Pop quiz for conservadude hot shots...why are you so fucking anti-American?

avatar for zipman68
Okay, this is for the "I don't think I could take Hillary appointing supreme court justices" or "I know that Hillary had Webb Hubbell's first cousin's dog walker killed because he knew to much about Bill Clinton's affairs" conservadudes.

Who is the ol' Trumpster beholdin' too?

Hint. Trump is beholdin' to a older fella that likes to go shirtless. Tittyfag probably swoons when he goes shirtless because Tittyfag may want you to THINK he's pretendin' to be gay, but Tittyfag actually is attracted to the fellers. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Need another hint? The Trumpster be beholdin' to Vladimir Putin.

So if you STILL want to vote against Hillary just remember you're voting to make America into a new client state of Russia. Just listen to Trump saying he may not live up to NATO commitments. And praising ol' Vlad every chance he has. Not to mention the fact that American banks have the good sense not to bankroll "the King of Debt" while Russians are still willing to get in bed with him. To the tune of more than $600 million.

So thanks a lot to you conservadudes for BETRAYING YOUR COUNTRY! As a patriotic AMERICAN I plan to put AMERICA before Russia!


last comment
Weeeeeeee haaaaaaaawwwwww
Alas Juicebro, 'tis hard to give a hearty WEEE-YAWWW!!! when there are so many anti-American traitors posting on the board.

Just remember, if Trump is elected he'll declare America to be a province of Russia on 21 January 2017. Then Putin will outlaw KFC because it is run by a Colonel in a foreign army, the Kentucky Colonels

Do you want KFC to be band? Where will you get lube for you sexual escapades? How will you find drumsticks suitable to sodomize strippers with?

You'll see why I just don't feel like sayin' WEEE-YAWWW!!! Too many damn traitors on this bored!
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, are KGB agents.You can't get these ignorant, communist conservatie to see it.Ted Cruz , Marco Rubio also planted Cuban Communist cells.
Throwback, you serious?
The liberals must be really frightened of Donald J. Trump to be spewing this garbage. Hildebeast and Bubba are well and truly in bed with the Russians, the Chinese, and now the Arabians. That is documented fact.
You're dam right I'm serious. Where do you think Trump received his info on Cruz dad involvement with JFK assassination, (Putin) KGB. Putin is the only one that can heal the rift between Trump and Cruz. Lil Rubio has already fallen in line. Watch those South Florida communist Cuban re elect him. The bottom line Cruz mastermind a shut down of our Federal Government. It was a KGB hit. Putin know our military is more powerful than Russia. So a economic hit was ordered . The Republican nomination was promise to him for that. Trump put his ass in a trick. And just think the ignorant right wing in this country was shouting SHUT IT DOWN.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
^ Insane and nearly incoherent. What is your native language, Throwback? And what time do they give you Internet access at the asylum?
avatar for aks451
9 years ago
Trump is in this for himself, period. Evangelicals are backing a thrice married, casino wning, beauty pageant producing flip flopper on abortion. So called "taxed enough already" free marketeers are backing a protectionist who wants to raise taxes (tarrifs) on imports, thinking that will force the chinese to buy american toilet paper...or whatever. The guy is not a true conservative, not a social conservative, and not a supporter of free trade. He makes a living by reneging on contracts and saying "so sue me." He will dump the republican agenda the minute he steps into office and govern by poll numbers. He will NOT build a fucking wall because he needs cheap labor to change the linens at his resorts. Or he'll keep the mexicans out but import poles and czechs and slavs, just like he did when he built all those high rises on the west side of manhattan. And his proposals to fuck NATO (Think of all those weapons contracts going to russia, china, and european competitors) and start closing bases really ought to rankle pro-defense industry hawks.

These folks are so utterly anti-hillary that they can't see they're jumping into bed with a guy who will literally say anything that helps him win, and win some more by screwing everyone he does business with.

I'm no fan of hillary, but at least she's bought and paid for by wall street. She'll keep the stock market rolling in exchange for some more socialized medicine, who gives a fuck? Between medicare, medicaid, hhs, phs and the VA a huge portion of our health system is socialized anyway. How many conservatives are calling to privatize the VA? Don't they want the best for vets? And Is it really such a horrid communist plot to insure a few million more sick people who can't work?

Shit guys, I'll back anyone who will take the market to 16 or 17,000. From what Trump is proposing, he will make every short seller and every dollar dumper a billionaire as long as they invest in and enjoy themselves at a trump resort. Who wants to bet he'll start renting out the Lincoln bedroom on day 1?
Deuce what is your native language ?
I'm of the belief, without any factual support, that Trump really doesn't want to be president in the usual sense we might expect. I think he's in this for two reasons: (1) the ego gratification of getting the job. It's the biggest public prize in the U.S. and etches your name in history; (2) access to classified information that he can use to make investments in things we don't know about to grow the Trump Organization for his children. He will serve one term and leave, taking all of the information and contacts that he can get to make deals as a former president. I am stunned that the media has not asked questions about Trump letting his children have such authority and power over key decisions already. They may be nice people, but they have no track record of achievement outside of daddy's business. What qualifications do they have to weigh in on the selection or retention of the campaign manager, the V.P. nominee or the structure of a transition team? They will be running the day-to-day operation of the executive branch of the U.S. government while The Donald flies around putting together deals for post-presidential future.

