
Club buddies

Monday, August 30, 2010 10:05 AM
There are a few dancers (usually older) that I have gotten lap dances from, but for one reason or another things just didn't “click” between us. We still say “hey, baby” to each other and I still tip them on stage, but they know I'm not getting any more dances from them. Even so, they often stop by to sit and chat, share some club gossip, and sometimes actually recommend a new dancer that I might like (it doesn't seem to bother them that I'm chasing after the younger hotties in the club). So, do you have any “club buddies”?


  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    At my favorite club, there is this one old lady entirely too old to dance, but I don't mind talking to her, because she's funny. She always tells me everything that goes on with the dancers, like who got arrested and who doesn't work there anymore and all that. Of course, I think she wants me to bang her silly again. There used to be a lady there named Phoenix who was similar. At my #2 club, the one closest to me, there is the lovely Amber, who tells me all the gossip and who will do OTC (since there is no ITC there) and usually is the one to get me to try new dancers, although they usually disappoint in the end. She will even go get them for me. She isn't old, but she has the most seniority of any of the dancers there. I sometimes buy one from her if I don't like the ones there.
  • stan1986
    14 years ago
    theres one or two if my #1 is'nt working , i'll call her chas , she usually tells me who's new or who's left , but i like too string out her dances just seems higher milage when they come once in a while
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    At my home club, it's nothing but club buddies. I typically go on Friday afternoons. It's usually show during the early afternoons and lots of talk, gossip, slander, and chitchat goes on. So I know quite a bit about many of the dancers. I've been invited to parties hosted by them and asked to go to the bars with them. Yeah, I have a lot of club buddies.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    My ATF, became my "club Buddy" and "OTC buddy". There was nothing sexual between us after the first few times I saw her. As I've said before, I think it was more a father/daughter thing, with about 40 years difference.
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    I have one at each club I visit. They're both actually a little older. One is too old and not good enough looking to be there, IMO, and the other isn't old but probably has age on most of the night time dancers. The first one, I don't get dances (and never have) because I'm not interested in her. But we talk whenever I'm in. The other one I've gotten dances a few times. Slightly big but not fat with huge natural breasts but her dances aren't anything to write home about so I stopped getting them. Every once in a while she'll ask if I want to go have fun but I decline.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yeah i have a few dancers, some that i bought a dance from in the past and some that i haven't bought a dance from that have become club buddies that will sit and talk with me sometimes if neither one of us is busy. even though they're working they know not to pressure me for a dance but i will tip them a buck or two every once in awhile to help them out.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Well, it's no big secrete that gridget is my buddy. She quit dancing about 2 years ago but when I am in town, she will drive 60 miles to have lunch with me and then hang with me at the club. She still has a lot of friends working there. What she doesn't know, she can find out from them. I get all the info that I want and then some. When she is there, I only get dances from her but occasionally we do a menage a trois. I never get tired of spending 5-8 hours with her. When I am not there we keep in contact by email and phone.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    Not enough time or money to get dances with every girl every time, so I try to do dances with 5 or 6 girls at some point every month. I have my favorite(s), and everybody knows who they are, so it's expected that I will get dances from one of them frequently. Still manage to maintain a cordial relationship with the girls I don't get dances from, but of course they tend to become more standoffish with time. Now that my favorite club has reverted to a bikini bar under the new edict, I don't know how any of this will play out in the future.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I have a bunch of club buddies at the local divey topless joints I frequent. But at the more "higher end" nude clubs that I also hang out in the dancers are far too busy trying to get into your wallet to really develop any buddy type relationships. They are just too predatory.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Do fuck buddies count.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    I have a fave who's currently pregnant, so she switched to waitressing at the club once she started showing. I still go to see her at times, and she'll ask if I'm going to get any dances that night. If I am, she'll ask me for a few names of dancers that I'm attracted to and then recommend one based on my list.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    steve229, I know of similar "club buddies" I have at some clubs. And yes they are mostly older dancers.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    I have a buddy in a large and popular club where I like to drop in for drinks and occasionally get dances. This girl is one of the most beautiful and popular in the club, always in demand. Smart and interesting too - she could hang with anyone. But she always sits with me when she's not busy. I never get dances from her and won't now, but she still hangs out. I guess she likes my company too. Fine with me! Strangely, I have another buddy from the same club who became a fuck buddy, not through the club but seeing each other at the gym. I've asked both if they knew each other and each said no. Girl #2 knows who Girl #1 is, but that's the extent of it, or so they say. Girl #2 doesn't work there anymore anyway.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    All you guys saying that your club buddies are older -- don't bother trying to get one in Atlanta because I'll be getting dances from her. ;-)
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Thanks for all the responses guys, very interesting this appears to be widespread. Once it becomes apparent you are not getting dances from a girl, I could certainly understand her giving you the cold shoulder from then on. To have her still come by, give you a hug and some pleasant conversation has been a nice surprise. (Still trying to square this with them all being lying, thieving, whores, but I'm sure someone will enlighten me soon enough).
  • gk
    14 years ago
    If club buddy means someone you are friendly and courteous to based on (sometimes long time) familiarity but with no intent of spending big money, yes. Sometimes these are girls I've known through the years who just don't do it for me anymore. Others are regulars on the shift I frequent but I just don't party with them money-wise. Some migvht be getting to the over-the-hill stage. But they're like club family in a way. Interesting question to pose.
  • ArchiePitcar
    14 years ago
    I tend to prefer dancers who are under 30 (or at least look it) and relatively slender. But I'm a nice guy and have a hard time saying "no." So what I've started doing when approached by dancers who are not my type, but who look like they have some clout in the club (you can tell by the way they interact with the other girls) is getting one $5 table dance from them, and then offering them $5 to get a girl I've got my eye on to come over to my table (the club is often crowded and the girls busy). This almost always works very well. They'll often then check back later to see if I enjoyed the girl in question.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Seems to be mostly wait staff for me. While there has been the occasional dancer sitting with me to avoid sitting with someone else, even in the face of my stated lack of interest in spending any money, I suspect I'm not cute enough to attract much more than that. :)
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