The nicest guy...

avatar for steve229
So tonight my new favorite said I was the nicest guy she ever met in a strip club.

Should I consider that a compliment, or the ultimate stamp of PL-dom?


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avatar for mikeya02
14 years ago
A compliment.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I've been told that myself by various favorites and I always take it as a compliment, although now that you brought it up, it could just be stripper shit.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
I think she is trying to tell you that she considers you different than the rest. May or may not be true. But even if it is true, look at what you're being compared with. lol
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
"nice guy" is, indeed, a euphemism strippers use for "PL".
avatar for StrongSilentttt
14 years ago
Compliment or kiss-off, either way you know where nice guys finish...

Much better to be the pushy asshole that got a BJ or the jerk that fucks her and gets his rocks off and leaves her hanging or the cheapskate that didn't spend any money on her even tho she treats him like a king!

Or maybe not, maybe having a stripper tell you that you're nice is a good thing because....
avatar for Slin
14 years ago
You should just smile and say 'thank you'. Enjoy the compliment even if it was just BS, but don't let it set you on the road of thinking you have a chance with a serious relationship with this girl.

I mean hell, I enjoy hearing a dancer in the club saying that I'm handsome even though I know it's SS...just enjoy the fantasy while you are in the club but don't let it affect you too much,.
avatar for mjx01
14 years ago
Both. Nice guys are PLs by definition. However, it is possible to be a PL and not be considered a nice guy. I'd say that nice guys are at the better end of the PL spectum compared to the pathetic but also repulsive.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Thats right up there with "you have a big dick"!
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
mjx01: "... compared to the pathetic but also repulsive."

Sounds like bad news for MisterGay.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
From a coming favorite, last evening, I got both "nice guy" and "mucho pinga". (sp?)

Super PL?
avatar for joeblow44
14 years ago
The vast majority of strippers think any guy that comes into a club is a PL. It doesn't matter if he is a nice guy or not. Just like most guys think the majority of strippers are money hungry ROBs. Isn't mutual respect grand! LOL.
avatar for robbing1
14 years ago
@steve, I don't get it. Aren't you veteran-ish enough to figure that out by yourself long time ago?
avatar for gk
14 years ago
LOL Shadowcat: "I think that's right up ther with 'you have a big dick.'" Absolutely.

But, it think it also could have been a real complement.
Here's the irony--check out any dancer's party life or even her personal life, and I don't think it's populated too much with the "nicest guy" types.
avatar for LeeH
14 years ago
Take it as a compliment. Even if it's SS, it's well-crafted SS. Not to counter shadowcat, but I think it's nowhere near "you have a big dick".

Two guys can want, expect, and receive the same amount of mileage, but go about in totally different ways. Would you rather be the asshole or the nice guy?

Besides, you said she's a fave. The next time she sees you in the club, and she's with another guy, she may very well give up on trying to hoover him faster so she can get over to see you. Isn't that a good thing?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago

Most dancers are treated like trash. Many guys use them for whatever they can get. The constant pressure to have sex, the groping, the drugs, the alcohol, all this gets to them after a while if they are anywhere close to normal.

So, yea, nice guys are a breath of fresh air. Enjoy the compliment, its probably true if you treat them with respect.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
To Clubber:

I have a couple of Latina favorites also. When they tell me I'm a nice guy AND I have a big dick I know I'm going to have one for the record books in the VIP that night. (Now if I only had that "mucho pinga" thing.)
avatar for jester214
14 years ago
Always assume anything they say is stripper shit, it's the only way to keep yourself grounded.

Now just because it's ss doesn't mean it's untrue.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"look at what you're being compared with."

Exactly, lol. That little caveat at the end, "in a strip club," puts a little different spin on it.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
Being the nicest guy in a strip club is like winning at the Special Olympics. It's nice but it doesn't mean much.
avatar for nengneng
14 years ago
Ha, I think my ATF said something even better.

She says I am probably the nicest guy she has ever met, not just nicest within SC customers.