Think about all of the amazing and wonderful technological developments since the end of WWII. If you had inside information that these things were coming on line, you could corner the market and multiply your investments beyond all imagination. (I vaguely recall that the first hard contact lens was a secret experiment to correct vision in a damaged cornea--by researchers in Eastern Europe.) The movie, "Back to the Future, II" was a fantasy about Biff getting rich because he knew the outcomes of sporting events and bet accordingly.

Genetic engineering, solar powered airplanes, life extension drugs, replacement of damaged body parts, driverless cars were once secrets and are now being developed in the public domain. What might be going on that only the NSA and CIA know about. Trump wants to corner the market on the next big thing. He needs to get a sure fire thing that works, given his business track record. Being POTUS will give access to the information on secret research on the next big thing.
Hey Zipman you're a fucking moron. Russia has gone nuts with the sackless Obama and the cunt Hillary running things. God I fucking hate progressives.
Skibum makes a solid point, again, and something the democrat party lives to ignore. After eight years of Obamas feckless incompetence Russia is more aggressive than at any point since the early 80s USSR. China is the strongest and more aggressive than at any point in history. The middle east as a whole is in greater turmoil and more anti-US than since the Israel short wars. Afghanistan and Iraq are more violent and unliveable than even Bush's wars were ongoing. Global terrorism has surged to unprecedented levels. More radical Islamic terror attacks have occurred in the United States in Barry's two terms than the entire prior history of the US. Finally, Barry has accumulated more national debt in eight years, than all previous presidents combined. Hillary will be more of this. She has a demonstrated track record of failure. Zero accomplishments. Zero successes. Making Wasserman her campaign chair proves that she is the worst leader and a prime example of crony capitalism. Is Trump a prize? Hell no. Do I want him to be president? Hell no. Do i think he will be less dangerous to the nation than Hillary? Hell yes. I'll be voting against Hillary. PS: A third party vote is a vote for Hillary.
avatar for crsm27
9 years ago
Gammanu95..... great points.

The funny thing any democrate will say about the debt that Obama has had during his term they will say was GW Bush's fault.... sad thing is that they don't realize that the housing crash and aftermath was first started by bills that Mr. Bill Clinton put in effect!!!! Also stuff other Dem's pushed through office..... Dodd Frank bills.... But again lets not look at facts.

Now I agree Trump is not a good canidate. I say he is like Ventura when he ran for Gov. in MN. He is a novelty and wont do shit to "make 'merica great". He is just saying what people want to hear because they are fed up with everything. He is also in it for himself. To be honest once he is in office he will have a hard time getting what he is saying done. I mean a lot of the stuff has to pass the house and senate. You think these fuckers who have their pockets lined by lobbiests will do a damn thing to hurt their gravy train.... hell no.

Now Hillary scares me. Like Skibum said.... her forgien policy sucked... she let people get killed in bengazi.... etc. She is even more socialist than Obama....

I mean our choices are a turd sandwich....and a douche. You can decided which one is which... HAHA.

And you are correct... and third party vote is a vote for Hillary.

You can tell by both conventions that both of the "appointed" choices a vast majority in the partys don't like.
Trump is a self serving asshole.

Bernie is a CAREER politician who doesn't understand economics and won't even answer questions about how socialism has crippled countries.

Hillary is the biggest piece of shit of them all and how anyone could possibly vote for her with her past and the fact if she was not her, and was almost any other gvt employee would be in jail due to the whole server deal is beyond
Understanding. Damn phone.
Ime my man, you're just buying into Russian propaganda. Colin Powell did the same thing with emails. The Russians just want Trump. You're what they call a "useful idiot".

I'm a proud American. I won't let people like you sell us out to Russia.
I think it is safe to say that anyone with the gall to run for President has to have giant balls of steel. It is the ultimate ego-feeding arrogant career move of all time. Who else imagines himself (or herself) the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.

The economy did well under Bill Clinton. He also got welfare under control. I'm not sure Hillary will have the same positive effects as WJC. Hillary has indicated the intent to continue BHO's vision and agenda.

The country (and the world) has foundered under BHO. Virtually nothing is better than it was 8 years ago. Nothing. Not race relations. Not domestic security. Not international security. Not standards of living. Not wage inflation relative to cost of living. Not the deficit. Not crime in urban areas. Not poverty. Not social security solvency. Nothing.

Trump is absolutely in it for the ego rush of winning. Then again, he was the loudest voice railing against BHO questioning his birth certificate and his citizenship nearly 8 years ago.

