
Have you ever thought a dancer was hot and into one night but more like a golddi

Monday, September 13, 2010 4:30 AM
I guess I'm a bit puzzled. I have a good looking dancer acting interested in potentially getting my number. She lives in the same county as me too which concerns me a bit. However her table dances are a bit conservative or stand offish compared to other dancers and she seems good at squeezing extra money out of me. I guess that last sentence tells me everything I need to know. I should probably get that google voice number set up fast and hope she did not correctly remember my number I blurted out. She did have it wrong when she repeated it. Maybe I'll just tell her I'm trying to watch my spending and didn't want to buy any dancers any drinks. If she gets ticked off, I'd rather she not know where I live at.


  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    ..or I could just stay away from that club for a little while and hope she latches onto someone else. I think Golddigger is a more appropriate term. I remember one dancer who really liked me and she paid for her own drinks. I guess if I'm bored I could play along for a little bit. Then cut her off which will let her know I think she's playing me and I'm not into that.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I think that you should ask casualguy what he would do. lol...
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Dancers are like that - its sorta like gravity. The good news is you are not the only one they are trying to bleed dry. When they hit you with their stories about how they need you to bail them out of a tough situation - about to be evicted, etc. just listen to it for its entertainment value (remember its not your problem and your not the only one they are trying to squeeze). Do use it to get what you want like an otc session at your price.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I think I'll just forget about her for now.
  • Contango6
    14 years ago
    I recently had the same dilemma and did not know what to do until I saw the term "stripper shit" in the glossary. This explained it all and brought me peace. I think some of the girls are so deep into deception (of themselves and also others) that you cannot believe anything they say and only some of what they do! And they are probably just as confused. But do get that Google Voice number. I did and had some fun exchanging text messages with her that ultimately went nowhere. But I am pretty sure it was my choice. Good luck.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Friday/Saturdays or any other busy night for the club is when prices will increase. This is because they know they can get higher prices, they have higher house fees, or they are trying to buy drugs for their weekend.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I wasted 2 hours tonight, restoring my pc, redownloading and reinstalling software trying to get my email program working again. I finally ended up at my isp webmail site and got a message that their engineers on working on the problem and are aware that clients can not access email. You can't win sometimes. stripper shit sounds like a good definition of what I've been encountering. If she really wanted to get in contact with me, she would have already done it. She even wanted me to buy a drink for another dancer that was sitting at our table. I didn't go along with that. I guess she's testing me to see how much stripper shit she can pull off.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Yes, I remember fondly an encounter with a hot dancer I met for the first time. We made out like newlyweds, up to and including FS. It was spontaneous, and convincingly passionate. She did not ask for anything afterwards, but I gave her a reasonable amount (I think it was 150) anyway. Next time I saw her, several months later, we went to VIP, she danced one song, and when I moved in close for a potential kiss, she demurred that she really did not do that. The previous make-out session was a fluke. Still, she did not try to upsell me on anything, so I suppose I could not say she acted like a gold-digger. But it was a disappointing turn of events...
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    I too have encountered the Stripper Shit involving all of their hardships on several occasions, and most recently while traveling in Europe (I guess it's just not here in America). Early on, I felt my heartstrings pulled, but have now realized it's a ruse they run to soften customers up. Scam artists of all stripes (not just strippers) use this technique, often describing incredible hardship in over-the-top detail, so it'll break past our defenses and make us more likely to open our wallets. A real friend or honest person wouldn't deluge you with these stories, even if they are experiencing some hardship. I've known people (several of whom were women) who seem to be in continuous trying circumstances, and while occasionally alluding to whatever's happening, won't solicit money and will be genuinely interested in our connection regardless of any money/gifts shared.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "often describing incredible hardship in over-the-top detail" I have a new response when this happens now - I just start in telling them about MY financial problems: "Hey, I know what you mean, I got two kids in college now, my wife just spend $4,500 for landscaping, my old business partner is suing me - again! - and don't even get me started on those bloodsuckers from the IRS."
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    All the time.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I think the word is walletdigger. I have never seen a stripper ask or dig for gold.
  • redkatana08
    14 years ago
    I think we should all just remember that this is all an act that strippers do and as long as you do not go in a club looking for a girlfriend then you know exactly what to bring in to spend and how far you're willing to go.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I don't see where I'm getting much out of her dances and I doubt we hook up outside the club. I lost interest in her the other day when I saw how she was using me to pay for drinks etc. It was probably her red outfit and seeing her for the first time that charmed me a bit. Now the charm has worn off. She told me she inherited a bunch of land so I was wondering why she was even dancing. Talk about not something you expect to hear. Oh well, I'll play things as I see them whenever I visit that particular club again. She made me remember one dancer from a long time ago that looked good but kept dropping everything to see me. I had a whole lot more contact and better dances with the dancer I remember in NC than I have so far with the dancer I just met.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Keep your phone number for the special dancer(s). You'll know her when you find her and won't need to ask. Otherwise you just become part of their marketing plan. "Hi, I'm working today, whyyou don't you ..."
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    lol I like steve's response. I might try that the next time a down & out dancer starts her woe-is-me spiel.
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