why do dancers do this ?? tipped dancer on stage; she came over to my table to thank me; asked if I wanted lap dance; said yes; she said she would be right back after visiting the restroom to freshen up; never saw her again. not only did she not come back to my table, it appeared that she left the club.
last commentThe really good ones are masters at keeping all their plates spinning at the same time without anyone noticing. Your girl probably had a better offer come up (an OTC regular) or she made her tip-out and more and didn't need to stay. I had a fav once who had regulars that would pay the usual rates while I would be there for a short time but tip generously. She called me one day but had overbooked herself. I was there at the same time one of her other regulars was there. You should have seen her bouncing between the tables trying to keep us both satisfied. A slick line of SS!
simple answer..
Maybe she was intimidated by your nickname?
Maybe she got High in the Bathroom, wait I'm sure she got high in the bathroom and zoom zoom zoom Space cadet.
Being "independent contractors" they can service whoever they so choose.
Bottomline: what you should be happy with is you still have your money, to spend on whoever & whenever you so choose.
Bathrooms are for getting high?
And they don't care. There will be some other guy waving his money around when they come back. (Well, until they get to old.)
dumb bitch is playing hard to get with you.
I have also heard excuses of they were busy with a phone call.
deogol makes a good point. It is like working in a gold mine to them. They are so arrogant they figure they could make money off any customer in the place especially if it is an upscale club.
That is why I always use my perspiration and stick a C-Note to my forehead. Nobody says "Pathetic Loser" like Uncle Benjamin.
i have never had this problem. i always figure the old adage about strippers being money hungry was true. i honestly think this never happened. just me though. a stripper isnt gonna pass up an oppertunity to take your damn money
Because they do, they know there is money whereever they want it, and just because they say they'll come back, well, it's typical SS.
There's billions of wish in the sea, and even if you get upset and leave, there's three more to talk your place. At least b
I've got even wierder situations I've pulled out a wad of cash (that's the wad that they want to shoot!) clearly showing benjamins, and tipped a 5er and ask them to join me for a dance and they never show up... those few occasions just make me shake my head.... most of the time the girl nearly orgasms when she's banjamins, on those few occasions I chalked it up to money saved for another day...
I recently tipped a girl on stage and around the third time while I was tipping she asked if I wanted a lapper. I said sure, plain and simple. She gets off stage and said she had to tell her friend where she was going (throughout the night I saw her walking around with what seemed to be a newbie dancer). She goes to where newbie is sitting with a customer she was talking to earlier. Sits down on custies lap and in the next 15 minutes I see her glance over a few times to see if I'm still sitting there. Eventually I said screw it and just got dances elsewhere. When I finally left, made sure to walk by her table while counting a stack of the $$ I had left.
It's been more than 7-8 years since I had a stripper pull that crap with me. Ten years ago, when strippers pulled that crap with me, I learned not to put my eggs in one basket. I remember the last time it happened (Trophy Club) the stripper disappeared and a while later, a better offer happened. The disappearing stripper returned and was ticked to find another girl in my lap.
uscue13: "When I finally left, made sure to walk by her table while counting a stack of the $$ I had left."
And then got mugged in the parking lot. ;-) I'd sooner pull out Mr Happy in the middle of a SC than my wad of money.
As to the OP:
Some are stupid
Some are trying to keep more plates spinning than they're capable of
Some got hit up for a 2-hour VIP between the stage and you
Some are drunk off their ass, but hide it well, except for the occasional total brain shutdown
No show no go
OTC regular, boyfriend called, drugs or boredom. Any of those things will trump coming back to you.
Because they can.
To add to LeeH's list:
I don't care if they don't show up...I'll just grab the next girl that interests me. I have enough "loyalty" in daily life and don't really use it when it comes to clubs or dancers.
... because she was a stripper.
dont try to figure it out.
I've seen this happen a lot too. Sometimes it's a bad attention span. But most times they've got--regulars, big spenders, whales, getting high, smoke break or just have too many laps on the runway and can't take off with you. You need clearance from the Tower. Forget'em.
But then again, if you spoke the right language, maybe she would be right over. I'm sure she speaks Green.