Once again, our choice is the lesser of two evils. Whoever said they would choose an uninformed douche over a career liar got it right. Before being elected, they said Reagan would kill the country. Reagan surrounded himself with solid advisors and he turned out to be one of the most effective Presidents of the last 50 years.

By a nose, I think we are best served by Trump and hope he surrounds himself with lots of wisdom and has the foresight to know what he doesn't know.
Zipman you need to back on hiatus. You are still a faggot and an idiot. Go find some other dweebs to speak klingon with.
ime, sigh, Klingon stuff is just for entertainment. I recognize that Klingons aren't real. You seem smart enough to grasp that, unlike some people.

Alas, you aren't smart enough that you're rollin' out the RED carpet for Putin! If your side wins I for one will escape the new iron curtain and gather together a ragtag group of rebels that will make America safe for memaws once again.

You'll be cryin' 'cos Putin will take your guns and put you in a camp. When my rebel forces liberate your camp I'll have two words for you:

"You're welcome!"

And two sounds:

And by the way, callin' me a faggot is really mature. Just sayin'
Which side is mine?
I notice that many of us are using documented facts and logic to argue against Hillary: Whereas the children arguing against Trump are using lies, libel, and childish insults. That tells us everything we need to know.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
@Pension wrote: "By a nose, I think we are best served by Trump and hope he surrounds himself with lots of wisdom and has the foresight to know what he doesn't know."
Good luck with that. There's no evidence that he has any curiosity about understanding complex issues, and no evidence that he values any opinion other than his own. On balance this guy has no conscience, no empathy, no sense of shame bullshitting and lying.

How you could call it for Trump "by a nose" is utterly beyond me.

avatar for crsm27
9 years ago
Zipman..... YOu say putin will invade and take our guns......and what do you think Hillary wants to do???

Here is something for you....
"Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

Mass shootings in Newtown, Aurora, and Tucson have demonstrated all too clearly the need to regulate military-style assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines. These weapons allow a gunman to fire a large number of rounds quickly and without having to reload.

What the bill does:

The legislation bans the sale, transfer, manufacturing and importation of:
All semiautomatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine and have at least one military feature: pistol grip; forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or threaded barrel.
All semiautomatic pistols that can accept a detachable magazine and have at least one military feature: threaded barrel; second pistol grip; barrel shroud; capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip; or semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm.
All semiautomatic rifles and handguns that have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.
All semiautomatic shotguns that have a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; pistol grip; fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 5 rounds; ability to accept a detachable magazine; forward grip; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; or shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
All ammunition feeding devices (magazines, strips, and drums) capable of accepting more than 10 rounds."

Now are two pictures of one of the most popular brands of .22 caliber hunting rifle out there. This is one people buy kids to start shooting sports and hunting small game with.

Ruger 10/22.

Basic Model:

Now considered an Assault Weapon:

Only difference is in the picture it has a telescoping stock and pistol grip stock. The first picture that same gun can accomidate a 25 round magazine. The only difference is cosmetic. Yep... that is the bill Mrs. Clinton and others want back in force plus with more added restrictions.

So who is really more of a threat to take peoples guns..... a forgein invader who will have to get through our military.... or a president? Remember this "ban and law" was in effect back in 1994!!!!
Every side is bad. The conservatives just talk about how bad the liberals are, the liberals just talk about how bad the conservatives are, instead of coming together to make America a better place. Politics is a joke.
@Random -- I declare my vote for Trump by a narrow margin because that is how I see it today. I am curious for the debates and am glad the election is over 3 months away. Based on my observations and the facts as they are presented, I may change my position between now and November.

I do not share your view of Trump. I see him as more of a well-intended ego-maniac whose positions are not fully well informed. As someone who has never held public office, he is as well informed as anyone in a similar position might be expected to be. That is what makes him an attractive "outsider". His independent wealth means he owes no favors to any special interest. I find that attractive. He is not stupid. I do not see him as evil.

I have voted for Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Gore, McCain, et al. Yeah, I am one of those -- objective and beholden to no one.

It seems to me that anyone that can declare loudly and profoundly for either Trump or Clinton at this early stage cannot reasonably be seen as either moderate or independent and are ranting in favor of their far right or far left leanings as they would in the case of ANY candidate proposed by their party of choice.

I think (and hope) this will finally be one of those presidential elections where the choices are not so clear cut. We shall see . . .
avatar for crsm27
9 years ago
larry...... you are 100% correct.....and that is what is wrong with this country's politics right now.

I have said this time and time again.......

This is what elected officials don't get today. If they vote on "party lines" they are already voting against 60% of the nation. No matter if they are dem's or rep's. Those two parties make up about 80% of the nation combined. With each roughly 40%. So why not govern for the whole nation not just 40% of it!!!

So to be honest coming every election. I look into how the incumbent voted (house and senate).... if they only voted party lines..... they are worthless IMHO. No matter if they are Rep or Dems. Because they are just being sheep and don't care about the nation....they only care about themselves.

Because there are good bills that are purposed by both parties..... yet some only vote on party lines no matter what.
+1 larry and crsm
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