I think most of them on there y'all haven't heard. Most of the songs on there are available for free download! 2016 is the year of P-Nemesis. Let's gooooooo!
txtittyfag's comments are why I don't throw my music in people's faces in TUSCAL. People who pay money to see us seem to like us. The last thing I need is comments from the Peanut Gallery, and I suggest Clackport do the same if he's upset that not everyone is in to what he's trying to do.
Clack port in all honesty some not all of your Shit sounds good
Work in different flows for different songs....the same flow for ever song gets hard to listen to
Keep at it...the more you create and hustle...the more you can handle your balls getting busted the better and stronger artist you will be because of it
Lots of people and record companies hated the Beatles after all. You do your thing, listen, but trust your own muse. That being said, I wouldn't use TUSCAL as a sounding board for anything truly important outside of dealing with strippers.
last commentShe hurt me so bad is my favorite
I go buy WetNap
Got a club song I'm going to magic City with the DJ can't deny this fire on this mix tape of mine
It's called "busting in my pant's"
Clack port in all honesty some not all of your Shit sounds good
Work in different flows for different songs....the same flow for ever song gets hard to listen to
Keep at it...the more you create and hustle...the more you can handle your balls getting busted the better and stronger artist you will be because of it