
Peace is possible, do we have to kill everone here ??

So the guns are loaded for the shootout in November, I am the last person to restrain anyone's First Amendment's rights, I hope we all can get along to some extent for the next few months.


  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    I'm all for peace Vince my man, but we're got a lot of America hatin' pro-Putin varmints postin' on the ol' "bored" and they NEED to be called out fer their traitorous ways!

    Just remember, a vote fer the Trumpster is a vote to say do svidaniya to our constitution. Hell, Putin will make us give up KFC and apple pie too! And he'll have Russian thugs go around the country slappin' our sainted memaws an' rapin' our daughters!

    So don't tell me to get along. Tell the anti-American traitors that want good patriotic memaws to be slapped and our pure-as-the-driven-snow daughters to be raped to get along!

    Why do the conservadudes want that? Why?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Putin's alleged role in the DNC email hacking incident is prime reason to ensure the better choice is made. I don't honestly know that I can support either of the 2.
  • rl27
    8 years ago
    No just our enemies.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^we wouldn't have many enemies if not for the republicans.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    There is the world we see, the world we are told about, and the world there is. Kind of like clubs. The choice is deciding which version of the world you are most comfortable with, and whether or not the world you live in day-to-day matches up with it. There is enough territory and resources for all nations and people to share on this planet, but humanity wants what it wants.
  • bang69
    8 years ago
    I'm ready for the shoot out. The UN has me out gunned. I will be riddled full of bullet holes. But it will be a remembered fight in my family. NEVER SURENDER YOUR GUNS!!!!!
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Dem's are just making up excuses to distract. Forget all the Bernie protesters, it's the Russians hacking that is the real issue. Right. Sarcasm.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Michele just gave a rousing speech. Pity she isn't running for President.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Yes she did. Now Warren is telling us what is wrong with America and how Hillary will fix it. This is after 8 years of Obama rule. What a joke.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I actually disagree with Liz Warren on bankruptcy. She is rong. No one is under moral obligation to pay back debts. None. That's some stupid protestant (Quaker?) work ethic thing. No. No one is under moral obligation to pay back debts. That's why the lenders take on risk and why the lenders charge interest. Not all debts can be repaid. The system allows for that. Some need to be forgiven, even Trump's debts.

    Liz Warren is rong.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Bernie's giving a pretty self-serving speech (so far). Disappointed. Classless, IMO. This isn't the Sanders' convention.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    OP: It's probably a good idea to keep some guns and ammo for the inevitable day when all hell breaks loose and the shit hits the fan. Never a bad idea to be prepared. :)
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yep, I've got my Kalashikov oiled and ready !! Bring it !! LOL
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Vote for Hillary: Reset with Russia (loss); 21 million earned from speeches to Wall Street, contents undisclosed (loss), 31,200 emails deleted, because they sold us out for more cash for the Clinton crime family (loss), supports illehals staying here (loss), Black Lies Matter supporter (loss), I look at the democratic party and I see failures, losers and those who earn a living off both groups, making them worse. Vote Gary Johnson.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Juice for Prez ! Chacken fangers in every pot !!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I agree with Skibum, except for voting libertarian. I also believe you have a moral obligation to pay back debt, but bankruptcy can relieve you of your legal obligation. That's my biggest problem with Trump: he is amoral, whereas the Clintons are immoral. It's a very nuanced and subjective view (as are statements about moral obligations), and you may disagree as many will.
    Chessmaster and zipman's blind, hateful statements are the unfortunate proof that some people are too ignorant to have meaningful debates. Even though VM and I may disagree on politics, we can agree that political debate is possible without emulating the personal and destructive attacks of the candidates. As for any of these conflicts turning into a shooting war; while the hipsters and millenials have been out catching imaginary pocket monsters, I have been at the shooting range and sharpening my Bowie knives.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @Dominic77: So you don't think breaking promises is immoral? You don't believe that defrauding someone into giving you several thousand dollars by agreeing to pay it back, and then refusing to actually pay it back is immoral?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I would be a horrible gun owner, which is why I've never owned one. I would shoot either myself, or a loved one by accident. Perhaps on purpose.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Guns are a tricky possession, one needs to control them. I have mine for personal protection, I'm not out for blood.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Vince, 99% of gun owners are not out for blood. They own them for self defense, collecting, target shooting and other sporting uses. They've never threatened or shot anyone and have no intention of doing that except in a last resort defensive situation. It's mostly the 1% or so that in many cases can't legally own guns and don't follow laws anyway that politicians use as a reason to ban guns from the other 99%.
    And yes things are getting testy around here regarding many discussions.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Juice has talked with his underground confederate army, navy and air Force. It is time for the south to rise again to take back this great land and regain or wealth and slaves and to concur the rest of North America starting with Mexico then Canada of course after we win this Second Civil War
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    With God Almighty on our side the South shall be Great Again
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    It's a rocky road with gun control. Keeping legal guns in sane hands is the challenge.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Damn Yankees !!! The South will rise again !!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    TheeOSU, I totally agree with you.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Actually, the only southern revolution will be a race war.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Why do you hate America Tittyfag? Don't you know how homosexuals are treated in Russia?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    To Dominic77- if you don't believe that any one has a moral obligation to repay a debt that was undertaken willingly and with full disclosure remind me never to do business with you or any others who feel the same way. The fact is Trump stiffed many small business people over a long period of time intentionally and duped investors and consumers that attempted to purchase products and services makes him unfit to be our next president more so than anything else. Who in their right mind would trade with the USA if there were to be a leader in government that doesn't believe in the phrase "the full faith and credit of the United States of America" that would be the end of our economy Drop mike!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    No twentyfive, no mic drop. You are one of the useful idiots who too closely correlates the presidency with the US government. We are also voting for senators and congressman who will be needed to keep president Trump in check. I write "President Trump" since a second president Clinton is a future too horrible to imagine. Checks and balances, my friend, although I would not expect a zombie liberal like you to understand the concept.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The credit system is sort of strange. I don't honor all promises the same way. I see the way "some" creditors treat people and it's sort of "they drew first blood" IMO. I don't have a problem honoring promises when I feel the agreement is fair or was in good faith. From where I sit not all creditors are playing nice (or fair).

