Sound Familiar ?

Below is a description of a bordello in the once Roman city of Pompeii. I've never been there (but I'd like to go). Anyway, the description sounds familiar to me and it should to SC fans. So, how far have we come ? Is the circle just coming around again ?
last commentThe ancient Romans also loved to display erotic artifacts, with everything from lamps to garden statuary.
Pompeii housed 41 places of prostitution and a public brothel in the middle of town, a two-story structure with five cubicles -- sparse tiny, narrow rooms -- on each floor containing erotic frescos. One, recreated at the exhibition, has graffiti on the wall that translates to: "Here I came, I had sex, then I went home." It's discretely tucked away behind other exhibits.
Venni, vitti, fuckee? Or something like that. Don't quote me on Latin, maybe I'm parodying the wrong phrase.
I learned about the famous "I came, I saw, I conquered" phrase, never learned about the "I came, I saw, I fucked" phrase. Funny.
"public brothel in the middle of town"
Why can't all cities be like this?
^^^^^ Because most cities don't want to be covered in molten lava and ash... :)
LOL georg, you gotta figure that pompeii should have learned it's lesson from sodom and gomorrah ;)
Vidi, vici, veni
I read somewhere that the reasons for those frescoes wasn't to "stimulate" the customers, it was because there were so many people passing through the port of Pompeii who didn't speak Latin (and still wanted to get laid) that they put them up so the non-Latin speakers could just pointed to what 'service' they wanted. nice way to add to the bottom line.
The HBO series "Rome" and Showtime's "Spartacus" have good depictions of Roman sexual practices.
I saw a documentary on Roman brothel. One interesting fact is the prices of services are the same as they are today, accounting for inflation and purchasing power.
I saw, I paid, I came, I went.
here is mmdv26's suggestion:
Vidi, pensi, veni, exiti.
exiti ?? Maybe not.