
Comments by gk (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is she a Player or Not?
    I'm in between. I like to take girls OTC. But there's also an excitement with extremely high contact lap dancing with the right girl that is hard to duplicate. So for me, there's room for both. I don't mind spending money up to a point, I just don't want to waste money. So I like to know what I'm getting into.
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    14 years ago
    YMMV ... Is it possible that I am partly the reason my mileage varies?
    Attitude makes the world go round. But it shouldn't make the lapdanance go awry. Sounds like a bad pun, but I wasn't trying. If you're a regular at a club and you can't count on somebody consistently, just move on to a dancer you can count on.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do single moms make better strippers?
    Oh yea, I support single moms. It's even a t-shirt with striper legs kicking it.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another 2 for 1 special...
    Not to mention that she's usually on top and you have no control! Of course, it's hard to turn down candy if you have a sweet tooth.
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    14 years ago
    Cleveland Cops.. On The Job!
    Troop, lol. Best one in a long time here. Maybe those cops were waiting to get in early to beat the cover. Wait, you can't beat the cover anymore. So that means they must have been there in case some dancers worked into the wee hours of the morning and needed protecting from the seagulls or something.
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    14 years ago
    It was the best of clubs, it was the worst of clubs…
    Sounds like one of those some say tomato some say tomahto things.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Busted, or Kids are More Perceptive Than You Think
    Busted--by my daughter finding my porm movie site. But never about my clubbing habits. Although she does wonder where I go so much of the timne.
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    14 years ago
    YES OR NO?
    Scratch and sniff or do the dipstick test. If you like what you find, yum yum eat 'em up.
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    14 years ago
    "Farmerart" is on quite a roll...
    Always be a day shift guy for best results. Day shift dancers know how to treat a customer with more discretinary income than the dumb kids (on average) that populate clubs at night. No offense to any of us who are night regulars, just going by the numbers. My next Bogarts trip will be on a Wednesday afternoon, thank you very much CQ. But haven't been on the road to DTE enough to sample the new Bogarts cubicles. Anxious to find out for myself. Farmerart: avoid all downtown Toronto clubs. Not worth your time and money if you want anything more than eye candy and want to avoid ROBs. You have an admirable way with words...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Skinny Dipping ?
    How: "wore flesh-tone appliques." Uh oh, the fantasy is gone forever! Back to reality, think they bought those at a stripper store?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strippers in civies
    I love it when I run into then in their civies either coming or going from the club. A big turn-on, in fact. It's also a way to help sort out the ROBs, who usualy want no part of you when they are "out of uniform," while other dancers who are more down to earth will stop and talk. First time I took a dancer out, she overdid things and dressed too slutty, thinking I would like that. Had to tell her to tone it down and dress more normal because our plans were always to have drinks and dinner first in very public places. She did from then on. Another thing I notice is that the dancers who come across (to me) as high maintenance or who carry themselves as "top shelf" will also dress that way in civies. The more humble dancers dress down as if to blend in with the masses. I'm also struck by how much a hottie still looks like a hottie to me regardless of how she dresses. Hot is hot, I guess. Ran into one in the grocery store a few weeks ago. In girls next door civies but with strking blond hair still a stand out feature. She's with a middle aged man, so I make a point of not "knowing" her. But after our paths literally crossed, I nodded and said hello. I don't want to mess up any dancer's real life, but this guy she was with did not look like a husband or S.O., so as I walked past her I was basically simple courteous with the nod and hello. A few days later she told me it was OK (he was her "uncle") and that I could have stopped and talked. My rule on that is, not unless they are alone or unless they initiate it.
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    14 years ago
    A Lesson for All Americans
    Agre, but let's keep this stuff out of here.
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    14 years ago
    Doing Strippers wihout a Condom
    Gone bareback with strippers too. It was always spontaneous. Had I expected it it wouldn't have ben BB. And afterwards I always wished I had managed things differently. Not what I would recomend.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The cost of EXTRAS
    Ataboy potheadpl. BJ isn't sex. It's all marketing. The flip side, as has been mentioned here--some people don't stock certain items, so naturally, these people want to charge a premium for what they do have. Love it when the club culture has a "menu."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever had a stripper read her review?