But still, that's not a big achievement, according to pabloantonio's description of most dancers' life...
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
"Should I consider that a compliment, or the ultimate stamp of PL-dom?"

Better get a chastity belt for your wallet!!!
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Stripper are pretty retarded (I guess that won't be news to anyone except for txtittyfan and MisterGay). They treat "nice guys" the worst, and then complain how so few customers are nice to them.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
They can call me whatever they want as long as they give me good services...that's the only reason I go in there.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
I have never been lied to the extent that one ever claimed I had a BIG dick. I did have one call it "cute" once, and she cooed over it and kept saying, "Man, the places I could put this...."
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
Women consider "nice" a better compliment than men do. Men think "nice" means wimpy, and would rather be called a tough and dangerous bad-ass. When a dancer calls you nice, she means it in a good way and you should take as a positive.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
whatever "nice" might mean to them, when it comes to choosing who they're gonna lay for free, they usually choose some broke thug gangster wannabe looser and the nice guys usually finish last.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
"Nice" in a strip club equals "just friends" in civilian life.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Strippers often tell me what great eyes I have. I originally thought it was mere SS, but it must be true if it keeps happening, right?
avatar for jester214
14 years ago
^Do people who you don't pay money to get naked for you tell you that?

If so... yeah probably. If not...
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I remember one time a dancer called me a true gentleman and then I thought, I could have gotten a lot more mileage during the lap dance.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I'd rather be asked if I am a massage professional because I'm really good with my hands.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I've heard the "nice hands" or "soft hands" thing a few times. Not really sure what "nice" means in that case.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
I get the "soft hands" comment all the time. It just distinguishes you from the customers who have rough hands from doing manual labor.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
No dancer has ever called me a "nice" guy in a club. I have been called "scary" or "creepy". My wallet has received many, many compliments, however.

Apparently my wallet is of a sufficient size to obviate any "scariness" or "creepiness" that I project.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
As long they suck our dicks in the end, we shouldn't care what they think of us. Customers rule the game these days, not strippers.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"I get the "soft hands" comment all the time. It just distinguishes you from the customers who have rough hands from doing manual labor."

Did manual labor when I was young, have spent the last 30+ years avoiding doing any, lol, so also get the soft hands comments. I take it as a good sign, because it usually means I have my hands on them.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
She shouldn't be able to compliment you, her mouth should be full!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Amen, Realist123
avatar for kingcripple
14 years ago
Shadowcat, I have heard the "you have a big dick" line from one girl before. I laugh it off because i know it couldn't be further from the truth
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I wonder about the 'nice guy' stuff from time-to-time. There's so much conflicting info out there.

I do know that as a Mr. Nice Guy, I had a decent groove going with a hot Russian dancer over the course of a few club visits, with lengthy lap-sitting time while enjoying drinks and conversation, plus some semi-private and private LD room visits. In a club where extras are frequently doled out in LD rooms, she was fun but somewhat chaste. She wouldn't reach inside my pants or pull Mr. Happy out as many girls would do. Sometimes I've found I should just take the lead, and once I do, the girl in a sense has 'permission' to follow. So, putting aside my nice-guy hesitation, I did that in a gentle way by asking whether it'd be okay to pull out Mr. Happy and while asking, I pulled down the front of my elastic pants to release my very appreciative boner for her visual inspection.

Big mistake. She acted like I crossed an implied line of trust we'd developed. She backed up off my lap and said I needed to put him back in my pants. We seemed to recover okay, but I could tell the little connection we had had vanished. I haven't seen her since, but definitely miss the buzz we had, for it seemed she really appreciated the opportunity to alight on my lap when I was there, and not having to deal with the other low-life PLs who seem to pack the club. And she never took advantage of me by ordering high-priced drinks in excessive quantity. She just seemed content to sit and talk about anything and everything, all while I listened and gently felt up her nearly naked body. And she was a joy to hold and behold.

Oh well, nothing ventured, as they say.
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