan, everything comes up clean. Could it be some type of spyware has crept in via TUSCL? I'm getting some slow response along with the java issue.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Surveillence Cameras at the Club
    Troop and Farmerart: I respect both your aswners. First, why should we patronie clubs that are obsessive about monitoring activities with cameras for the purpose of restricting our fun? If one can live with that, fine. But I think it's a bad business decision and prefer not to spend my money at those places. But I make lots of exceptions for various reasons but could never make a realy camera'd up club a regular stop. On the other had, if you know there are cameras and they don't care, just go and have as much fun as you can. But I always try to make sure that attitude hasn't changed before I lay too much on the line in those places.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers saying, "I had fun”
    Steve, I've heard that too. Most often and believabley after a long day of partying and dances. Otherwise, my stripper shit radar warning goes off to varying degrees. four typical scenarios: 1) Slow afternoon, dancers are bored. I come in and sense the boredom, buy a bunch of drinks for one or more dancers. We party, get buzzed, have a few dances. Somebody makes sure Mr. Happy has fun too. Several hours later when I'm leaving I've heard the I-had-fun-today line from one or more dancers. We all did, and I paid for it. 2) A fav is having a good day, she's making money, she's had enough drinks to feel happy but not so many to be out of control. So we eventualy hook up for a dance and she's just wired more than usual because the pressure's off her, she's made money and she's relaxed. She subtly starts grinding more for herself than for me and then she starts using my fingers to get herself off. She tells me she had fun. I know she did, I can feel it running all over my hand. 3) A fav and I will spend a lot of time together talking quietly about personal stuff, maybe some hugs and cuddles, some dances and them more conversation, maybe a few drinks. Goodby hugs usually come with a "I had a good time today." Probably like what you're describing. Stripper shit? Doesn't matter. 4) But then again, when a dancer I am familiar with but don't spend a lot of time or money with suddenly wiggles her way onto my lap and coaxes a drink from me and them gives me what usually are some good dances followed by the "I had fun today" line I'm thinking: Yea, right, you're trying to displace competition. Stripper shit. But that's her job. And some do it very well.