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In a brilliant place!
joined Feb 2015last seen Sep 2019
Just being positive and living a brilliant life! It's all aces!

Discussions started by 4got2wipe

Comments made by 4got2wipe

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6 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Religion: The practice of training your mind to ignore evidence, logic, and reas
First things first: brilliant trolling CJKent! Who could possibly predict that disrespecting religion would get a response? ;) Second, I’m going to push back on Papi_Chulo’s comment that it takes as much or more faith to believe in the Big Bang and evolution as it takes to believe in religion. Come on. Both of those theories are believed by huge numbers of scientists who have literally devoted their lives to studying the details of the issue. Religion is based on faith without evidence. Science is never 100% certain but when there is strong consensus I think it takes a lot of misplaced faith in your own understanding of the issues to reject it outright. No disrespect, but that strikes me as Dunning-Kruger on steroids! Besides, one of the first proponents of the Big Bang (before it was even called the Big Bang) was Georges Lemaître, a Catholic priest. I read an interesting biography of him and he actually anticipated a major role for the cosmological constant in his work, something for which there is now evidence. Regarding evolution, one of the founders of the modern synthesis (Theodosius Dobzansky) was an Eastern Orthodox believer. So if you want to say “I don’t understand the details but that scientists who spend their lives studying this in detail probably have the majority of ideas right, but I also choose to have faith in God” then brilliant. Some scientists believe the same thing, many are atheists. But if you start declaring the scientists wrong I’ll say you have misplaced faith! Third, I’m beginning to think that skibum609 is trolling a lot more than I originally thought. After all, I’ve never heard AOC say anything about religion and I don’t think she’s an atheist. Why bring her up? Either you’re trolling or you’re actually attracted to AOC and constant obsession with her reflects your attraction. Do you have a big poster of AOC that would look like a Pollock under a black light? We’re a bunch of weirdo deviants here so I’m sure we won’t judge. ;)
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Sex on the Beach: Don’t Bother!
Brilliant post reverendhornibastard!
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6 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged
Also, don’t forget that the prosecutor is now our secretary of labor. He should also get punished for making a way too lenient deal and basically not doing his job. Not criminal punishment, but this was an egregious enough fuck up that I don’t think he should be rewarded with a cabinet position.
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6 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged
I suspect Epstein will get a fairly severe punishment this time. That said, I’m of two minds about this. Rather than just joking around, as I typically like to do, I’m going to be totally serious. Here is the thing: it is clear that Epstein is a creep. There is way to much smoke for there not to be a blazing inferno. I have no sympathy for a him. Therefore, I’d like to see him get as much time as possible. That said, I think this comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy. Before any of TUSCL’s resident legal experts chime in I recognize that there are often many ways around the double jeopardy issue. I don’t know the details in the Epstein case but I’m sure prosecutors think they can get him. I also said “comes close to violating the spirit of double jeopardy” because it is clear the the federal prosecutor in this case made a sweetheart deal. That was fucked up. But what about the next guy where things are less clearly a federal prosecutor giving a fucked up sweetheart deal. This could be a dangerous path for us to go down. Sometimes guilty people get less punishment than they should because the system protects innocent people. Or it should protect the innocent. So be careful what you wish for.
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6 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Her tits are too BIG!
shadowcat, did you at least tell Big Boobs McGee (which is what I sincerely hope she calls herself) to wait on the breast reduction until her boobs start to sag? At least let some other folks enjoy her BBTs (big brilliant tits)!