
Comments by gk (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Q: Chicken or the Egg
    She's a dumb dancer like Vince says.
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    14 years ago
    Was I setup?
    Everybody's right but has given rules 1.1 and beyond, forgetting to mention the most important rule of all. Here's rule 1.0 Do research or get references so you don't fuck a "stranger."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you ever said "I love you" to your ATF or dancer?
    During a lapdance--as Tina Turner said--'what's luv got to do with it?' But otherwise said it to a dancer--yes, after we developed a relationship. So you don't love the dancer, you love the person.
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    14 years ago
    The look?
    Maybe we look all "business?" Whatever that is. But I do know that making it "rain" at the stage is not the sign of a VIP player. However, it does identify someone with ego who wants the spotlight on him for everybody to see, not just the dancer. So maybe it's the look of confidence or maturity vs. the look of an asshole.
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    14 years ago
    Sound Familiar ?
    Venni, vitti, fuckee? Or something like that. Don't quote me on Latin, maybe I'm parodying the wrong phrase.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    At least I was tactful...I think
    Some time you just have to lay it out there...
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    14 years ago
    Club banned my fav
    1) Yes. -One time the ban lasted a year. -One time a dancer friend was literally shuttling back and forth between two clubs-- when she wore out her welcome at one, she moved back to the other. And this back and forth happened several times. These things seem to happen more often than not and the discretion is usually forgiven over time, after all, there are only so many in the labor pool and if someone is good at the job (i.e. bringing in customers and selling drinks), that's what counts the most. 2) Yes, I would continue to see her, if possible on whatever terms we were comfortable with. 3)Yes, I'v e followed a fav and an ATF to another club. But it does tend to split your loyalties. I found myself not exzactly abanddoning the original place.
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    14 years ago
    She sits, you know you don't want, do you tell her ASAP?
    If i know that I won't be getting any dancers from her, I try to make that clear up front. Saves me some wasted time and her too. And like RickWood says, it clears the space quicker for someone else. looneylarry--LOL, that's a little crazy, bit I have to admit I've felt that way sometimes. But I try to be polite and maintaim some mutual respect. That's just the best way to operate, for me.
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    14 years ago
    The Disconnect Between Our Real Lives And Our SC Hobby
    Good question farmerart. In some ways, it's like the old TV show "Cheers" for me: 'where everybody knows your name.' That's for my regular haunts. But that only accounts for part of it. It also satisfies a visual/tactle tendency to appreciate cute ass--in person. We can watch porn videos or buy magazines, but there's nothing like sitting next to a hot girl who's there to flirt with you (if she does her job right). And it's excitement to balance normality. No stress when we want to escape stress. And, significantly, it's "the hunt" for a good match up. mmdv26--I thought you said it pretty well, too.
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    14 years ago
    Bringing in condoms
    Steve, now that's perfect one liner for the other "one move" discussion topic. That would turn my head, both of them .
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    14 years ago
    Wow! 5-Stars for the New Century Theater in San Francisco
    Sounds like a shill to me. In fact, it sounds like a review for the New Century that I read a few months back. It's been a while, but--been there, done that, regretted it!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strippers that don't want to make money
    B-traveller, "The fact that she gave you her phone numnber is a good sign..." LMAO, if you just met her that only means she's put you in her marketing plan and when she's going to work she intends to send out a text or voice mail blast to dozens/hundreds of numbers in her phone book. She probably even has a separate cell phone for her club "friends." If she dones't, she's simpsly not very organized. For the OP, just sounds like common stripper shit or someone who can't manage her life very well. Don't take it too seriously, and certainly don't take it too personally. Don't becme a PL by giving or taking a phone number too early or from just any dancer. Now, if you've known a dancer for a while and she consistently delivers for you and then gives you her phone number or asks you for yours, that's different because it has the potential to be something more personal.
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    14 years ago
    sex and the city star kim cattralls stripper role
    Looks like a stupid caricature of reality as we know it. 50 something dancrs don't look at tantalizing as her. And when they do work at that age, they show more enthusiams or they wouldn't still be hoofing it. And a curtain with a spotlight? Maybe in a few holdover joints that used to be theateers. Whenever Hollyood (or wherever now) trys to interpret stripping and strip clubs, it usually make me laugh.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    One move
    Move? More of an attitude I try to sense: sort of like...I'm not shy, I'm I'm a little wild. You can sense this sometimes from watching the stage dance and how they interact when you offer a tip: a demure turn of the thy to the side giving you access to the garter (usually a poor investment), or a full spread so you can reach in to tuck in your President (a good sign to at least start an interview). Not counting the places where the "handshake" is atandard operating procedure, I like to sit at the end of the bar with a dancer and wait to see if she will start playhing with me right there. Sometimes it's just a touch on the tigh in the right suggestive manner, others times it's basically inspecting the package. You can separate the ROBs from the best pretty eassily that way, but you have to be patient and very picky, depending on what club you're visiting. Similar to what sommeone else said, just walking by and running a hand down my back to the waist usually gets my attention. But then she has to deliver something intersting as a followup to keep it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    SC/Civilian life crossove
    I keep running into this woman at a convenience store who has a stripper look about her, nice body, certain type of jewelry, a modest piercing---I swear she's a dancer but I can't place her. I have to stop myself from starring at her tryhing to figure out where I've seen her before (if at all). In a way,she gives me the same kind of look. But the funniest thing about these encounters is--she has a teenage daughter tagging along all the time who looks like a dancer intern.
