Joined Feb, 2015
Last Seen Sep, 2019
Front Room
6 years ago
The fundamental skibum609 question, or “Patrol Boy revisited”
Here’s what I don’t get about skibum609: why does he care?
It is rational to care about things that are going wrong if they are potentially fixable. But if something is...
Front Room
6 years ago
You’re the type of guys that like steak but don’t want to confront the reality t
Paraphrasing from the chief Rick himself: https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=67415
I’ll bite on this, because it has high entertainment potential. I have so many questions:
How many people think rickdugan likes to go to the...
Front Room
6 years ago
What is up with “juiced” in the glossary?
I noticed the word “juiced” in the glossary and assumed it would have something to do with juicebox69.
I can’t picture saying that “I got juiced” if a stripper took...
Front Room
6 years ago
OT: I want to become a Bill’s fan!
Apparently there are girls in the audience that give random guys handjobs!
Brilliant stuff!...
Front Room
6 years ago
Is the guy that is jacking it in the gym to the yoga pants girl a TUSCL poster?
I think it is flagooner. He may claim to be an older conservative gentleman, but he is actually much younger and he has AOC posters that he jacks off onto....
Front Room
6 years ago
When you ask a girl to hold your beer and she gives it 110%
Brilliant idea: let’s ask Nicole1994 to post a photo of herself holding a beer just like this! ;)...
Front Room
6 years ago
I think this may be the first 2AMer I’ve seen before anybody else!
Brilliant idea: this girl should move to Gilligan’s island and strip in the club there!...
Front Room
6 years ago
Discussions not visible until you log in: anti-trolling measure? Will it be effe
I wonder why founder has made it so you can only see discussions after logging in. Is it an anti-trolling measure?
If so, I’m not sure it will discourage various forms...
Front Room
6 years ago
Picking up where Countryman5434 left off! What is rimjob in Spanish?
Since Countryman5434 says he will no longer post I’m going to ask a Tijuana question!
What is rimjob in Spanish? Is it something literal like “lame mi culo?” Surely the Mexicans...
Front Room
6 years ago
I love a good rick fight in the morning!
Was anybody else amused by the rickdugan thread where he wished everybody a happy Easter but still managed to sound like a dick?
Whatever else you say about the guy, he...
Front Room
6 years ago
4got joke ahead, snowflakes avoid
Frank is talking to his neighbor, Arnold. Frank says, “Arnie, do you like girls who have a stomach that sticks all of the way out so it is almost like...
Front Room
6 years ago
R. Kelly = not brilliant! But Dave Chappelle doing an R. Kelly imitation = brill
Front Room
6 years ago
There is one constant on TUSCL!
If you click sort by last comment and look for the first thread with more than 50 comments the first one (which is not too far down) is:
Quelle surprise: a...
Front Room
6 years ago
This is what happens when a TUSCL poster is hired as a teacher!
Front Room
6 years ago
Things have changed!
You spend a little time away from the board and now there are discussion rooms. Brilliant idea! Let’s see if this decreases the complaining about trolling!
I’m betting it will, at...
Front Room
6 years ago
flagooner = verified fruitcup connoisseur
I’m not sure whether or not this is OT but it’s true! ;)...
Front Room
6 years ago
Which TUSCL poster is this?
We have an answer to the question “what does a retarded pervert visiting the convenience store look like?” It is not brilliant!...
Front Room
6 years ago
More crazy strip club stories: make TUSCL brilliant again!
I was reluctant to use the title for fear that half the replies would be MAGA fans reporting how they jacked off in response to the title, but it strikes...
Front Room
6 years ago
Who is Dougster? Speculations (and accusations?)
On another thread twentyfive asserted that Dougster is still here. If so, what do you think his current alias is?
Here is my opinion regarding Dougster: the guy went way too...
Front Room
6 years ago
Does anybody else think georgmicrodong and Nicole1994 would be funnier if they a
WWJD? = What would juicebox69 do?
Why do folks complain about juicebox69? I mean really, I used to think georgmicrodong was a weirdo that was so bothered by trolling that he...
Front Room
7 years ago
Man ignores signs of cancer and his penis falls off
If I have learned one thing from TUSCL it is that Listermint would have solved this problem. Dip your dick in Listermint and all is right with the world!
Listermint =...
Front Room
7 years ago
All of the people complaining about Nicole1994 trolling us are missing something
I think she like to eat cheesecake after weirdo perverts jizz on it!
Front Room
7 years ago
My theory about MackTruck
There are people on TUSCL who are not exactly what they seem to be. The most common pattern is guys pretending to be strippers.
But in the case of MackTruck I...
Front Room
7 years ago
Was this a juicebox69 sighting in SoCal?
juicebox69, stealing the guy's margarita and using his hot tub without an invitation = non-brilliant!
Or maybe this wasn't juicebox69. Perhaps it was one of the ricks! ;)...