
How to Find a Strip Club Buddy?

Hi guys. This may be a silly inquiry, but I was wondering if anyone has advice on how to find a strip club buddy. It's something (er, someone) I've been looking for for a while now - a "wingman," as it were, to venture out to clubs with about once a month or so. Someone who could pay their own way and who's a fairly solid person (i.e., abides by "guy code" and stays out of trouble). I've been going to clubs on my own for over a year now, but it's such a pain coming up with alibis (I'm married) and I figured having a buddy would make it so much easier (I could simply say we're "going out drinking," and that would pass muster). Also, in general, it would just be fun to hang out and make the journey(s) out to new clubs (even outside of the area) with a fellow connoisseur. Has anyone had luck in finding such a partner-in-crime? If so, I was hoping someone could share their story or maybe give some pointers for a guy like me looking for a fellow SC patron to roll with. Thanks guys. (I live in the D.C./Maryland/Virginia area, if anyone is wondering.)


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I really do pity you poor souls that have to hide your SC hobby from your wives/significant others. Honesty about where I'm going has always worked for me, and while I recognize that it won't work for everybody, I still wonder how much of that is because the clubber is afraid to try.

    Honesty completely eliminates the need to keep alibis straight, explain the long red hair on one's shirt, or why my pants smell like pussy.

    Completely aside from those points, I've never felt the desire for a wingman. Oh, I've gone to clubs with other guys before, especially back in my military days, but not because of any need for support or companionship. I prefer going by myself, so there's no interference in, or judgement of, my activities. Nobody to blah to the folks I don't want to share with. Even the best friendship has the potential to turn sour.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Hang out in one place long enough and you'll make friends. That's how it happens everywhere else.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    georgmicrodong you make a good point about going alone with no one to talk about things later on. I remember going with some buddies to some regular clubs one night. I got talked into it. For several days at work, they enjoyed talking about some awkward dance move I supposedly did. If it wasn't that, they could talk about a drunk girl at the bar that seemed interested in me. I have no desire to become the most interesting thing to talk about. A true buddy needs to be able to keep his or her mouth shut.

    I remember I met someone from work at a strip club one night that was dragged into it with some friends of his. He was all into bible study and other religious stuff in his circle of friends at work. He was probably thinking all crap was going to hit the fan on Monday but I didn't say anything about seeing him.
    He had asked me not to tell anyone and even bought a $10 table dance from the dancer of my choice. That particular club only did table dances but she was a 10. Extremely hot. He probably did not object to going to the club.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    scpatron: I think you are in a bit of a pickle here. You seem not to have a buddy already with whom you could pursue your journeys in the SC world. Finding a buddy and generating the mutual trust you are seeking is problematic. A suggestion: after a few more posts and some reviews here to become better known, perhaps a tuscler might fit the bill if you can find one who would be amenable to the suggestion.

    As for me. I am completely in the gmd camp. I am just not married to a sainted woman as he is.
  • RocStarsky
    14 years ago
    If you want a buddy who has common interests, the best place is the SC itself. Look for a person in particular who comes in by themself and sit near that person and have an opening line. It could be, "you come here often?" The rest is on you. Ask if you can buy a beer for that person if things go right (optional). Exchange contacts if both feels comfortable. It takes time to make a buddy. Be patient like anything else. Btw, is that area you are in swarming with good SC's?
  • EDOG65
    14 years ago
    I still prefer to go solo as opposed to trying to find a wingman. By doing this I can choose where to go, how long I'm staying, etc. without having to run it by anyone else.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    If you are like me and will talk to anyone then you can maybe strike up a rapport with someone if you have a regular club. I'll talk to anyone and even though I am only there once a year I usually have a casual but brief conversation with someone in some club, though I don't intentionally do it. I think being English helps as someone always wants to talk about life over here, soccer, girls, etc. You just need to be careful about what you say and where etc. Obviously never when you are taking a leek. Over time as you maybe see the same people you can go and speak to them a bit more.
  • dustyshoes
    14 years ago
    This is something that I have thought about many times. Suddenly it all came together through the wisdom of the commonality here. Let me sum it up.
    Go to the club alone, wherever it is. Drum up a conversation with someone there that is amenable, and work the club, share info, etc.. Move on to another club as you desire and do the same thing there. All the bases are covered.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    wingmen are hard to come by. Most of us keep our strip clubbing to ourselves. That leave out friends and coworkers. I myself rarely go together with another guy to a strip club for the reasons already given.

