Calling to see if a dancer is working
In my 30+ years of clubbing, I would say that I have easily met over 1,000 dancers, many of who I have had great times with.
However, I go to clubs to experience the club, if my fav is not there, there is usually always someone I can find for my entertainment.
I have never called a club to see if a dancer was working the day I planned on visiting. For some reason I think it is kind of creepy to plan my visit just to see a particular dancer.
Do you guys call looking for a dancer?
However, I go to clubs to experience the club, if my fav is not there, there is usually always someone I can find for my entertainment.
I have never called a club to see if a dancer was working the day I planned on visiting. For some reason I think it is kind of creepy to plan my visit just to see a particular dancer.
Do you guys call looking for a dancer?
now if i don't have a favorite dancer, like recently, i won't call. i'll go to a club to see what's new and maybe just play the field.
Another time I called Vanity and asked if a dancer worked there. She gave me some prissy attitude and told me she was not allowed to tell me. I ended up going there myself at a later date and asked a couple dancers and they both told me they never heard of her before.
I do have a few dancer's phone numbers and they are pretty good about getting back to me to let me know when they work. If a dancer only shows interest in letting me know when she works and not when she is available for OTC, I get ROB suspicion.
Best approach is to learn what a dancer's schedule is if there is someone you definitely want to see when going out.
I *do* have a few dancers' phone numbers, and I use them sometimes. But sometimes I decide to go clubbing after the shift starts. And it could be 2 hours or more before the dancer would see my "you working tonight?" message if she is working.
The thing that I don't get is the clubs that BS me. They're both places where (if they hadn't lied before) I'd probably go regardless of who was there and drop some serious buckage. But they'd rather have my cover and a Coke and then have me walk out and drop the bucks at another club.