Club banned my fav

So my fav had some run-in with management and got banned from the club. (We met up OTC instead).
Has this happened to you? If so, how did things turn out?
Would you continue to see her strictly OTC?
If she moved to a new club, would you follow her?
last commentSee her OTC as much as possible for as cheap as possible, an out of work dancer is a desperate dancer
Oh, realist, you're a cold bastard. But a smart one, too.
It might add something to know why she was banned. A fav of mine got banned one time. After some time I found out there had been a nasty hair-pulling battle royale between two dancers. There were some accusations flying about. Maybe about extras. Real or perceived. Turns out maybe she should have been banned.
The problem is that the OTC might spoil you so that if she went to a low mileage club your transition may be too much of a jolt. Like going from driving in the Daytona 500 and then driving the family car in the church parking lot with the windows rolled down. Not the same.
FAV was banned. Other dancers in the club told me that she was using drugs in the club, using the club to line up regular OTC and sitting in on conversations other dancers were having with regulars to steal them away. I was aware of her stealing regulars. The other stuff was news to me. I followed her. She got fired from two other clubs. I stopped trying to connect with her and moved on.
The dumbass that owned Tiffany's (here in Atlanta) banned all female dancers by turning it into a male-dancer club. I followed my 2 faves from Tiffany's to another club.
Said dumbass owns another male-dancer club 1/4 mile away. Tiffany's went back to female dancers after 3 months, which was probably 89 days after it became evident that this was a bad business move.
In some clubs the managers are even bigger cocksuckers than the strippers.
i've had faves just quit dancing or move on to another club. i don't recall one getting canned.
Girls are like buses, miss one, next fifteen, one comin'
Realist is dead-on. Help a girl out and see her OTC twice as often, for half price.
LL, even if she does go to another club that frowns on extras, doesn't mean she won't be available for OTC...and may still need to since earning potential is down without ITC tips.
As we were saying our goodbye's, dancer said, "now don't be shy about calling me to meet you - remember I'm unemployed."
Just then I felt a sharp pain in my wallet, lol.
-One time the ban lasted a year.
-One time a dancer friend was literally shuttling back and forth between two clubs-- when she wore out her welcome at one, she moved back to the other. And this back and forth happened several times.
These things seem to happen more often than not and the discretion is usually forgiven over time, after all, there are only so many in the labor pool and if someone is good at the job (i.e. bringing in customers and selling drinks), that's what counts the most.
3)Yes, I'v e followed a fav and an ATF to another club. But it does tend to split your loyalties. I found myself not exzactly abanddoning the original place.
At my favorite club doing XTRAS will get you suspended. Doing DRUGS will get you banned. A couple of year back a favorite got banned for using heroine ITC. I found out that she had moved to another club, so I went there to find her. She really appreciated me looking her up. I mean REALLY appreciated.
I had one get suspended for a couple of weeks. I was able to parlay that into a really neat OTC adventure with me taking her out to dinner and then to another club.
Now I had previously been doing OTC with her for months, but was never been able to get her out on a full night adventure despite repeated attempts. However, once her income dropped to 0 her enthusiasm for the idea suddenly blossomed. ;)
Never really had a favorite, so this has never happened to me.
But I remember the very FIRST time I was EVER in a strip club the guy I was with (his first trip, too) fell "in live" with a dancer that got fired that night. She had a long and profane yelling match with the manager and she changed, came to our table and asked my buddy if he would drive her home.
Oops. I was driving.
ALL of my alarm whistles started going off and I told my buddy he could have my car, take her home and I would walk home from the club (maybe 15 minutes--I used to be young and in better shape).
Upshot? He got the shit kicked out of him in the parking lot by the manager for being nice to the girl that just got fired. He bled all over the hood of my WHITE car. And it was sweet, too: a '71 Gremlin X.
There is a funny eliplogue to this tale, but it is off topic.
YIKES, BaddJack. I'm glad it wasn't you that got the shit kicked out of you. Too bad about the car. LOL
As far as the 3 questions. (1) Yes, I just went to the club she worked next. (2) No, unfortunately. (3) See # 1
An old favorite got banned from her old club. It was the type club that fined the dancers for being late, leaving early, etc. She had to take her kid to the doctor and the club fined her $100, which she had to pay before she could come back to work. On the way to the club with the $, she evidently had a change of heart and never went back. I found out she went to another club and I guess you could say I followed her there. About a year later, we started the otc thing and although I haven't seen her now in over a year, I consider her a friend. She's now out of the biz btw.
Has this happened to you? No.
Would you continue to see her strictly OTC? Yes... assuming the reason why she was fired is not a deal breaker.
If she moved to a new club, would you follow her? In theory, yes. In reality, probablly not considering there is only one club near where I live.
Can they do this? I think there should be a Congressional investigation!
Yeah, Clubber is right. Look what happened to Fannie Fox !! LOL
1 no
2 no
3 no
what were the questions again?
Just before I left Canada for my winter vacation my actions with a dancer in an Alberta SC got her black-listed for six months. I felt severe guilt pangs and cut her a cheque to cover the lost income.
Pathetic, I know; but I have been receiving the most salacious e-mails from her while I have been away. When I get back to Canada I will find out if she has been "playing" me. I sure hope not - she was one of my SC OTC 3 Stars! (Apologies to Hockey Night In Canada.)
Damned farmer, you DID cut the check. You discussed it before but I never saw the resolution. Well fuck it - good for you. I hope that investment returns some dividends. ;)
To some, dropping a grand on a dancer might just be like me giving them a $1 tip. Money certainly has different "values" to each of us.
I know I should be drummed out of tuscl for that pathetic display.
Apart from guilt I did have another motive. I am getting back into my old business in May and will no longer have the time to hunt for satisfaction touring SCs. It would be very convenient to have this lady available for the occasional romp. She is a very energetic, jolly partner.
I've had several girls over the years call to tell me they have changed clubs, moved, fired, quit etc... and would I come to the new club to see them. I always have taken this as easy opening for OTC. I have to make it clear that OTC to me is sex. I don't need LD's outside of a club. I really only go to clubs because I feel like it's a great big fishbowl of take out NSA partners.
My first ATF (there's an oxymoron!) quit the club to join the Army Reserves. She had it figured out that she'd pay for college and law school that way. Little did she know the U.S. would get tangled up in Afghanistan and zoom! Her unit shipped out to the desert. It did end up well for her. She finished her tour, finished college and law school, and even found a soldier to marry. My experience with her taught me that not all strippers that say they're going to college or law school are just giving off stripper shit.