
At least I was tactful...I think

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Monday, March 7, 2011 5:12 PM
Sitting at the bar last night waiting for my current fave, the resident fugly, R, sits down, and attempts to chat me up, knowing who I'm waiting for. The bartender, also knowing that I'm waiting for F, doesn't even bother to ask, but R eventually asks if I want to buy a drink. When I decline, she complains that nobody will buy her a drink but as soon as F walks out, they'll be falling all over themselves without her even asking (true, I've seen it). "You spend tons of money on her, but you won't even buy me one drink." Rather than voicing my real opinion, "why would I, or anyone in their right mind, want to spend time with a whiny fat cow with cum breath when hotties like F are around?", I instead took the high road: "If you have any self-esteem issues, I suggest you refrain from reflecting too closely on the potential reasons for that state of affairs." OK, maybe "high road" isn't the right term, but it felt good. The bartender was miffed at me. Not because I was wrong, but because "now I'll have to listen to her bitch about it all night." That's why they pay you the big bucks, babe.


  • gk
    13 years ago
    Some time you just have to lay it out there...
  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
    I've been in that situation more than once. I say, "It's my money and I get to spend it however I like." By talking about me instead of her, I avoid making the hurtful "fat cow" kinds of comments. But it does get rid of them.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    I usually tell them i'm broke, sure they find out i have money when i'm heading to the VIP with the girl i wanted but really, who cares? It worked and it got her to leave ;)
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    gmd - I had a similar problem, but in reverse. A chick came to talk w/me and maybe get a dance, but I told her no, as I was getting ready to leave. Well, a few minutes went by and I decided to stay for one more drink, which happened to include another LD from a favorite of mine I hadn't seen earlier in the evening. So, as I was leaving a bit later, the first girl sees me and gets all upset, yelling at me saying, "If you didn't want a dance, you could've just told me." I tried to explain and she even went more ballistic, yelling things like, "You lied to me," and perhaps the most hurtful, "You're NOT a nice man!" I couldn't believe I was getting caught up in this stripper drama and decided leave well enough alone by continuing out the door. I still sort of want to "set things right," but I'm thinking it's best not to worry about, and she'll probably forget anyway. I guess we're not going to please all the dancers all the time, no matter how gentlemanly we try to be.
    13 years ago
    Or, just move a seat away...
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Loud, whiny and ill mannered dancers just don't know or care to know that they are there to provide entertainment not headaches.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Once, I had to do this: "You're too short, fat, and ghetto, and I don't like you." She hasn't bothered me since.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I always tell them I'm interested & not in any hury for a dance.
  • how
    13 years ago
    "I came here to see ___. Maybe some other time."
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    You don't like the girls with cum breath?
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    I had this happen about a year ago in a Myrtle Beach club. I finally tried to be polite to her and said "you are not my type". I thought I was very tactful but this set her off big time. She started yelling at me and saying things like "you are certainly not my type" etc. When I could see this was going to go on for a while I decided to get up and leave. Much sooner than I wanted to leave, but the deal with her put me in a bad mood so i called it a night. Fortunately most girls will leave if you tell them you are not interested in a dance.
  • Lewis1975
    13 years ago
    There is no good solution to this problem.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    I often tell them I'm getting ready to go in a few minutes, and sometimes I even go to the bathroom. The girl disappears. This works quite often. If she comes back, I then say, I'm just not interested and am waiting for someone else and she's just not my type and suggest she talk with someone else who may be interested. I've even used the line, that's why God created chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, and someone else may be interested in her and she's wasting her time with me.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    lol gmd That was a pretty high-brow retort from you....you sure she even understood what it meant?
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "You're NOT a nice man!" Ouch, that's gotta hurt, lol.
  • mikewazowski
    13 years ago
    For those who find themselves in such jams... Girls making a scene like snowtime described... I ALWAYS, make sure to let the manager know that I am leaving. I was not intending to leave. I had my mind on spending money with (insert dancers' name(s) that you had your eye on) and that the sole reason I am leaving is because of the fugly bad attitude girl. Make sure management knows that these girls that are bad for business are losing them business right now.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    mike, Tried that once over a VIP trip, before it got started. The "manager" basically said, who cares and sided with the club. Problem is, I would still visit the club since I went to see one person, and still do. So I would say that your idea might work sometimes, but if it happens in a favorite club or in a town with few options, you would be "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Man, you guys need to emulate the *real* pro's: the politicians! What does a pol do when they are working the room and run across a mouthy SOB who just wants to scream at them? They smile, move on, turn their back, start talking to someone else, move to the other side of the room, slap somebody's back, buy somebody a drink. Defuse the stripper shit, don't engage in it.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "What does a pol do when they are working the room and run across a mouthy SOB who just wants to scream at them?" Have him tased and then dragged out? Sounds good.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    "At least I was tactful...I think" No you don't - lol. I'm fairly direct, so when I get this whiney crap I usually just tell them that I'm looking for something a bit different. The cost of the drink really doesn't bother me unless the club has "dancer drink prices" but I'd rather have the chair open for someone else.
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