    We use nickmanes on her for a reason. The same reason strippers use stage names. They can do or say something behind the front of that stage name that they don't want associated with teir real self. I've said it before on here, why give up our anonymity by showing a dancer what we write about a club or specific person. And as for real low down extras, why reveal names that could get someone into trouble, especially when you understand that nothing on the Internet, including this forum, is private.
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    14 years ago
    *GUYS* What are your thoughts on Stippers with short hair??
    Mlyn1, agree, short hair by stself isn't always a deal breaker. It's the total package that counts. But long hair is part of the sexy look arsenal and, on average, I would speculate that most men prefer longer hair if given the choice. Obviously there's a lot of opinion on this based on the above posts. But consider this. When young women wear their hair short, it's part of a style they are copying. But when most women get older, they want to cut their hair because they don't want to deal with all the primping anymore, they want the simplicity of getting ready that guys have. So stripped to it's basic values, shorter hair is for the older woman, and longer hair is for the younger woman. Another example: advertisers can inject sex into a TV commercial as a sales element simply by having a woman with long hair shake her trusses provacatively. You can't do that with short hair. You don't primp as much to be sexy with short hair, you do with longer hair. This can sometimes show in attitude and how you project yourself. So if you want short hair, make sure its for a sexy reason, not an effieicnt reason--because the reason for your choice will eventually be obvious.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    While we're on the hair topic...
    Shaved and smooth. But a creative landing strip is nice too.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is stripper shit ever NOT shit?
    What's more fun, listening to stripper shit, which can be very creative, or putting up with the poor-me honesty of 'I've made hardly any money today and my rent's due at the enbd of the week.' Oh wait, it's all the same.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What Makes Her Your ATF?
    It's al been said before, butr it boils down to this: Chemistry, respect, mutual interests, few or no boundaries.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    PL in training?
    Or, maybe he's from the new reality show-- "Survivor: Lapdance L'island.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    PL in training?
    Saw that review too. Sounds like he is trying to live up to the old logon disclaimer: "Assume everything you read on here to be a lie." Unless, of course, one of "us" writes it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Cops hanging outside of strip club
    Went to one of my favorite clubs whille on the road a few weeks ago and after sipping on my drink a short while, I noticed that the manager tells one of the dancers to stay in the back. Seems some cops were there (not visible inside the club) looking for a particular dancer (not her) and he was concerned about any other dancers that might have outstanding warrants. Well, I step outside to use the phone and notice these were not ordinary cops, there were four U.S. Marshalls outside with bullet proof vests waiting around and talking. A little bit unnerving at first, but since they seemed very casual about things, I took the same attitude, went back inside and enjoyed the rest of my stay. They eventually left because they didn't find who they were looking for. All in a days play I guess.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip club visit after effects?
    Samsung1, same with me. If something doesn't go my way in a SC, I can get very frustrated!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you occasionally get tired of visiting strip clubs after a while?
    Need new scenery sometimes? Yes. Same-old/same-old sometimes not fun? Yes. Question my spending? Yes. Think about quitting? That's too freaky. Here's some suggestions: 1. Bored: Mix it up. Don't just visit other clubs. Stop going to your regular club for a while. That shakes up the routine. 2. More than bored, tired of the SOSO: Road trip. You reviews suggest that you do move around to other clubs, but ask yourself how far you'd drive for SC fun? 2 hours? 4 hours? From where you seem to be, I would try Tampa for a breath of SC fresh air. 3. Drink prices burning you: Have a double strategy--find a low-price club for getting primed and move on for the more serious stuff. 4. Rules crimping your fun: Work around the rules. Invest in regulars, let them know what you like and expect. Money and consistency slips past rules when you use consistency discretion. 5. Camera's/no wiggle room: Why reward this? It's suposed to be fun. If they are so rigid in oversight that dancers and customers are paranoid, they've taken your fun away. So, take your business away.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How "typical"are you?
    Think I'm atypical because I make an effort to be trusted and known and also to really know the dancers and some of the staff at clubs that I frequent.