SC/Civilian life crossove

BaddJack's comment in another thread reminded me of a similar one a few months back. My wife and I were in a local fast food place for lunch, and a very nicely shaped girl in a mini-skirt and tank top was in front of us digging through her purse for the last part of what she owed. After a few minutes of watching her fruitlessly searching, I pulled out the leftovers I had and gave her the two she needed. She looked embarrassed, but took them with a "thank you".
Before I could even open my mouth for a response, my wife pipes up with, "Don't worry about it, he likes giving singles to pretty girls." The poor girl turned as red as anyone I've ever seen, and the counter staff was disabled for a few minutes.
My wife apologized to her; she'd meant it as a dig against me and wasn't trying to embarrass her.
last commentMy most serious crossover was nearly thirty years ago when the younger, hotter sister of a college girlfriend came out on stage. Being young, I was, of course, sitting ringside.
She recognized me, sat down on the stage and started catching me up with news about her sister. Weird.
I think I am in love with your wife, goergmicrodong.
when i'm in a regular bar i sometimes without thinking tip a female bartender by sticking a buck in her top between her cleaveage. i've received smiles or embarassed looks from them, none have ever been pissed by my way of tipping.
My 2 yo grand daughter running around the living room naked.
Me to grand daughter: Are you going to dance at the Cheetah?
Grand daughter to mom: Dancing Cheetah
Mom to me: Thanks a lot dad!
Years ago at the grocery store check out, I am paying with a stack of "Ones." My college student daughter pipes up and says "Dad, you were saving those for Sunshine at the club!" Where she got the information or the nerve are both beyond me.
To shadowcat:are you talking about cheetah lounge in Atlanta? Why I couldn't find your review for that?
BTW, I think that place is expensive, though pretty upscale.
This is the best topic of today! Funny to read the talk between you guys and your (grand) daughters!
I was at a bar and when I tipped the waitress, I folded the dollar in half.
neng, yes I was refering to the Atlanta Cheetah. I visited it once and did a review several years ago. Good for eye candy but that is all. I have no desire to ever go back.
In college I dated a twin. Her twin had had a short wild life before being made to come home (long story). One night, my twin was having trouble getting in her house (lost her keys). While Janet went to check doors and windows,I returned to the car for tools (in case they were needed). As I got to the front door I saw lights coming on in the house. Thinking Janet had got in, I stood at the door. The door opened and it was Renee-completely naked. Instead of covering herself and running off, she stood there and smiled. Janet's voice chimed in from the kitchen and then the father's voice "What's going on out there ?" Reneee said "Uh-oh" and ran off.
I ended up being invited in. It was an awkward evening.
Had to address the initials HJ yesterday while with a client. I got it right the first time by caught myself about to say hand job the second time... that would've been a major no-no.
I keep running into this woman at a convenience store who has a stripper look about her, nice body, certain type of jewelry, a modest piercing---I swear she's a dancer but I can't place her. I have to stop myself from starring at her tryhing to figure out where I've seen her before (if at all). In a way,she gives me the same kind of look. But the funniest thing about these encounters is--she has a teenage daughter tagging along all the time who looks like a dancer intern.
I know a guy whose initials are BBB and he is a "Jr"
BBB? Billy Bob Brown?
When I was in MN on business I went to a club the night before I was to visit the customer's site. First day and I'm giving a short seminar to all the young upcoming professionals and front-and-center is Cotton Candy looking TERRIFIED. I'm fairly sure I looked even worse for a moment.
I regularly see, as customers at French Quarter drugstores, the dancers and wait-staff whom I recognize from seeing them during their work at Bourbon Street (and nearby) strip clubs.