what do you do when a dancer is obviously drunk? I'm not talking about just being buzzed but so plastered that she is out of control. had drunk dancer a club try to get me to take her to VIP by promising anything and everything that I wanted. Not the type of guy who is going to take advantage of someone in that condition. club bouncers just seemed to ignore her behavior.
last commentWhat to do?
Politely step aside for the type of guy who WILL take advantage of someone in that condition, lol.
I wouldn't do that if i were you ...unless you want vomit on your cock.
I agree with Steve. The SC is no place for morality. Most of the dancers are hammered by midnight anyway.
I fucked a drunk stripper in VIP a few months back. However, the situation was a little unique in that we had a mutual acquaintance that I had also previously fucked (brought up by her, not me) and the dancer also mentioned that she sometimes did 2 girl OTC with our mutual acquaintance. Net-net, I knew that the alcohol was not driving her offer.
But even had I not known that this girl already had a p4p track record, am I her father? When the fuck did I become the hall monitor for a grown adult?
Now obviously I'm not going to fuck a girl that is senseless or straight up passed out, but if I had to cross off every girl that has had too much to drink from my to-be-fucked list then I'd probably have to trim my OTC and ITC pussy down by about 1/2.
Anything you want, this is still a free country.
There's a difference between just being drink and not being able to make a choice or perform. I would avoid the latter and be choosy about the former, avoiding it when if the signals are bad.
Just remove yourself from someone you don't want to be with. Otherwise have fun, just be able to live with yourself later.
I agree that alcohol removes some inhabitions but when they get so get so fucked up that they cannot be understood, then the fun stops.
There's nothing worse than having to babysit a drunk. If she was THAT bad off, I'd move on to the next girl. But if she still had her faculties about her....maybe she could blow on my breathalizer tube!
Is there a greater chance a drunk dancer miscounts the number of laps in your favor??? [I've usually avoided the train wrecks for fear of Poor Lapper Performance (PLP)].
I take it any way I can get it.
I wouldn't do it - probably does it a lot
Very recently, I saw a dancer that was so drunk she was shmoozing the crowd wearing less than the local ordinances require, and I am quite certain that she did not realize how bare she was.
She wobbled and weaved between the tables, and propositioned guys for parking lot extras in a language that was almost English.
Then, her song hit the Jukebox. She negotiated the steps to the stage perfectly, danced two songs, and began the wobble and weave as soon as the songs were over.
Muscle memory?
Would a drunk dancer later claim rape?
a sober dancer or any non-dancer can claim rape even when nothing has happened. that seems to be one of those guilty until proven innocent items, and i would guess that it's often hard to prove innocence.