    Many of creditors and banks aren't very nice people. Some of them stack the odds heavily in their favor. Ideally I shouldn't do business with groups like that. So I don't get involved with credit agreements that I feel are unfair, which I avoid anymore. I've learned my lesson. Many of the drawn up credit agreements are pretty predatory at times with interest rate hikes and fees in the fine print. I hate it when they use the fine print to change the deal. I understand that was part of the agreement but it still feels like usury (to me that unfair but the world thinks it's OK).

    I have no problem honoring fair agreements. I just see the odd stacked in favor of the guy on the other side of the table. I find agreements with the "little guy" to typically be more fair or quid pro quo that those that wall street or large corporations draw up. So I always honor the little guy or the individual when I can. And I have. I just gets hard to be motivated to think that way your writing (and I get it) when you work and struggle and don't ever get ahead while someone is siphoning all what little gains you have away. Technically business is business and it's fair but it sure doesn't *FEEL* fair. I just really feel like a few corporations are unfairly (IMO) siphoning money away from working people in the form of interest and fees while providing little societal value in return. "Rent seeking behavior." Yay for capitalism but only when you have capital. :(

    It's sort of the saying "wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep." I feel like all of you guys are the successful "wolves" of the world because I see all the success you guys have (spending $$ on strippers) all the while I feel like the prey or the sheep. I want to emulate you guys. I really do.

    I just see lots of people bending the rules and getting very rich in the process so one gets into the mindset that is "the way it works."
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I just really thought with you guys being so pro-capitalist and you are competing very aggressively to get as much wealth as you can. I am just really frustrated with the system right now and have been called "too nice" and "too liberal" so I'm just trying to figure things out. There has to be more to life than just working and paying bills. I see lots of GOP supporters "cheating" so I'm wondering if all free-market supporters cheat and just spin a nice a nice veneer about it. I'm glad to see you guys are appauled. Good. What the right way forward? I'm flexible.

    Maybe I should try to emulate juice and budget a lifestyle on $10K/yr.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I'm just at the cross roads in my life where I'm willing to cheat to get ahead, if, and only if, that that *only* way to do it. I'd rather not, if I can. I have a wife counting on me. I'd like to give her more than we currently have.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    History and current events clearly demonstrate that democrat party members and supporters cheat far more often and far more brazenly than conservatives and true Republicans.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Donald Trump is neither conservative nor a true Republican. He is a RINO : Republican In Name Only. He is a lifelong democrat, a liberal, and a DNC supporter and contributor. But he ain't Hillary.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I sort of agree with gammanu and with the OP.

    Only a moderate with both right and left leanings will ever be able to broker compromise across the aisle. Far right candidates enrage the left and far left candidates enrage the right. We've had too many years (decades) of rage across the aisle with no action or solution to the real problems facing this country (nee, this world).

    America is weakened during federal pissing matches. Just look at the last 16 years. All that happens is everyone gets covered in piss.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Dominic I'm glad to see that you understand that there is a morally correct way to do business. Being a small business operator myself over many years I have had my fair share of losses, to less scrupulous business people, (eventually I have gotten even with many of them) but I have treated each one as a learning opportunity as a result I have had more than my fair share of success.
    One thing I will share with you is if you are not comfortable with a contract do not bind yourself to it. That means reading the fine print and boilerplate which is in most contracts and be sure that your understanding is the same as the person you are engaging with. That means striking items with which you do not want,or agree with that is how a negotiation works. Additionally you should not do business with any one, ever, if any time you don't feel that the terms protect you as much as the other party. Never engage in a contract with out being represented the same as the other guy (if he needs an attorney so do you). Also don't be afraid to walk if the terms don't suit your needs. Lots of guys and gals cheat on both sides of the aisle but you don't have to participate. Some times even with the best of intentions things go awry best thing to do is step back take a breath and try again.
    One last and most important thing to remember if you do get snookered choose the way you get even wisely (getting into a lawsuit with a guy that has a battery of attorneys working on his behalf is foolhardy) and remember my fathers favorite saying "Time wounds all heels".
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I hear ya, I've taken my losses dealing with unscrupulous lawyer types. I learned to have my attorney present for all deals to catch the crap some of these guys sneak in their contracts.
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