Front Room8 yrs agocrazyjoeColoradoBanned from flying for life!
Front Room8 yrs agoJuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken HeadsWeb cam girls are high end escortsI've been on some web cam sites the last 48 hours and have discovered it's like the strip club. Difference being of course no real contact. Just visual and conversation. Just like strippers…
Front Room8 yrs agoJuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken HeadsIf your not on my free cam then your missing outI've been having a blast in the comment section with these bitches lol
Front Room8 yrs agoDancer_IllinoisNew England clubsHi guys, it's been a while.:) It's been super slow in my city so I was looking for any other destinations in the North East. I get that it's summer and it's supposed…
Front Room8 yrs agoStripperheelsGirl asked me for 200 dollarsMy friend she's a cool girl she just moved away to Vegas but I told her I go to strip clubs and I'm nice to the girls cause she knows I'm a…
Front Room8 yrs agogoldmongerATLThe Square Above Charlie WeaverDumb Real World Questions Strippers AskI had a girl ask me if she could write off her apartment on her taxes. I eagerly asked if she took customers there. She said she didn't, but she had to…
Front Room8 yrs agoDominic77Cleveland, OhioOT: Jim Brown, G.O.A.T.? Yes or No.In honor of Jim Brown winning his court battle with EA over his unauthorized likeness in the Madden video game to the tune of a $600K settlement (and in honor of Cleveland…
Front Room8 yrs agoJohnSmith69layin low but staying high Is this just a coincidence?That two of the best US cities for strip clubs are rated as the two worst cities in the country?
Front Room8 yrs agoImamuttTips for writing reviewsSelf explanatory. I just might do this. Sorry, Shailynn, none of the clubs I visit has a stamp collectors' corner.
Front Room8 yrs agoTheBarbarianAll overWhy I love Follies:Part 1Made my first after noon visit to Follies. While the atmosphere was completely different, I could appreciate the club equally for different reasons. Needless to say, I ran into a girl who worked…
Front Room8 yrs agoKatanahollywoodThe old Squire.Does anyone remember any of the girls? Their Stage names?
Front Room8 yrs agoGoVikingsFloyd Mayweather sends $20K tax bill to strip clubFor all of the money that Floyd Mayweather makes, the retired boxer is always trying to find a way to make sure he’s taking advantage of every tax break possible. In what…
Front Room8 yrs agoJuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken HeadsFree Web Cam ad on tusclNot going to lie. I do have a account and I have been playing around with these bitches. At first I entertaining the idea just because of the ad and we'll it's…
Front Room8 yrs agovincemichaelsDetroitOn the bitchOK, Papi, here's your wish. LOL Time on top, under, behind and any old way you want it. What's your favorite sex position, guys and gals?
Front Room8 yrs agoshadowcatAtlanta suburbMore trouble for the Greenville Platinum Plus.GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) - A prosecutor wants a judge to close a Greenville strip club for another six-month period and send the owner to jail because it did not follow a deal…
Front Room8 yrs agodeogolMichiganTYT: Opinion on latest Texas prostitution stingSorry I cannot share the link, as facebook likes to gobble up videos but not allow sharing outside of facebook. Anyhow, The Young Turks, a pretty professional show, pointed out that anti-prostitution is…
Front Room8 yrs agoImamuttStarlight69Some customers are real gentlemen who know how to treat women right, we even wash our hands, brush our teeth, shower, shave, and wear clean clothes. Some of us even have…
Front Room8 yrs agogeorgmicrodongJust a fat, creepy old pervert.OT: Titty dropNow *this* is a titty drop.
Front Room8 yrs agoJackFrost9Do you guys believe in spirits of the dead visiting you in your dreams ? I ask because I after both parents died I was visited by them a week or so after their deaths. I also find other spirits seem to be reaching out to…
Front Room8 yrs agolarryfishermanCalifornia Mixed race strippersI have the opinion that mixed race women are the best looking women. They have the best of both worlds so to speak. That being said, what are some of the best looking…
Front Room8 yrs agoricktheturtleAn African turtle, originally from Zanzibar, heading straight for the white women...I can help you StarLight69I just came over to visit my vulture and he told me that a troubled female hairless ape just posted here. Aah...yup I just wanted to tell Miss StarLight that the council of…
Front Room8 yrs agominnowAny place that interests me.OT: Buddy Ryan , RIP"Some say the 46 is just an eight man front." "That's like saying Marilyn Monroe is just a girl." I wouldn't be surprised if somebody made the second sentence part…