
Was I setup?

Monday, March 21, 2011 2:22 AM
Met a girl the other night at a club, who gave me excellent dances, very cute, my type, and offered me for outside the club. I indicated I was interested and took her number. I met her again at the club later in the week and we setup a date. I go to show up, and she backs out. She calls me the next day and asked if I can come now. I agreed, and met her outside her hotel. We go inside, chat a little, and she goes over the rules. I agreed and gave her the agreed amount. We chat a little more and someone knocks at the door. I was a bit concerned, stood up, and moved closer to the door. She opened the door and let a middle aged man and woman in. I don't think she even looked through the peep hole. He comes in, competely ignoring me, and plopped down on the bed. I was like WTF. Still ignoring me, he told my girl to go grab towels from housekeeping, just outside. As my girl when out, I quickly followed. Out of sight, I asked her if I should leave and if so I wanted my you know what back. Her reply: that's my dad, he may leave in a few minutes. I said I'll go wait in my car... call me when he's gone. So I wait in my car, with it running for a fast exit. After a few minutes, her dad and his old lady come outside and then go back in. Immediately I get a message from my girl that I should leave now, he's gonna get mad. I left and haven't heard from her since. My question, Was I setup? I don't see how it was anything but that.


  • sinclair
    13 years ago
  • troop
    13 years ago
    lesson #1, don't pay in advance! more lessons to follow. (let em rip guys)
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    RE: lesson #1, don't pay in advance! Looks like I learned that one the hard way.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    It sounds like a gypsy (Romany) setup. $$$$ to learn a lesson :(
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    I know what gypsies are, but not of a gypsy or Romany setup. Did what I say describe it exactly?
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Good Lord!! What if that guy was her father? How sick would that be?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Yep!!! As troop noted: NEVER PAY IN ADVANCE!!
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    Yeah, never pay in advance. Lucky you didn't get rolled.
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    Yea you were set up. Forget this girl and find a new club. I have only had OTC with girls I had spent over a year building a relationship with. ITC is different, ITC's are spontaneous and sometimes you never hookup with them again. Both are paid for at the end of the date.
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    The thing that makes me confident I was setup, was that her dad completely ignored me. Almost like I wasn't even there. If it wasn't a setup, he would have asked who the f are you. I'm not that pissed about the money... more thankful that I learned and only paid money for it.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    OP: "Was I setup?" No, duh!
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    Mistake #1... paid in advance Mistake #2... did not meet at HIS hotel Mistake #2.5. not suspicious of dancer having a hotel room... As has been stated in other discussions, never meet her at HER place... too many ways something can go wrong. (setup, boy friend/husband) Always meet somewhere on YOUR terms, preferably a neutral, safe area. BigJason: I don't know how much you paid up-fron, but thankfully you weren't jumped / rolled, or worse. It's an expensive lesson, but at least you are okay.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    Er... thanks for sharing the experience, which is very illustrative. BTW, I think this is not the worst setup——it's better to have the father show up than husband/boyfriend...
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    You have to ask???
  • jackoff
    13 years ago
    DougS Hit these right on the head! Mistake #1... paid in advance Mistake #2... did not meet at HIS hotel Mistake #2.5. not suspicious of dancer having a hotel room... You are lucky, you only lost the money you gave her! I would of had to have gone back to the club to see if she is still working there. They might be running this scam/rob on 3 or 4 guys a day. Then onto the next town. You actually should right a review here (and other review boards) of what happened at that club. Yes naming and describing the girl etc... It might actually save someone from the same thing or even worse.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i seriously doubt the middle aged guy was really her dad btw.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Yeah sounds like you were lucky that the only thing you lost was your money.
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    I'm considering chating with her at the club. However, she told me that she got fired for being naughty with another cusomter in VIP. She said she moved to another club, but I can't find it. Then she talked about another club that I know of, and said it had changed it's name. She's probably just trying to throw me off. I may go to the origional club just to see, and then try the other one if not at the first. Of course, I have her cell number but I don't think that will work if she's trying to avoid me. Who knows... If I find her, I'll demand dances in compensation for what I lost. The dances she origionally gave were very good.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    You talked to her after this happened??!!
