Sitting at the tip rail, killing some time in an unfamiliar club. Hot dancer comes on, very popular. I tip her the standard $1 a song, but other guys are tipping her lots more. One guy keeps tossing singles onto the stage, until there's a little pile at her feet. So I'm surprised that when she finishes on stage she makes a beeline for my seat and asks to join me.
Intrigued, I ask why she skipped over the guys that were tipping her more. She smiles and says, "I can tell you're the kind of guy who likes to have fun in the LD room." I ask how she can tell, and she replies, "oh, you just have the look. "
Older looking guy who looks like might have some money. Pays some attention to dancers on-stage. Shirt pulled out of pants/shorts. Black pants/shorts. The look.
59, I had a pair or sweat pants where the one pocket had a huge hole. Direct access into the boxers. I told the dancer about it and was able to have a good time. But some clubs don't allow sweat pants. On previous post I talked about a dancer using the tails of the shirt to hide Mr. Happy after she unzipped and unbuttoned me.
As far as the look: if you don't look too damn eager, but are sincerely appreciative during the stage tip, then they can tell. I've seen the guys trying to show their money, but the business casual guys with a little gray swoop in and usually make the big score. I just got my AARP card, so maybe now I can get some of the benefits?
Actually, be on the lookout for when she does her "look". If she is a really good stripper, they can have a way of checking out the customers in subtle ways. She may be looking back at you when she is laying in front of the guy across the stage. She may go back to the mirrored wall and face away from the crowd but be looking at you in the reflection. It's a skill that you need to develop kind of like a cornerback--where is the quarterback looking? If the girl is looking at you and you miss it, you do deserve to miss out. But if she is catching a quick look at you and you catch it and return it, you are golden. Or she is. Depends on how you look at it.
you may also be miss reading her quick approach to you. She may be cashing in on the patrons looking for just a dance or two and figures after you are all out of the way the big spender is good for some VIP time. Just a thought. Hate to burst your bubble but have seen it happen.
I'd assume that the guys throwing handfuls of ones almost never get lapdances. They're spending their money out in the open for everyone to see, thinking that they look rich for spending $10 or $20. They probably don't have any twenties left. The dancers know that the guys tipping a buck or two are saving their money for the lapdance room (a guy who's going to get lapdances doesn't want to spend $20 at the stage, when that would've paid for another lapper).
Jeez - now I'm rethinking one of my basic strategies: get the attention of the girl on stage by giving her a five or a ten. Maybe it's best to give her a single and tell her that anything else you spend on her will be in the ladance room.
I had a girl walk up to me and she told me that she knew I was hot for her. I hadn't tipped her or even said much to me, so I asked her how she knew.... She told me that it was in my 3 eyes. The two I see with and the third one in my pants! She then put her hand down on my groin and said let's go...... I'm sure it the standard stripper BS line, but I was hot for her and was thinking of seeing if I could flag her down anyway. Right after she said "let's go" Off we went for a 4 song dance set. I finished happily and left to go on my way...
I get this too. And I don't understand it. I am not much to look at. I don't dress in a flashy manner. I don't have franklins plastered to my body. I am not an ostentatious tipper but I do always tip the stage dancers.
But, I am often the first guy approached for action when the girls come off stage. Something is going on that I have yet to figure out.
The guys that sit around the stage building little things with creased dollar bills, throwing wadded-up dollar bills at the dancer thinking they can hit her sex hole and the rainmakers are a special breed of SC patron.
Recently I've noticed a number of younger patrons who paper the stage, but are one and done in the lap dance area. I've had some popular ladies lock on to the fact that I'm not one and done if I'm nicely entertained. My view is she knows what's available to her from her regular customer and Steve offers the chance to do much better with her time!
Maybe we look all "business?" Whatever that is. But I do know that making it "rain" at the stage is not the sign of a VIP player. However, it does identify someone with ego who wants the spotlight on him for everybody to see, not just the dancer.
So maybe it's the look of confidence or maturity vs. the look of an asshole.
Steve: I was at PT's this past Saturday when I saw a couple of young bloods pulling the rain stunt on a dancer, so I decided to try an experiment.
The stage was crowded, so I situated myself in a seat past which she would have to go on her way to the dressing room and waited. She stopped to pick up her precipitation, probably about a hundred bucks, and talked to the two guys who'd done it. When she was done, I heard them ask her for a dance or two, and her give the SSS (standard SS) line about being right back, whereupon I caught her eye, beckoned her over, and gave her my $5 bill, saying, "Sorry, it was too crowded around the stage. Good show." She smiled, broadly, and gave me the same SSS line, and walked up the stairs to the DR.
When she came back down, she completely bypassed her two benefactors, and came over and sat in my lap. The looks on their faces was priceless, and even moreso when we got up to to the LD area. The dances good too. :)
last commentAs far as the look: if you don't look too damn eager, but are sincerely appreciative during the stage tip, then they can tell. I've seen the guys trying to show their money, but the business casual guys with a little gray swoop in and usually make the big score. I just got my AARP card, so maybe now I can get some of the benefits?
But, I am often the first guy approached for action when the girls come off stage. Something is going on that I have yet to figure out.
So maybe it's the look of confidence or maturity vs. the look of an asshole.
The stage was crowded, so I situated myself in a seat past which she would have to go on her way to the dressing room and waited. She stopped to pick up her precipitation, probably about a hundred bucks, and talked to the two guys who'd done it. When she was done, I heard them ask her for a dance or two, and her give the SSS (standard SS) line about being right back, whereupon I caught her eye, beckoned her over, and gave her my $5 bill, saying, "Sorry, it was too crowded around the stage. Good show." She smiled, broadly, and gave me the same SSS line, and walked up the stairs to the DR.
When she came back down, she completely bypassed her two benefactors, and came over and sat in my lap. The looks on their faces was priceless, and even moreso when we got up to to the LD area. The dances good too. :)