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    14 years ago
    NO SHOWS !!
    But then again, if you spoke the right language, maybe she would be right over. I'm sure she speaks Green.
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    14 years ago
    NO SHOWS !!
    I've seen this happen a lot too. Sometimes it's a bad attention span. But most times they've got--regulars, big spenders, whales, getting high, smoke break or just have too many laps on the runway and can't take off with you. You need clearance from the Tower. Forget'em.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip clubs with PEPSI products
    Back in the day, Coke had cornered the market on the concession/restaurant businesss. Now that edge has gone. I prefer Pepsi, because I prefer the sweeter taste, but I laugh when I hear the phrase, 'we serve Pepsi products.' That's a relatively new phrase in a historical context. But I've seen that many strip clubs simply serve the generic cola products available from local food distributors, it's neither Coke nor Pepsi.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Love those PNW girls <3
    Newbie advice, please!
    1. Don't spring for VIP or Champagne Room unless you know for sure that you can get something more there that is worth paying for. Research before you invest. If you can't find out, you're paying for a test drive. 2. Find out how the VIP charge is split between the house and the dancer (if it's split at all). This gives you negotiating leverage. 3. Don't make a sucker purchase, for example: --$300 just for a Champagne Room/dances extra (or whatever price point is personally ridiculous) --A VIP/Champagne/whatever room, with cameras (an excuse for not doing anything beyond the ordinary) 4. Be a consistent spender on the floor and dancers will deliver more for you consistently without having to pay more for a VIP room. 5. To avoid being cornered as a dancer's customer when you want to stay flexible, try using this escape: --"can you introduce me to XXX? I'd like to spend some time with her today." --"is XXX here today?. Can you send her over? --I'd like to buy XXX a drink? Have you seen her? ...then add: "then I'd like to spend time with you again next time I'm hjere" Keep it simple, polite but very clear. It usually works. If Miss Possessive can't take the hint, then simply reach out and politely pull over an appealing dancer to your space and ask if you can buy her a drink, that usually sends the right message.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Next level
    OK, we finally have scientific proof of Stripper Shit! Because she was a fake stripper, she unnecessarily developed multiple "portfolios" when all she needed was two: her real story and her fake story. She/any dancer can share whatever she likes. If it's a good story, we can appreciate it for it's creativity. If it's fake but not creative, we usually can tell. If it's real, it eventually rises to the top like cream and passes the test of time. I go to have fun, and as a "regular" get to know dancers and what's real and fake. I just take the fake stuff for what it is--a marketing strategy. Sometimes fake is fun and sometimes too much reality is just ...too much.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The nicest guy...
    LOL Shadowcat: "I think that's right up ther with 'you have a big dick.'" Absolutely. But, it think it also could have been a real complement. Here's the irony--check out any dancer's party life or even her personal life, and I don't think it's populated too much with the "nicest guy" types.
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    14 years ago
    Winter Blues
    Troop, saw a bumper sticker about Jane Fonda, paraphrasing because I don't recall the exact wording, but it was something like: 'Real Americans will never forgive Jane Fonda."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Reports 165 Percent Rise in First Quarter Inc
    Now that's what I call a true "leading indicator." Of course, we'll have to wait for the trickle down (her leg) effect to ensure that it's benefitting all of us.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    There's a difference between just being drink and not being able to make a choice or perform. I would avoid the latter and be choosy about the former, avoiding it when if the signals are bad. Just remove yourself from someone you don't want to be with. Otherwise have fun, just be able to live with yourself later.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Favorite Effect?
    Agree absolutely. Here's my view of why. Having an ATF means making a commitment, to a certain degree. Making a commitment takes money and a certain amount of character two things that might be missing in whatever relationship dancers maintain in their real life (or don't have). So I think they look at customers who establish an ATF relationship as a cut above. So it's only natural for some of them to want a little of that money or character to rub off on them.