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    No, haven't talked to her. I could call or text, but that would be ignored if what I think happened. I decided she would call me to explain if what happened was by accident and she wants my business in the future.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    If you just met her shes never going to talk to you again. Unless she thinks you're stupid. I dont think you are, some girls are lying users.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    BigJason: I've had dancers rip me off before. Just accept your losses and cut her off altogether. Forget about trying get things back to fair. You probably had a flashing red neon "S" written on your head to begin with, if you go back to her you will still have it, but this time there will be sirens added. She will try and rip you off again. Unless you have experience one upping criminals/want to get into that game, just get the fuck out.
  • BigJason2008
    13 years ago
    I don't think she'll call, but if she does it will be interesting what is said. I don't think she'll temp me this time.
  • mikewazowski
    13 years ago
    Personally, I'd have walked back into the room with her, walked up to her "dad" and cold-cocked the son-of-a-bitch, kneeled on his chest and proceded to pummel his face, explaining, "Daddy's world of hurt will stop as soon as you give me my money back and then I'll be gone." If they are stupid enough to try to call the cops, you're only response from their questioning and, eventually, on the stand in court is, "She invited me to her room and then there was a knock on the door and she let this guy in and he told me he wanted my money. I feared for my life and defended myself." A man can cheat himself out of a lot of pussy by not going into these sorts of possible set-ups. He just has to be prepared for the day they happen and deal with it. The scumbags who do this are cowards. They don't expect you to put up a fight. In a quarter-century of pay-for-play, I've had this happen to me only three times. Each was dealt with in a similar situation to what I described you needed to have done.
    13 years ago
    Against them is somehow, with some ID they rented the room, and 2) you could get the plate and car description just grab a seat near the hotel office to watch them / wait them out. Depending on how visible you are, maybe "Dad" sends your gal back over to find out why your're loitering about and you can then try to negotiate the return of your dough. If "Dad" comes over, he likely has a rap sheet (so meander back towards the office) but with this small-time hustle, doesn't want any trouble. Then you can find out (mildly speaking) how desperate he is to hold onto your dough (most of us wouldn't want to push that desperation scenario, but you may luck out with a cat you can out flank...) Another option is to tell the manager on duty there's something strange going on in room (whatever it is). If it's a reputable place they'll take an interest. If it isn't, then lesson learned: avoid the cheap dive motels for fear they may take your kidneys... [And as far as this being worthy advice, remember "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."]
  • TommyMoney
    13 years ago
    Sheesh. MikeWaz's beatdowns and CTQ's amateur stealthiness are way too prosaic. You need to think BIG & BOLD for payback on this one, so I suggest you immediately talk to Nathan Ford and enlist the services of him and his crew: [view link]
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    If everything occurred as described in the original post, BigJason2008, you MUST find a new hobby forthwith.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I've got a few bridges for sale, BigJason2008 :)
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    vince, I am always looking for new investment opportunities. Let's talk about your offerings.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    vince, What the hell are you doing at this ungodly hour, anyway? It is approaching the lunch hour here but it must surely be very early on the east coast.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Art, I think VM is part rooster or is that cock?
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Sounds like an organized setup. These scams have been going in around Detroit for years and have, on a few occasions, ended in murder. You're lucky to be alive. Drop her and move. There are plenty of hot dancers around who are not running criminal scams--like that one.
  • gk
    13 years ago
    Everybody's right but has given rules 1.1 and beyond, forgetting to mention the most important rule of all. Here's rule 1.0 Do research or get references so you don't fuck a "stranger."
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Ah, yeah, set-up, conned, taken, bilked, cheated, duped, bamboozled, tricked, rooked, hornswoggled, flimflammed, swindled and hoodwinked.
  • Vegeta1on1
    13 years ago
    Set-up all the way.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    This is one of the classics - boyfriend, father, etc., shows up after you pay her. Chalk this one up to tuition. Don't be too hard on yourself. Many of the guys on this board sound like seasoned pros now, but many of us have made at least a few tuition payments along the way. The lesson learned here is NEVER pay a dancer in advance for OTC. If she is serious about it then she will take payment after the fact. If a dancer absolutely insists on payment upfront, even after you have some club experience with her, then the odds are good that she intends to con you and your best bet is just to walk away.
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    MikeW / CTQ: I like both your ideas, the only downside is, I wouldn't be surprised if "Dad" has a gun.. bustin in like that is too ballsie not to have a weapon. I'm guessin' any resistance probably would've been met with somethin' worse than losin' your money! RickDugan: Yowza! I LIKE that new profile pic of yours! Very nice taste! (feel free to PM any info about her or where you found that pic - or post it here, if you don't mind the off topic posting)
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