New girl comes up to me. Do you have anyone here you see regularly? My reply yes 1 or 2 girls. Her: can I be one of them? Me Maybe Her Do they do any extras? Me not really . Her : Are you happy with that? me : I'm ok with it. Her do you wanna dance ? Me maybe later . Her: maybe later usually means no so do you want me really to come back later and dance for you or just leave you alone. Me : I'll get you if I want a dance. Never really liked a high pressure salesjob but what was her message and what would you have said. By the way ok face body of a 14 year old
I think she may have been open to extras. When you said that your regulars don't give them and you were okay with that, she may have wrote you off as a guy that wasn't into extras so she just offered a dance. She was trying to get a read on you when she asked whether you were "happy with that". Just my two cents.
I think it was refreshingly direct without being over the top, and honest. I probably would have laughed and smiled at "Can I be one of them?", bought her a drink, and seen what happened.
Well, first, there were a couple of screwups during the convo. First is when you said that you had 1 or 2 favorites. When she asked you if they do extras, you are suppose to say yes, even though they don't. So, you told her they don't do extras and you told her that you are ok with that; so, the only plus about that convo is that you didn't get a dance from her, cuz she would of given you a bad dance as opposed for the other answer. Now if you would of said no that you're not happy or if you lied and said that they do extras, then she is in competition. Then, do you wanna dance would get you to a dance that you never had.
I'm with art. You missed an opportunity. I for one never mention anything provided or not provided by anyone else. It's none of anyone else's business, and it's not relevant to the current negotiation anyway.
I think she was attracted to you. Instead of playing games she got directly to the point. Once in a great while a dancer will offer me extras if I will take her to the vip.
Usually these girls are just not my type. I dont do extras with an ok face and the body of a 14 year old. I need a woman, not a teenager.
That being said, I think an apple fell into your lap and you chose not to eat it for whatever reason. Dont expect her to give you a second chance.
I agree with brewerfan, always say you get extras even if you dont.
I agree with georgmicrodong. Naming names and details is not necessary. But if a dancer asks me if I get extras, I'm going to tell her "If its the right girl, yes." Extras could mean anything depending on what is is.
The "not really" answer to the extras question seems like a golden opportunity missed. If you are a new clubber, I would attribute that as a rookie mistake. If you are a long time PL.....then I'll assume that you're just not into extras (which puts you in the minority on this board, and will make most here wonder if you are insane.)
I'd be careful on who you get dances from to because some dancers do extras without asking. Unfortunately it's been a long time since that happened. I would be very nervous if I let certain dancers dance for me and I would not want any extras from them. Actually some dancers I want to stay away from since I don't even know why they are working in a strip club. They look better covered up.
lopaw is right, but there are subtle ways to answer the question about whether you like extras.
In terms of talking about receiving them from other girls, I strongly disagree with brewer. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT about what you do with other dancers. No good can come from running your mouth as these girls talk to each other.
There is one club where I have had a lot of fun with 4 different girls, and none of them know anything about what I have done with another (at least not from me). There are a couple of other clubs where I've been with more than one active dancer - same thing. Discretion will get you a long way once you are a regular at a club, but if he girls think that you have a big mouth then you could be burned.
last commentUsually these girls are just not my type. I dont do extras with an ok face and the body of a 14 year old. I need a woman, not a teenager.
That being said, I think an apple fell into your lap and you chose not to eat it for whatever reason. Dont expect her to give you a second chance.
I agree with brewerfan, always say you get extras even if you dont.
I AM the long time Clubber!
In terms of talking about receiving them from other girls, I strongly disagree with brewer. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT about what you do with other dancers. No good can come from running your mouth as these girls talk to each other.
There is one club where I have had a lot of fun with 4 different girls, and none of them know anything about what I have done with another (at least not from me). There are a couple of other clubs where I've been with more than one active dancer - same thing. Discretion will get you a long way once you are a regular at a club, but if he girls think that you have a big mouth then you could be burned.