    But I do have tons of TUSCL buddies. We meet at the clubs. Meeting them in the first place has always been through the use of Personal messages on TUSCL. They see or I see a review on a club and we contact each other to share information. This leads to a meeting up. This has led to some really close friendships. I have met and shared personal messages with about a dozen TUSCLers that call Columbia Platinum Plus their favorite club. We tell each other who does what and for how much. Who will do OTC for how much, etc. We also share experiences about other clubs that we have gone to. Then there is another dozen or so that I have never met personally but feel like I know them from PMs and posts on TUSCL.

    Just this morning I received a PM from a guy in Charlotte NC that I have never met. He has no reviews or posts but has read my reviews and wants to meet me next Wed at PP. I answered that, I would be happy to meet him. He may turn into another buddy.

    Btw, I do not need an alibi. I answer to no one.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    I go to SCs either by myself, with a good friend of 50 years, with my brother, with a stripper. To scpatron, go by yourself. Look for Articles on TUSCL posted by members on what to be wary of when you go and above all, don't leave with or meet a stripper outside the club on your first trip.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I too prefer to fly solo in clubs. But the one SC buddy I do go with occasionally I happened to meet in a SC a few years ago. He's a cool guy, but I only hang with him maybe 1 out of 10 times. He does come in handy during those other 9 times, tho, since I tell my SO that I'm with him. My SO absolutely despises my buddy, and refuses to ever even acknowledge him, so I don't have to worry about her possibly calling him up to verify my whereabouts. I wish I could be as open in my escapades as gmd is w/ his SO, but since I can't, an "alibi" buddy is the next best thing.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    How to find a strip club buddy? You find a friend and go to a strip club with them.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    If you have friends and they occasionally go to strip clubs, there you have it. Of course you have to arrange to meet up and agree on when to visit, whose car you are taking, etc. etc. and may have to leave if they need to leave for some reason. You don't want to carry out a buddy who is falling asleep on you late at night. If a dancer ever wants to meet up with you later on, having a wingman may not be very handy at all. Instead of meeting up the same night, you'll have to postpone that to when you are alone unless you live in the same area. I'm not looking to hook up with any dancers but I'm not opposed to the idea either.
  • sauternes
    14 years ago
    I generally prefer to hit the clubs alone. Too many variables involved, not the least of which is I sometimes find it hard to plan the length of my visit. Not if I'm meeting a particular dancer, but if I come in looking for new talent. At my favorite club I usually find a dancer that results in an extended visit.

    That being said, I do occasionally hit the clubs with a buddy when we meet up at work-related events. It works because we're good friends and are both flexible particularly with respect to time. We'd get together for a few beers anyway, so why not throw in some naked ladies? We're usually on the road and visiting a local SC at least one of us doesn't get to very often, so it can also be a cost effective way to exchange intel on dancers more likely to provide a good time!
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I have gone to strip clubs with plenty of friends, mostly some guys from work. However, there is only one guy I have felt completely comfortable with in a strip club. That would be our very own TUSCL_Brother, who is the only guy I have clubbed with who actually generates increased mileage just by being there.
  • scpatron
    14 years ago
    Very helpful, guys. Thanks for all of the feedback.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    there are a lot of good reasons to fly solo, but I understand your problem. I own a business that requires frequent travel, so I think that I am luckier than many. My wifre would probably cut my package off in my sleep if she knew a fraction of what I do.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I don't mind going with a friend, but I doubt I'd ever feel a need to acquire a "wingman" for clubbing. Like someone else said, I'd have to run when and where by them.
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